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Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Session #8 Paul J. Bucknell/Calvin Chiang Overcome Pride with Humility.

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1 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Session #8 Paul J. Bucknell/Calvin Chiang Overcome Pride with Humility

2 D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Overcome Pride with Humility 8 Foundations for Overcoming Believe what you choose Never be a victim Hope brings inspiration Never need to give up Strength from God’s Word Never fight alone Light overpowers Darkness Never have to lose “I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one” (1 John 2:14).

3 D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Overcome Pride with Humility 8 “According to Christian teachers, the essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride. Anger, greed, drunkenness, and all that, are mere flea bites in comparison: it is through Pride that the devil becomes the devil: Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind.”

4 D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Overcome Pride with Humility 8 Definition of Pride The emphasis on one’s self at the expense of God or others. (instead of looking to God for guidance, we focus on what we think, feel, and want).

5 D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Overcome Pride with Humility 8 12 “Thus says the Lord GOD, ‘You had the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. 13 You were in Eden, the garden of God ; Every precious stone was your covering: the ruby, the topaz, and the diamond; the beryl… was in you.…’” 17 “Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; You corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor. I cast you to the ground; I put you before kings, that they may see you” (Ez 28:12-17). A.) Understanding Pride’s Darkness Pride’s start in the Garden of Eden

6 D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Overcome Pride with Humility 8 A.) Understanding Pride’s Darkness Forms a dangerous partition separating us from God and others 2 key characteristics: Independence and Rebellion Proud person thinks of himself as higher than someone else It seeks to posses our hearts and God hates it because it comes from inside the heart Forms a dangerous partition separating us from God and others 2 key characteristics: Independence and Rebellion Proud person thinks of himself as higher than someone else It seeks to posses our hearts and God hates it because it comes from inside the heart

7 D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Overcome Pride with Humility 8 A.) Understanding Pride’s Darkness Example of 2 kings from scripture: “…Herod, having put on his royal apparel,…And the people kept crying out, “The voice of a god and not of a man!” And immediately an angel of the Lord struck him because he did not give God the glory, and he was eaten by worms and died” (Acts 12:21- 23) “But when Nebuchadnezzar’s heart became arrogant and hardened with pride, he was deposed from his royal throne and stripped of his glory. He was driven away from people and given the mind of an animal; he lived with the wild donkeys and ate grass like cattle; and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven, until he acknowledged that the Most High God is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and sets over them anyone he wishes.” (Daniel 5:20-21)

8 D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Overcome Pride with Humility 8 Consequences of Pride ✦ Hinders our relationship with God and the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Makes us think that we are self-sufficient. ✦ Disrupts our relationship with others. ✦ Hampers our effectiveness as a leader/follower. ✦ False humility.

9 D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Overcome Pride with Humility 8 Pride Shows Itself in Many Ways  Does not delight in the success of others  Hesitant to admit fault or offer apology even though he/she is clearly at fault  Shrink from doing menial tasks and ignores those that are less fortunate  Does not delight in the success of others  Hesitant to admit fault or offer apology even though he/she is clearly at fault  Shrink from doing menial tasks and ignores those that are less fortunate

10 D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Overcome Pride with Humility 8 Levels of Pride ✦ 1) Unwilling to turn from pride - Herod (Acts 12:21-23) ✦ 2) Willing to turn from pride after some form of judgment - Hezekiah (2 Chr 32:24-26) ✦ 3) Willing to turn from pride with little or no judgment (James 4:8-10) ✦ 4) Carefully discern temptations leading to pride; exchange them for humility (1 Pe 3:8) Four Stages of Dealing with Pride

11 D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Overcome Pride with Humility 8 1 ) Hezekiah’s heart was lifted up (24-25) 2) Hezekiah humbled his pride (26) “In those days Hezekiah became mortally ill; and he prayed to the LORD, and the LORD spoke to him and gave him a sign. 25 But Hezekiah gave no return for the benefit he received, because his heart was proud ; therefore wrath came on him and on Judah and Jerusalem. 26 However, Hezekiah humbled the pride of his heart, both he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the wrath of the LORD did not come on them in the days of Hezekiah” (2 Chronicles 32:24-26). B.) Replacing Pride with Humility There is no victory over pride unless we embrace humility.

12 D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Overcome Pride with Humility 8 Gaining a Balanced View God designed and created us (Eph 2:10a) D D God made us responsible to carry out His work (Eph 2:10b) We praise God through our faithful service and enriched lives (Rom 12:1). Designed Designated Delighted “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). D D D D

13 D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Overcome Pride with Humility 8 A prideful person does not believe that God knows best and prefers to trust in his own judgment and resources. Humility focuses on faithfully responding to God according to His will with great delight in the Lord. Pride MISPLACED CONFIDENCE Humility GOD-FOCUSED CONFIDENCE Steps to gaining a balanced view

14 D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Overcome Pride with Humility 8 The Victory Prayer for Humility Shortcut Temptation Fall and sin Repent Full forgiveness in Christ Exaltation Relevant scriptures Admit truths of God’s better ways Admit truth of one’s evil ways Identify truths

15 D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Overcome Pride with Humility 8 B.) Replacing Pride with Humility 1) Start with general repentance 3) Find complete forgiveness at the cross 2) Detect specific areas of pride (Eph 5:9) “Both riches and honor come from Thee, and Thou dost rule over all, and in Thy hand is power and might; and it lies in Thy hand to make great, and to strengthen everyone” (1 Chr 29:12). 4) Declare and embrace the truth

16 D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Overcome Pride with Humility 8 Life Applications Carefully monitor my pride, repenting as necessary, finding peace through the cross. Cherish God’s calling and resources for my life, even when I experience something less than what I formerly possessed (e.g. Job or through persecution). Seek to pray for and edify those around me from my position and resources. Recognize that any promotions are for God’s greater purposes. LL AA Key: Genuine humility provides a wonderful goal for our lives (Mat 5:3-5)!

17 D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Overcome Pride with Humility 8 Life Sharing 1.List at least one area in which you are tempted to become proud. What diabolical thoughts (i.e. temptations) allure you? 2.There are four stages of dealing with pride. Which level best depicts your life? Can you give a specific example? 3.What misunderstandings do you have of humility? What characterizes genuine humility and how is it most desirable (Num 12:3)? ✦ Do Home Assignments #1-4 LifeLife ShareShare

18 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Session #8 Paul J. Bucknell Overcome Pride with Humility Calvin Chiang

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