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Section 2 “The Spanish American War.  Arbitration  Jingoism  Platt Amendment  Sphere of influence  Open Door Policy.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 2 “The Spanish American War.  Arbitration  Jingoism  Platt Amendment  Sphere of influence  Open Door Policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 2 “The Spanish American War

2  Arbitration  Jingoism  Platt Amendment  Sphere of influence  Open Door Policy

3  Cuban people rebelled against Spain  Spain sent military force  Forced people into guarded camps (many died)  Cuban rebels wanted U.S. involved  Destroyed sugar plantations led to business owners to increase pressure on the government

4  The de Lôme letter ◦ The letter ridiculed McKinley, an outcry in the United States.  The explosion of the U.S.S. Maine ◦ Exact cause is unknown but Spain is blamed  Preparing in the Philippines ◦ People were rebelling  President McKinley asked for declaration of War  “Remember the Maine!”  recognized Cuban independence

5  Spanish American War   american-war american-war 

6  American forces quickly defeated Spanish ◦ Most men died from disease  Cuba's independence recognized.  For$20 million, Spain also gave up the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam to the U.S. “unincorporated” territories (not intended for eventual statehood.)

7  Philippines wanted independence (denied by U.S.)  Teller amendment (promised not to annex Cuba)  Cubans wanted American troops to leave  Platt Amendment

8  Hawaii & U.S. had a trade treaty ◦ Important for naval base in Pacific ◦ Monarch overthrown by planters established republic  Samoa  Open door policy in China ◦ Large market ◦ Give U.S. equal access

9  1.How did the activities of the United states in Latin America set the stage for war with Spain?  2.How did yellow journalism and jingoism influence Americans’ views of the Cuban rebellion?  3.What were the events leading up to and following the Spanish-American War?

10  4.How did U.S. policies, such as the Platt Amendment, secure control over its newly acquired territories?  5.What challenges did the United States face after the war?  6.Why did the United States seek to gain influence in the Pacific?  7.In what ways was the Spanish-American War similar to the war between the United States and Mexico in 1846?

11  Annexation of Hawaii  pQ pQ  Spanish American War (Teddy Roosevelt)  american-war american-war 


13 A) the title of a popular play in the late 1800s. B) a slogan used by anti-imperialists C) a political rallying cry about a sunken battleship. D) a song sung by anti-imperialists


15  A) a rebellion in Puerto Rico.  B) a Spanish attack on the Philippines  C) a rebellion in Cuba.  D) Spain’s annexation of the Hawaiian islands.


17  A) pineapples  B) sugar cane  C) naval stations  D) scenery and the tourists industry


19  A) It portrayed the Spanish as "yellow," or cowards.  B) It heightened public opinion against Spain.  C) It weakened American resolve by portraying the U.S. military as unprepared.  D) It provided an accurate and even-handed assessment of the Cuban situation.


21  A) a fanatical dedication to a specific language  B) the belief in the use of military force to solve international conflicts  C) a movement that sought to persuade people to read the newspaper  D) intense national pride and desire for aggressive foreign policy


23  A) important ports in Mexico.  B) Puerto Rico and the Philippines  C) Panama.  D) a large section of China


25  China's huge population and its vast markets became increasingly important to American trade by the late 1800s.


27  The de Lôme letter, which described McKinley as “weak and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd,” caused no outcry in the United States.


29  In the treaty, the Spanish government recognized Cuba's independence. In return for a payment of $20 million, Spain also gave up the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and the Pacific island of Guam to the United States.


31  Their sensational headlines and stories, known as yellow journalism, whipped up American public opinion in favor of the Spain.


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