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LOGO The HR Planning System By Daniel Damaris Novarianto S.

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Presentation on theme: "LOGO The HR Planning System By Daniel Damaris Novarianto S."— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGO The HR Planning System By Daniel Damaris Novarianto S.

2 LOGO STRATEGY  STRATEGY:  A course of action the company can pursue to achieve its strategic aims  Strategic Plan:  The company’s plan for how it will match its internal strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats in order to maintain a competitive advantages

3 LOGO STRATEGY (cont.)  Strategic Management:  The process of identifying and executing the organization’s strategic plan, by matching the company’s capabilities with the demands of its environment

4 LOGO Hierarchy of Goals

5 LOGO Strategic Management Process

6 LOGO Types of Strategies

7 LOGO Linking Company Wide and HR Strategy

8 LOGO Practices Behaviors Strategy


10 LOGO Strategic HRM Tool (cont.)

11 LOGO Strategy Map for Southwest Airlines

12 LOGO Digital Dashboard

13 LOGO HR Metric

14 LOGO Talent Analytic for HR  Human Capital Fact:  “What are the key indicators of my organization’s overall health?”  Analytical HR:  “Which units, departments, or individuals need attention?”  Human Capital Investment:  “Which actions have the greatest impact on my business?”

15 LOGO Talent Analytic for HR (cont.)  Workforce forecasts:  “How do I know when to staff up or cut back?”  Talent Value Model:  “Why do employees choose to stay or leave my company?”  Talent Supply Chain:  “How should my workforce needs adapt to changes in the business environment?”

16 LOGO Current Issue Regarding Employee Right  Drug Testing  Why company conduct drug test?  10 times more likely to miss work  5 times more likely to file a worker’s compensation claim  3.6 times more likely to be involved in a work- related accident  33% less productive the non-users  Costing nearly $100 billion annually (in USA Corp.)

17 LOGO Current Issue Regarding Employee Right  Honesty Tests  Whistle Blowing  A situation in which an employee notifies authorities of wrongdoing in an organization  Employee Monitoring & Workplace Security  Workplace Romance

18 LOGO Exception to the Doctrine  Contractual Relationship  Statutory Consideration  Public Policy Violation  Implied Employment Contract  Breach of Good Faith

19 LOGO Disciplining Employees  Tips for manager before disciplining their employee:  Cool off, but don’t wait too long  Think before you speak  Always discipline private, one on one  Follow company disciplinary procedures to ensure fairness and consistency  Be prepared to hear a variety of both imaginative and worn-out excuses

20 LOGO Disciplining Employees (cont.)  Tips for manager before disciplining their employee: (cont.)  Prepare to avoid nervousness  Prepare by comparing the actual and the desired situation  Clarify expectation and contingencies for specific actions and timetables  Ask employee for feedback  Let’s go………….!!!

21 LOGO How to analyze discipline problem  Seriousness of the problem  “How severe is the problem?”  Duration of the problem  “Have there been other discipline problems in the past and over how long a time span?”  Frequency and Nature of the Problem  “Is the current problem part of an emerging or continuing pattern of disciplinary infractions?”

22 LOGO How to analyze discipline problem (cont.)  Extenuating Factors  “Do extenuating circumstances relate to problem?”  Degree of Socialization  “To what extent has management made an earlier effort to educate the person causing the problem about the existing rules and procedures and the consequences of violations?”

23 LOGO How to analyze discipline problem (cont.)  History of the Organization’s Discipline Practices  Management Backing  “If employees decide to take their case to a higher level in management, will you have reasonable evidence to justify your decision?”

24 LOGO Type of Problem - Infraction

25 LOGO Disciplinary Actions

26 LOGO See You Again….!

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