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Security Tool to Detect Vulnerabilities at Application Level Krishna Sai Mulpuri Naga Sri Charan Pendyala Rama Krishna Chaitanya Somavajhala Srujana Bollina.

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Presentation on theme: "Security Tool to Detect Vulnerabilities at Application Level Krishna Sai Mulpuri Naga Sri Charan Pendyala Rama Krishna Chaitanya Somavajhala Srujana Bollina."— Presentation transcript:

1 Security Tool to Detect Vulnerabilities at Application Level Krishna Sai Mulpuri Naga Sri Charan Pendyala Rama Krishna Chaitanya Somavajhala Srujana Bollina Udaya Shyama Pallathadka Ganapathi Bhat [1] R Ben Stock, Stephan Pfistner, Bernd Kaiser, Sebastian Lekies and Martin Johns: From Facepalm to Brain Bender: Exploring Client-Side Cross-Site Scripting, in 22th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS'15), October 2015 [2] S. Lekies, B. Stock, and M. Johns. 25 Million Flows Later: Large-scale Detection of DOM-based XSS. In CCS, 2013

2 Outline  Introduction  What is Cross-Site Scripting(XSS)?  Client Side XSS  Problem Statement  Examples and Impact of XSS  Selenium Webdriver and its Usage  Proposed Approach to solve XSS attack  Questions and Discussion

3 Introduction :  1 st Website: August 6, 1991  1 Billion+ Counting……………………… Source: 5/the-first-website-ever-made/ 5/the-first-website-ever-made/ Source:

4 Introduction:  Different vulnerabilities that are present in web applications:  XSS – Cross-site scripting  CSRF – Cross-site request forgery  SQL Injection

5 What is Cross-Site Scripting? (CSS/XSS)  An attacker is able to inject his own JavaScript code into a web application, in such a way that the code is executed within a victim’s browser in the context of application.  Types:  Persistent XSS (Stored XSS)  Reflected XSS (Non-Persistent XSS)  DOM-based XSS (Local XSS)  Players Include:  An Attacker  Web Application  Client Server side Client side

6 Client Side Cross-Site Scripting  Client XSS occurs when untrusted user supplied data is used to update the DOM with an unsafe JavaScript call  A JavaScript call is considered unsafe if it can be used to introduce valid JavaScript into the DOM  Source of this data could be from the DOM, or it could have been sent by the server (via an AJAX call, or a page load or page submission).

7 Client Side Cross-Site Scripting  As per the authors of paper[1], studies have shown that one in ten websites are vulnerable to XSS attack  Authors discover that root causes of client side XSS range from unaware developers to incompatible first- and third- party codes  A set of 1273 vulnerabilities in Alexa Top 10k domains are analyzed and classified based on the complexity

8 Client Side Cross-Site Scripting  Based on the classifications, authors show that large number of flaws are comparatively simple  About two third of vulnerabilities fall into this category while others fall under high complexity or medium complexity vulnerabilities  However, few vulnerabilities were due to first- or third- party code due to use of outdated and vulnerable libraries  Authors state that there is no single reason for existence of Client side XSS

9 Cross-Site Scripting: Problem statement ● Main problem: attacker‘s content ends in document and is not properly filtered/encoded ● common for server- and client-side flaws ● Flow of data: from attacker-controllable source to security- sensitive sink ● Authors Focus: client side JavaScript code ● Sources: e.g. the URL ● Sinks: e.g. document.write

10 Examples of XSS Vulnerabilities alert(“Hacked..!!”)

11 <img src=x onerror="alert('Pop-up window via stored XSS');“

12 Source :

13 Examples of DOM-based XSS Vulnerabilities 1. alert('xss'); 2. <img src=x onerror="alert('Pop-up window via stored XSS');“ 3. Document.write(“ ”);

14 DOM XSS will appear when a source that can be controlled by the user is used in a dangerous sink. Popular Sources  document.URL  document.documentURI  location.href   location.*   document.referrer Popular Sinks  HTML Modification sinks  document.write  (element).innerHTML  HTML modification to behaviour change  (element).src (in certain elements)  Execution Related sinks  eval  setTimout / setInterval  execScript

15 Impacts of XSS  Denial-of-Service  Crash Users`Browser, Pop-Up-Flodding, Redirection  attacker can hijack a logged in user’s session. Access to authentication credentials for Web application  Cookies, Username and Password  Spoil public image of company

16 Contributions:  System designed consists of two components:  Vulnerability detection - Automated system to dynamically detect the suspicious flows  Automated vulnerability validation mechanism: System allows unambiguous vulnerability validation through verification that our injected Javascript was indeed executed.

17 Vulnerability Detection:  Reporting functions are called each time a tainted string is passed to sink.  Chrome extension that injects JavaScript reporting function into DOM was implemented to pass the report the user interface.

18 Vulnerability Validation:  Taint tracking engine delivers suspicious flows, but all suspicious flows cannot be vulnerabilities.  Anotomy of an XSS exploit: HTML Context Vulnerability: document.write(“ ”); Exploit: alert(1) JavaScript Context Vulnerability: eval(“var x=‘ “ + location.hash + “ ’;”); Exploit: ‘; alert(1);’’

19 Securing a site against XSS attacks  By performing “in-house” input filtering (input sanitation)  By performing “output filtering

20 Selenium WebDriver  What is Selenium?  Selenium is a cross-platform solution to perform automated testing of web applications.  Open source framework  Successor to Selenium RC  Fully implemented and supported in Python, Ruby, Java, and C#

21 Selenium WebDriver API  Interaction with page DOM elements (Finding Elements)  Operations on DOM elements (Click, Sendkeys, Drag&Drop etc)  Multi-Window handling and switching between frames  WebDriver Waits to handle AJAX based operations

22 Driving Web browsers  Selenium helps to interact with Web applications through web browsers.  It has web drivers that are supported  Internet Explorer driver  Opera Driver  Chrome Driver  Firefox Driver  iPhone Driver  Android Driver  HtmlUnit Driver  Interactions with the web page and DOM elements can be commanded through these drivers using a programming language

23 Ways to find elements  Elements on page can be found using DOM properties of the element  Ways to find  By.Id(“id”);  By.CssSelector(“Selector”);  By.Xpath(“//xpath’’);  By.ClassName(“name”);  By.LinkText(“linktext”);  By.TagName(“tagname”);

24 WebDriver and Injection of Scripts  Can be used interact an input text into fields on web page.  Steps to inject scripts  Find element  Send keys (input script in form of text)  Submit script (click submit element on the page)  Post injection validation  Changes to the page can be analyzed by validation  Test cases are built based on scripts and respective validations

25 Intended approach  Windows Form application  Exporting vulnerabilities to remote Database  Chrome Extension

26 Windows Form application  Tool that handles test cases which can be built by developers  Test cases can be developed specific to the vulnerability  Specific to vulnerability, test cases can be used to more than one website  Test cases can be shared among developer groups – scope to open source  Each test case includes script injection and post-validation  Scripts can be fed to the tool in a conventional data format like Excel  Failed test case detection  Post injection validation on the page

27 Exporting vulnerabilities to remote Database  Vulnerable URL and selectors of corresponding elements are exported to remote MySQL Database  If failed the tool exports  URL of the website  Selector of Input text field  Selector of element that submits the page data.

28 Chrome Extension  Communicates with latest updated vulnerabilities recorded  Presents the vulnerabilities to end users when they arrive to vulnerable website.  Can be presented visually to end user with the help of selectors

29 Recap..  One in Ten websites are infected with XSS vulnerability  With growing security concerns at application level, it is important to focus on XSS vulnerability  There is no single reason for XSS vulnerability, reasons include developers unaware of vulnerability, use of first- and third party outdated libraries  We discussed examples and impact of XSS  We build windows form application to help developers build test cases  Give users of chrome with an extension that would help them block sites vulnerable to XSS

30 Questions and Discussion Image source:

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