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Social Studies 9.  Unit 5 focuses on the legislation and issues surrounding immigration to Canada. The unit addresses in detail: ◦ The various classes.

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1 Social Studies 9

2  Unit 5 focuses on the legislation and issues surrounding immigration to Canada. The unit addresses in detail: ◦ The various classes of immigrants to Canada ◦ Past and present legislation guiding immigration ◦ First Nations and Francophone responses to immigration ◦ The role of the provinces in accepting immigrants

3  All immigrants to Canada can be divided into four main classes: ◦ Economic Immigrants—skilled workers and businesspeople that immigrate to Canada specifically to join the workforce. (55% in 2006) ◦ Refugees—people who are escaping persecution, torture, or cruel and unusual punishment in their country of origin or residence. (13%, 2006) ◦ Family class—close relatives of people living in Canada. (28%, 2006) ◦ Other—those accepted under special circumstances. (4%, 2006)

4  Canada accepts and encourages foreign citizens to come to Canada specifically to join our workforce for several reasons: ◦ Canadian birth and death rates are relatively aligned— meaning that in the coming decades, birth and death rates will be roughly equal (0% population growth) ◦ Similarly, the number of people entering the workforce will roughly equal the number retiring in the near future ◦ Canada has made a commitment to ensuring and advancing multiculturalism in our nation  The above factors make it clear that Canada’s economy may not be able to compete in the international market in the future without alternate sources for its labour force.

5  In order to successfully immigrate to Canada under the Economic Class, a person must “pass” a points-based questionnaire that assesses how suitable a person is to enter the workforce in Canada. The exam includes questions related to: ◦ Education and training ◦ Work experience ◦ Written and spoken fluency in English and/or French ◦ Connections (work or family) in Canada  In addition to qualifying according to the points system, an economic immigrant must prove that he/she is of sound mental and physical health, and has no criminal record

6  Immigration in Canada is currently guided by the Immigration & Refugee Protection Act (2002). ◦ The act includes a dedication to advancing multiculturalism, economic benefits, social benefits, and families and communities in Canada. It also includes a commitment to protecting humanitarian ideals by accepting refugees from all over the world.  2002’s IRPA includes several differences from prior immigrant legislation: ◦ Constant acceptance of refugees ◦ A lack of discriminatory policy (Past: Chinese Head Tax, wartime “preferential” ethnic groups, quotas for “undesirable” immigrants)

7  First Nations communities ◦ Belief that promoting immigration from other parts of the world marginalizes First Nations communities and reservations. Rather than committing funds and resources to recruiting immigrants to the workforce, the government should make more appropriate use of its First Nation population in the work force  Francophone communities ◦ Call for increased number of Francophone immigrants to strengthen Francophone communities in (and outside of Quebec)

8  Provincial Nomination Program ◦ Allows provinces to nominate the percentage of annual economic immigrants they would like to receive (based on business and industry needs) ◦ Despite this program, the majority of immigrants settle in Toronto, Montreal, or Vancouver (over 60%)  Canada-Quebec Accord ◦ Allows Quebec to nominate a proportionally-larger percentage of immigrants to Canada ◦ Encourages Francophone immigrants to settle in Francophone communities (and attend French- speaking schools) in Quebec

9  Accord  Demographics  Immigration  Labour force growth  Refugee

10  How do the various units and aspects of Canadian society contribute to and strengthen Canadian society? ◦ The federal government ◦ The justice system ◦ Collective and individual rights and freedoms ◦ Immigration policies

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