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Chemical weapon dumped in the Baltic Sea Eugeniusz Andrulewicz Sea Fisheries Institute in Gdynia Department of Fisheries Oceanography and Marine Ecology.

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1 Chemical weapon dumped in the Baltic Sea Eugeniusz Andrulewicz Sea Fisheries Institute in Gdynia Department of Fisheries Oceanography and Marine Ecology

2 After w. w. II, 65 thou. t. of chemical weapon was dumped in the Baltic Sea in form of: shells, bombs, grenades, barrels This was equivalent of 13 thou.t. of toxic chemical agents: Yperite, Adamsite, Louisite, Tabun, Cyklon B

3 Dumpsites in the Baltic Sea

4 Chemical structures of various toxic agents

5 Immediate effects of dumping Floating bombs in wooden cases Numerous findings of war items on beaches of the southern Baltic Sea Many cases of serious injuries (including children) in Sweden, Germany, Poland and Denmark Injuries among fisherman

6 Fate of chemical weapon at sea Stored in dumpsites (deep basins) under unoxic conditions Distributed on large parts of sea bottom by bottom trawling, partly burried in sediments, partly laying on bottom surface Metal parts of munition-mostly corroded Occasionally caught by fisherman







13 Research projects on chemical munition in the Baltic Sea 1.German, 1994-97, on transport routes of chemical munition: magnetometric, side scan sonar, high resolution sonar 2. Polish,1998, on chemical coposition of yperit lump caught by fisherman: thin layer chromatography, gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry and atomic absorption spectrometry 3. Russian, 1994-95 and1998-2001, on dupsites in the Gotland Deep, Bornholm Deep and Kattegat: documentation by ROV on contamination of sediments


15 Results of German studies, 1994-1996 (German Hydrographic Service) 4000 Nm on transport routes: hydroacoustic and magnetometric studies. 900 magnetic anomalies: 7 very big anomalies (like ship wrecks) 50 big anomalies (like bombs on the sediment surface) 130 significant anomalies (like bombs covered by sediments) 30 other anomalies. Most of the anomalies were found on transport routes and on Odra Bank 1300 contacts by side scan sonar (550 could be a natural objects, e.g. stone reefs Proposed continuation of research by ROV no information about results

16 Results of Polish studies: (Technical Military Academy in Warsaw) In a lump of yperite caught by fishing cutter, there were found 20 toxic compounds of different toxicity



19 Russion studies, 2001 Institute of Oceanography in Kaliningrad


21 Concentration of As in surficial sediment in the Brnholm Deep dumpsite

22 New/ongoing (EU founded) research project Modelling of Ecoological Risk of Sea dumped Chemical Weapons (MERCW) Project manager: Dr. Vadim Paka, Shirshow Institute of Oceanography in Kaliningrad Project objectives: To develop hydrochemical, hydrographical and hydrobiological investigations To evaluate model of the release, migration and degradation of toxic chemical agents To develop regional ecological risk assessment model

23 Dumpsites of global oceans (picure not completed yet)

24 Conclusions There is no realistic/practical possibility to utilise chemical weapon neither on sea bottom nor on land Under conditions that chemical munition is not lifted from the sea bottom, massive ecological and humen diseaster is unlikely. However, real danger appear when chemical weapon is taken (accidentaly !?) onboard or when stranded There is a need for special instructions for fisherman and need for improvement of public awerness There is a need for further research on dupsites, status of munition, chemical and medical aspects

25 Material used from: German Hydrographic Agency: Dr. N. Theobalt Shirshov Institute of Oceanography in Kaliningrad, Dr. Vadim Paka Technical Military Academy in Warsaw Prof. Zygfryd Witkiewicz

26 Thank you for your attention

27 Addendum Next pictures illustarating US dumping opperation are taken from internet








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