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A pragmatic approach to using ‘authentic’ materials to enhance course book provision in a themed or topic-based English language lesson MEL020 2008 Group.

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Presentation on theme: "A pragmatic approach to using ‘authentic’ materials to enhance course book provision in a themed or topic-based English language lesson MEL020 2008 Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 A pragmatic approach to using ‘authentic’ materials to enhance course book provision in a themed or topic-based English language lesson MEL020 2008 Group Presentation by Clare Wardman, Wendy Vanamburgh and Xiaohong Yan © To be authentic or not to be authentic? That is the question.

2 materialsthemes “There is now a general consensus in language teaching that the use of authentic materials in the classroom is beneficial to the learning process.” (Guariento and Morley, 2001: 347) in action

3 materialsthemesin action course books & existing materials “authentic” materials own “inauthentic” materials choices for the EFL teacher

4 materialsthemesin action “authentic” materials defining authenticity...many have tried: “Essentially an authentic text is a text that was created to fulfil some social purpose in the language community in which it was produced.” (Little et al, 1989: 25) “The term ‘authentic’ has been used as a reaction against the prefabricated language of textbooks and instructional dialogues; it refers to the way language is used in non-pedagogic, natural communication.” (Kramsch, 1993: 177)

5 materialsthemesin action course booksauthentic materials easy graded unthreatening - structuring modernising + culturally inappropriate “unrealistic and unattainable” (Gilmore, 2004:368) boring - considered more motivating ( Chavez, Little et al) “real” language (Guariento and Morley) culturally interesting + time consuming frustrating (Guariento and Morley) tasks may not be “authentic” culturally inappropriate -

6 themes literature as a theme for a lesson or series of lessons in actionmaterials

7 themes literature can include: in actionmaterials classical literature 20/21st century songs greetings cards plays stories prose graded readers talking books graffiti tv adverts (Woodward, 2001: 99)

8 themes why use literature? in actionmaterials linguistically cultural knowledge learner involvement vocabulary syntax patterns cohesion and coherence settings situations characters imagination/creativity personal discovery perspective (Duff, 2007)

9 materialsthemesin action exploring the possibilities of literature as a theme in the classroom

10 translation into L1 materialsthemesin action re-writing endings classroom activities for working with literature listening/ reading for specific information gap fills – scripts and lyrics debates discussion to raise cultural awareness acting out plot summary writing

11 brainstorming quotes materialsthemesin action Shakespeare’s life in action with Shakespeare role play acting out Shakespeare on film debates music jigsaw reading adapted from rewriting ending planning a one-day tour script writing

12 Any questions?

13 References Duff, A. & Maley, A. (2007) Literature. Oxford: OUP. Gilmore, A. (2004) ‘A comparison of textbook and authentic interactions’, ELT Journal, 58 (4) 363- 374. Guariento, W. & J. Morley (2001) ‘Text and task authenticity in the EFL classroom’, ELT Journal, 55 (4) 347-353. Hedge, T. (2000) Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom. Oxford: OUP. Koprowski, M. (2005) ‘Investigating the usefulness of lexical phrases in contemporary course books’, ELT Journal, 59 (4) 322-332. Kramsch, C. (1993) Context and Culture in Language Teaching. Oxford: OUP. Lee, W. Y.(1995) ‘Authenticity revisited: text authenticity and learner authenticity’, ELT Journal, 49 (4) 323-328. Little, D., S. Devitt & D. Singleton (1989) Learning Foreign Languages from Authentic Texts: Theory and Practice. Authentik: Dublin. Sanderson, P. (1999) Using newspapers in the classroom. Cambridge: CUP. Taylor, D. (1994) ‘Inauthentic Authenticity or Authentic Inauthenticity?’ TESL-EJ, 1 (2) 1-9. Woodward, T. (2001) Planning Lessons and Courses. Cambridge: CUP.

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