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Published byRobert Barrie Maxwell Modified over 8 years ago
十二年國教下的 英文閱讀與寫作教學 國立彰化師範大學 英語學系暨研究所 游毓玲 Nov. 03, 2012
91 年第二次國中基測量尺分數 英語科雙峰圖 中國時報 (2002, 7)
學生個別差異 明顯 英文程度落差 大 家長擔心孩子輸在起跑點 考試引導教學 城鄉差距、家長社經背景
配合十二年國教教學重點 活 化 教 學 多 元 評 量 補 救 教 學
差異性教學 差異化教學係指教師能依據學 生個別差異及需求,彈性調整 教學內容、進度和評量方式, 以提升學生學習效果和引導學 生適性發展。
abilities needs Experiences Learning styles backgrounds Readiness to learn The factors that influence instruction
How does differentiated instruction work It is based upon the belief that students learn best when they make connections between the curriculum and their diverse interests and experiences. The greatest learning occurs when students are pushed slightly beyond the point where they can work without assistance. Rather than “teaching to the middle” by providing a single curriculum for all students in a class, differentiated instruction match tasks, activities, and assessments with the students‘ interests, abilities, and learning preferences.
Teachers who use differentiated instruction provide several learning options, or different paths to learning, which help students take in information and make sense of concepts and skills. provide appropriate levels of challenge for all students, including those who lag behind, those who are advanced, and those right in the middle.
1 23 To use differentiated instruction, three steps to start with Get to know our students. Identify areas of your curriculum that could be adapted to differentiated instruction. Examine your role as teacher in the differentiated classroom.
1 2 3 Instruction can be differentiated based on three general areas: the content of instruction the processes and techniques used to help make sense of a given topic the products produced by students that demonstrate their learning
The strategies based on content for differentiated instruction Utilize pre-tests to assess where individual students need to begin study of a given topic or unit. Encourage thinking at various levels of Bloom's taxonomy. Break assignments into smaller, more manageable parts that include structured directions for each part. Choose broad instructional concepts and skills that lend themselves to understanding at various levels of complexity.
The strategies based on process for differentiated instruction Provide access to a variety of materials which target different learning preferences and reading abilities. Develop activities that target auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners. Establish stations for inquiry-based, independent learning activities. Create activities that vary in level of complexity and degree of abstract thinking required. Use flexible grouping to group and regroup students based on factors including content, ability, and assessment results.
The strategies based on product for differentiated instruction Use a variety of assessment strategies, including performance-based and open-ended assessment. Balance teacher-assigned and student- selected projects. Offer students a choice of projects that reflect a variety of learning styles and interests. Make assessment an ongoing, interactive process.
閱讀理解教學情境 Reader Instructor Text Task Setting Irwin (1991)
Top-down Reading ModelButton-up Reading Model Reading Theories and Instruction Reading is a meaning- driven process. It emphasizes what the reader brings to the text. Meaning is brought to print, not derived from print. Reading proceeds from whole to part. Reading is driven by text. It emphasizes the written or printed text. Reading proceeds from part to whole. It gives little emphasis to the influences of the reader's world knowledge, contextual information, and other higher-order processing strategies.
Reading Theories and Instruction Vocabulary Schema Text Structure Strategy/ Skill
Introduction Paragraphs 1-3 Sample of Text Structure Earth signs: Descriptions of personalities Famous people Conclusive Paragraph(s) Air signs: Descriptions of personalities Famous people Water signs: Descriptions of personalities Famous people Fire signs: Descriptions of personalities Famous people
Reading Strategies 1. Monitor comprehension10. Integrate information 2. Question (idea-related)11. React to text 3. Correct behavior12. Inference 4. Use prior knowledge13. Clarify a purpose for reading 5. Predict14. Reread unclear words or phrases 6. Overview the text15. Paraphrase 7. Summarize16. Question (word-related) 8. Read on17. Translate a word or phrase into L1 9. Recognize text structure18. Solve vocabulary problem
Four frequently-used reading strategies 1 2 3 4 Predicting: students make predictions when they read based on title, picture, etc. and use their prior knowledge to check whether their predictions are correct or not. Questioning: Students develop questions about a text to check if they understand the reading material or not. Clarifying: Students clarify the meanings of words or concepts that they do not understand based upon the context. Summarizing: Students reduce text in brief form, the gist of a text. The strategy enhances students’ comprehension because it requires them to focus on key points.
英語科課程分為國小及國中二階段︰ 第一階段︰國小三至六年級。 第二階段︰國中一至三年級。 以上二階段的教學同時注重聽、說、讀、寫,不過本課 程希望能運用兒童在發音學習方面的優勢,於國小三、 四年級的啟蒙階段強調聽、說的學習,讓兒童藉由豐富 的英語聽、說的學習,奠定良好的英語口語溝通基礎。 然而即使是在啟蒙階段,讀、寫活動並未偏廢,而是適 時融入課程,讓學生藉由接觸簡易的閱讀材料,以及適 當的臨摹及填寫字詞等練習,自然體驗語言的不同形式, 以收聽、說、讀、寫四者相輔相成的效果。第二階段除 了持續地培養基本聽說讀寫的能力外,更強調英語的實 際運用,發揮其工具性功能,藉以吸收新知、幫助個人 身心發展。 國民中學九年一貫課程綱要語文學習領域(英語)
三、讀 3-1-1 能辨識印刷體大小寫字母 。 3-1-2 能辨識課堂中習得的詞彙 。 3-1-3 能看懂簡易的英文標示 。 3-1-4 能辨識歌謠、韻文、故事中的常用字詞 。 3-1-5 能看懂簡單的句子 。 3-1-6 能辨識英文書寫的基本格式 。 3-1-7 能朗讀課本中的對話和故事 。 3-1-8 能藉圖畫、圖示等視覺輔助,閱讀並瞭解簡易故事 及兒童短劇中的大致內容 。 3-1-9 能藉圖畫、標題、書名,猜測或推論主題 。 國民中學九年一貫課程綱要語文學習領域(英語)
三、讀 3-2-1 能辨識英文字母的連續書寫體 (cursive writing) 。 3-2-2 能用字典查閱字詞的發音及意義。 3-2-3 能看懂常用的英文標示和圖表。 3-2-4 能用適切的語調、節奏朗讀短文、簡易故事等。 3-2-5 能瞭解課文的主旨大意。 3-2-6 能瞭解對話、短文、書信、故事及短劇等的重要內容 與情節。 3-2-7 能從圖畫、圖示或上下文,猜測字義或推論文意。 3-2-8 能辨識故事的要素,如背景、人物、事件和結局。 3-2-9 能閱讀不同體裁、不同主題的簡易文章。 國民中學九年一貫課程綱要語文學習領域(英語)
What is intensive reading? Intensive reading focuses on building language knowledge and reading comprehension. In intensive reading, teachers teach vocabulary knowledge, and reading strategies.
What is extensive reading? Extensive reading focuses on fluency development and reading for pleasure. Two key principles are (1) students should read as much as possible, and (2) texts should be easy and well within students’ linguistic competence.
Easy texts mean that students are able to read more and faster, and this kind of practice helps students in many ways: improved reading skills, improved writing skills, increased vocabulary knowledge, and increased motivation. What is extensive reading?
Successful Extensive Reading 1.Students read a wide variety of texts. They read a lot and read often, so they are more likely to revisit the most important vocabulary and grammar again and again. 2.Reading focuses on pleasure, information, general comprehension; students aim to develop reading fluency, not directly to learn new language. 3.Materials are within the language competence of the students. 4.Students choose what to read. 5.Reading is its own reward.
Why is Extensive Reading good? 1.It develops learner autonomy. 2.It provides authentic, comprehensible input. 3.It enhances general language competence. 4.It helps develop general knowledge. 5.It extends, consolidates and sustains vocabulary growth. 6.It helps to improve writing. 7.It creates and sustains motivation to read more.
Free Volunteer Reading is free reading; students are free to choose the materials they want to read is voluntary reading; students can choose to -- or not to -- report in-class on the reading they have done. is Sustained Silent Reading in its purest form. No requirements! No book reports. No journal entries. No chapter questions. No required home reading. What is Free Volunteer Reading
Free Volunteer Reading is pleasurable results in superior general knowledge improves spelling, writing, grammar Results in better reading comprehension, writing style, and increased vocabulary Develops better thinkers The Power of Free Volunteer Reading
Four types of knowledge in order to write Knowledge of Audience Kaplan, 1987 Knowledge of Language Knowledge of Subject Knowledge of Convention
The knowledge our EFL writers need System/language knowledge Process knowledge Genre knowledge Context knowledge Content Knowledge of how to prepare and carry out a writing task of the syntax, lexis, and appropriate formal conventions needed of the ideas and concepts in the topic area the text will address of communicative purposes of the genre and its value in particular contexts of readers’ expectations, cultural preferences, and related texts
The Difficulties Inexperienced EFL Writers Faced Insufficient Knowledge of English Vocabulary English Syntactic Structures English Rhetoric conventions, discourse structures Writing StrategiesWorld/background knowledge
Shorter text length Poor accuracy (more grammatical errors) Inappropriate lexical expressions Incoherent texts Less monitoring of writing process Insufficient English Language Proficiency
四、寫 4-1-1 能書寫印刷體大小寫字母。 4-1-2 能書寫自己的姓名。 4-1-3 能臨摹抄寫課堂中習得的詞彙。 4-1-4 能臨摹抄寫課堂中習得的句子。 4-1-5 能拼寫一些基本常用字詞 ( 至少 180 個 ) 。 4-1-6 能依圖畫、圖示填寫重要的字詞。 4-1-7 能掌握英文書寫格式寫出簡單的句子。 國民中學九年一貫課程綱要語文學習領域(英語)
四、寫 4-2-1 能依提示填寫簡單的表格。 4-2-2 能依提示合併、改寫句子及造句。 4-2-3 能寫簡單的賀卡、書信 ( 含電子郵件 ) 等。 4-2-4 能將簡易的中文句子譯成英文。 4-2-5 能依提示書寫簡短的段落。 國民中學九年一貫課程綱要語文學習領域(英語)
Enhancing EFL writer’s English language proficiency Making EFL writers familiar with English writing conventions and discourse structures (genre knowledge) Increasing students’ background knowledge (content knowledge) Enhancing students’ awareness of audience (context knowledge) Integrating reading with writing To become better English writers
Knowledge Base Cognitive and Metacognitive Processes Reading and Writing Connections Vocabulary Grammar Writing Conventions/ Discourse Structure World knowledge
Knowledge Base Cognitive and Metacognitive Processes Reading and Writing Connections Strategies of planning monitoring evaluating
Five Little Monkeys with Nothing to Do by Eileen Christelow Five little monkeys are bored. “There is nothing to do!” they say. “Oh yes there is,” their Mama says. “Grandma Bessie is coming for lunch, and the house must be neat and clean. So… you can pick up your room.” Five little monkeys pick up and pick up and pick up… …until everything is put away.
“Good job!” says Mama. “But we’re bored again,” say five little monkeys. “There is nothing to do!” “Oh yes there is,” says Mama. “You can scrub the bathroom. The house must be neat and clean for Grandma Bessie.” So five little monkeys scrub and scrub and scrub until the bathroom shines.
“Good job!” says Mama. “But we’re bored again,” say five little monkeys. “There is nothing to do!” “Oh yes there is,” says Mama. “You can beat the dirt out of these rugs. The house must be neat and clean for Grandma Bessie.” Five little monkeys beat and beat the rugs until there is not a speck of dirt left.
“Good job!” says Mama. “But we’re bored again,” say five little monkeys. “There is nothing to do!” “Oh yes there is,” says Mama. “You can pick some berries down by the swamp. Grandma Bessie loves berries.” Five little monkeys run down to the muddy, muddy swamp.
They pick and pick and pick berries until Mama calls, “It’s time to come home!” Five little monkeys run inside while Mama picks flowers. “Put the berries in the kitchen,” calls Mama. “Wash your faces and put on clean clothes.” Five little monkeys wash their faces…
…and they put on clean clothes. “Grandma Bessie is here!” calls Mama. Five little monkeys race outside. They hug and kiss Grandma Bessie. “We cleaned the house and picked berries just for you!” they say. “I love berries,” says Grandma Bessie. “And I love a clean house, too!” They all go inside.
“Oh my!” says Grandma Bessie. “Oh dear!” says Mama. “Oh no!” say five little monkeys. “Who messed up our nice, clean house?” “I can’t imagine,” says Mama. “But whoever did has plenty to do!”
In the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf. One Sunday morning the warm sun come up and out of the egg come a tiny and very hungry caterpillar. He started to look for some food.
On Monday he ate through one apple, but he was still hungry. On Tuesday he ate through two pears, but he was still hungry. On Wednesday he ate through three plums, but he was still hungry. On Thursday ate through four strawberries, but he was still hungry. On Friday he ate through five oranges, but he was still hungry.
On Saturday he ate through: A cake An ice cream A hot dog A lollipop Chocolate Pizza A muffin
That night he had a stomach ache. The next day was Sunday again. The caterpillar ate through a nice green leaf. And after that day he felt a bit better. Now he wasn’t hungry any more And he wasn’t a little caterpillar any more; he was a big - fat - caterpillar.
He built a small house, called cocoon, around himself. He stayed inside for more than two weeks. Than he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, then he pushed his way out and … He was a beautiful butterfly.
謝 謝 聆 聽敬 請 指 教謝 謝 聆 聽敬 請 指 教
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