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Welcome to Our School!! Please enjoy our PowerPoint.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Our School!! Please enjoy our PowerPoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Our School!! Please enjoy our PowerPoint.

2 Our School Motto: Being an Active school has helped and continues to Help, foster and shape an active, sporting and friendly ethos in our school.

3 Why are we trying to Achieve The Active School Flag? To show that we care about our health. To show people that we are an active and physically educated school. To show that we encourage participation in all activities. To show that while having sport, exercise and games we promote positivity and Fairness in our School. To show that we make P.E., Interesting, fun, diverse and inclusive to all. To show that P.E and healthy activities promote good behaviour.

4 Before active schools No Football On Astro for break. Very few after schools clubs or team training. Increased levels of Challenging Behaviour at break. Boring Lunch Times. Inactive pupils and no WO.W’S. Children had less confidence and poor teamwork skills.

5 PE Aquatics Gymnastics Dance Games Outdoor and Adventure Activities Athletics






11 Outdoor and Adventure Activities

12 After Schoo l Clubs Basketball Football Hurling Gaelic Dance Gymnastics Athletics Hockey Yoga

13 Football We have a very competitive Senior Girls soccer team coached by Ms. Kiernan. Mr. Brennan is Coaching the boys Senior Team.

14 Hurling Here is Mr. Fitzgerald helping out pupils taking part in a hurling BLITZ.

15 Gaelic Mr. Lydon and Mr. Watson with the 4 th and 5 th class boys who trained hard and competed well at U’11 Gaelic football.

16 Gaelic Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Murphy and our u’13 Boys Gaeilic Football team.

17 Dance We have huge interest in Hip Hop and Dance with a very successful after schools club with Ms. Daly.

18 Drama Drama is also a popular after schools club where we read and act from loads of scripts.

19 Gymnastics with Elaine takes place on Mondays after school. Gymnastics

20 Basketball Ms. Surlis and Ms. English were very proud of our boys and girls representing our Basketball Team on and off the court

21 Athletics with Ms. Flynn and Ms.Scanlon. They train every Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Athletics

22 Hockey We love variety in St. Thomas’. Here we see boys enjoying Hockey on the Astro.

23 Yoga Many teachers provide Yoga activities for warm up exercises in P.E., which promotes mindfulness and positivity.

24 Swimming Each class standard goes swimming to the local Swimming pool in Tallaght for 8 weeks. Have a look at our 3 rd class standard on the bus.

25 Referees Marie Ward is an FAI referee. She trains students to referee football matches at lunch time.

26 Referees

27 Activities at break times Skipping and games are available for all at break times.


29 Skipping Skipping is very popular amongst all classes in our Active School.

30 Activities on Yard Hip Hop with Ms. Daly


32 Activities on Yard Football matches take place on the astro pitch and the yard at the back of the school.

33 Playing Soccer at break. Boys and girls mixed.

34 Sports Star of the Month Each month every teacher picks a Sports Star of the Month from their class. You can win it for; - showing good skills during PE - being a team player - showing good sportsmanship


36 Sports Stars For January 3rd Class

37 At Assembly each month we recognise our stars. Each teacher awards a sports Star of the Month to a pupil in their class.

38 Every year we take part in Active School Week

39 These are the activities we take part in during Active School Week. Hip hop FAI Buntús Chess Gymnastics Yoga Playground games Novelty Races Baseball Rounders Hockey Gaa Bootcamp Stations


41 More step ups and balancing games. Jumping jacks all the way during Bootcamp Stations.

42 Hopping from hoop to Hoop awaiting our turn eagerly. Doing stretches and working on our Gymnastic Balances.

43 Tug-O-War, Ball Games, Relay and Medals for participation!

44 Rugby Activities during active schools. Hoola –Hooping quite well.

45 Running Through Ladders.

46 Chess Mr. Murphy and Christy do great work with Chess in our school. Its an very active and popular club.

47 Lots of our parents come into our school to help us stay Active! They help us during Active School Week by teaching us new skills. Eg: Orientation and Buntas. They helped us walk to school for WOW (Walk on Wednesday).

48 Doing step ups with Parents. Our school loves volunteers. Playing Co- Operative games on yard.

49 Every year we also have some other extra activities, sports and special visits! Tag rugby coaches FAI coaches GAA coaches Visits from footballers Sam McGuire Heineken Cup



52 Marathon At the moment we are attempting to complete a full marathon = 42,200m; 1 lap of astro = 400m Each class must therefore run 105.5 laps of astro to complete a marathon (approx 5 laps per child) Each class received two 20minute slots on the astro over the past 4 school days. Each class filled in the record sheet and handed it up to ASF committee This activity was to be carried out separate to P:E. AND Teacher MUST take part We are currently preparing the results.

53 Here one class is running the Marathon in the Astro.

54 W.O.W We have been very active On Wednesdays. At Assembly the class with the most children who walk to school get the W.O.W award for their corridor.

55 We hope you enjoyed Our presentation. That’s Our Active school!!

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