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19 th Century Drama. New to Theatre Gas lights that could be dimmed or raised as needed. Gas light onstage added emotional effects. Proscenium was introduced.

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Presentation on theme: "19 th Century Drama. New to Theatre Gas lights that could be dimmed or raised as needed. Gas light onstage added emotional effects. Proscenium was introduced."— Presentation transcript:

1 19 th Century Drama

2 New to Theatre Gas lights that could be dimmed or raised as needed. Gas light onstage added emotional effects. Proscenium was introduced The “fourth wall” Machinery lifted actors from below the stage Flies/fly galleries – permitted scene changes

3 Romantic Drama English Romantic poets produced a variety of plays espousing a new philosophy of the individual, democracy, and a cry for personal liberation. Failed to capture popular stage.

4 “Faust” ruled! French and German dramatists were more successful. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote Faust in two parts (1808, 1832) with scope and grandeur of concept that challenged the theaters of his day.

5 Goethe’s development of Faust as a psychologically complex character contrasts with Marlowe’s version in Doctor Faustus

6 Viva la FRANCE! Romantic tragedy held sway for some time in the 1830’s. VICTOR HUGO- Hernani – couple could not live together so they drank poison. Les Miserables

7 Alexandre Dumas fils ALEXANDER DUMAS, the Younger, ranks as one of the three leading French dramatists of the last quarter of the 19th century. Obsessed with the theme of illicit love. This theme has always played an important part on the French stage. Eleven plays written before 1880 all have illicit love as the motif. Yet Dumas liked to regard himself as a moralist and teacher, a position that seems somewhat contradictory.

8 Alexandre Dumas fils His dad (Alexandre Dumas) wrote Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers

9 It’s cool to be Dumas fils Perhaps a psychiatrist would find in the fact that he, like his father, was an illegitimate child, an explanation of his harping so constantly on the single theme. Had a Bohemian comradeship with the father, who had publicly acknowledged his son as soon as his own literary reputation was sufficiently established to bring in a dependable income. Fin When only his pen stood between himself and disgrace, he brought forth in 1948 the famous Lady of the Camellias (or Camille), first as a novel, then in a dramatic version. Its immediate and enthusiastic reception seemed to indicate that the public was ready and waiting to sympathize with that particular type of heroine.

10 Bohemian A person, as an artist or writer, who lives and acts free of regard for conventional rules and practices. A gypsy

11 MELODRAMA! Developed in Germany and France mid to late 18 th cent. Melo – “song” Music was the hallmark of melodrama Proved to be one of the most durable innovations of the late 18 th cent. Background music altered according to mood.

12 Melodramas featured… Familiar crises: The virtuous maiden fallen into the hands of an unscrupulous landlord The father who, lamenting over a portrait of his dead wife, discovers that he is speaking to his – until then – lost daughter Well defined heroes, heroines, and villains Plots were filled with surprises and unlikely twists designed to amaze and delight the audience.

13 BACK TO FRANCE! Alexandre Dumas fils’ La Dame aux camelias (Camille) was a theatrical hit in 1852. Story based on a woman Dumas fils knew in Paris, it is the story of a wealthy young man who falls in love with a courtesan, Marguerite Gauthier. Marguerite has manipulated men throughout her life, but now she is truly in love with Armand.

14 Poor Marguerite The young man’s father opposes the match, but even he is moved by the majesty of their love. Eventually, the father faces Marguerite and convinces her that if she really loves his son, she will let him go since their union can bring nothing but harm to Armand. I can’t tell you anymore or it will ruin the play!

15 Sarah Bernhardt and Camille

16 Sarah and Camille

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