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1 The English Language Teaching Difference between Native and Non-Native English Teachers  Name: Bi-Ying Chan (JOYCE)  Student ID:9822608  Instructor:

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Presentation on theme: "1 The English Language Teaching Difference between Native and Non-Native English Teachers  Name: Bi-Ying Chan (JOYCE)  Student ID:9822608  Instructor:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The English Language Teaching Difference between Native and Non-Native English Teachers  Name: Bi-Ying Chan (JOYCE)  Student ID:9822608  Instructor: Kate Chen  Date: January 11,2010

2 2 Content  Glossary  Introduction  Literature Review  Methodology

3 3 Glossary  EFL: English as a Foreign Language. such as China, Taiwan, Japan.  ESL: English as a Second Language. such as the United States, England, Australia.  NEST: Native English-Speaking ESL/EFL Teacher.  NNEST: Non-Native English-Speaking ESL/EFL Teacher.

4 4 Introduction Background There are number of native English speakers (NS) teaching English in Taiwan classroom. They bring with their rich and colorful exotic cultures and teaching styles. There are amount of explanations for this phenomenon, but research into the relationship between NS teachers’ teaching and Taiwan English learners’ learning styles can provide us with a new angle of view to explain it.

5 5 Introduction Background (Medgyes, 1992) As regards the issue of learning strategies, it is possible to assert that NNESTs have adopted identical learning strategies to their students’ and it makes them better informants than their native colleagues.

6 6 Introduction Statement of the problem  In Taiwan, there are more and more "Native & Non-Native English Teacher ", they have different background and beliefs.  The research attempting to find out and discussion the distinguished in Native and Non-Native English Teachers be teaching behavior.

7 7 Introduction Statement of the problem  Teachers’ behavior is not only influenced by their beliefs but also by their attitudes towards language and the teaching of language.  How it influences Native and Non-Native English teachers’ teaching attitudes, behavior, beliefs?

8 8 Introduction Purpose of the study  To investigate NESTs and NNESTs’ teaching behavior towards language teaching.  To investigate NESTs and NNESTs’ teachers’ self-perceptions about their teaching experience and language skills.  To investigate NESTs and NNESTs’ teachers’ how their beliefs or conceptions can incorporate into the English teaching.

9 9 Introduction Research Questions  Do the "Native & Non-Native English Teachers’ in language teaching behavior, beliefs and attitude are differences? Are there any general tendencies among them?  Should there be discrepancy between teaching style and learning style in Taiwan EFL classroom, what causes are behind them and how can the discrepancy be solved?

10 10  What factors influence to "Native & Non-Native English Teacher "have the different ways of teaching language?

11 11 Introduction Limitation  The voluntary nature of the survey is limitations.  Can not be inferred to all Native & Non-Native English Teacher without comprehensive consideration.  Using a questionnaire survey limited the respondents’ choices and did.

12 12 Literature Review (Samovar and Porter 1982: 174). Different cultures have different norms, values and schema. People are not conscious of different cultures and their own culture.

13 13 Literature Review Tan (1999: 50) states as follows: 「...each culture has its own preferred learning styles and that learners will succeed best in a classroom culture that recognizes and builds on the community culture. 」

14 14 Literature Review Teachers’ beliefs are usually by factors: their own experience as learners in classrooms, prior teaching experience, classroom observations they were exposed to, and their previous training courses at school (Richards, 1998).

15 15 Literature Review Medgyes states non-natives are less competent in English but he does not mean that they are less competent as English teachers. Other variables such as experiences, age, sex, aptitude, charisma, motivation, training and so on decide competence as teachers no matter whether teachers are native or not.

16 16 Methodology Participants  The population for this study was defined as Taiwan university teachers who were teaching in English.

17 17 Methodology Instruments:  Richard and Lockhart (1994) explain that surveys are a useful tool to gather “information about affective dimensions of teaching and learning, such as beliefs, attitudes, motivations, and preferences”

18 18 Methodology Instruments:  The Likert 5points-scale method.  The longest and most complex of all three questionnaires, is divided into three sections. (1)demographic information. (2) current teaching/learning experience. (3) general beliefs about and experiences with native and nonnative English-speaking ESL teachers.

19 19 Methodology Instruments:  SPSS 17(Statistics Package for Social Science).  ANOVAs  Fisher’s LSD (Least Significant method)

20 20 Procedures Pilot study (chaoyang) Formal Questionnaire Date Analysis

21 21 Thank for your attention!

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