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Exploring Capacity and Accountability Gaps Joan Kagwanja, Chief Land Policy Initiative World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 14-18 March 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Capacity and Accountability Gaps Joan Kagwanja, Chief Land Policy Initiative World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 14-18 March 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring Capacity and Accountability Gaps Joan Kagwanja, Chief Land Policy Initiative World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 14-18 March 2016

2 2 2 AU Agenda on Land Commitment by member states AU Member States to: Review their land sector and develop comprehensive land policy Build adequate capacity (human, institutional, financial) for land policy Make use of the F&G to guide their national land policy process

3 3 3 AU Agenda on Land Mandate to AUC, ECA, AfDB, RECs AUC, ECA, AfDB, RECs to: Establish an appropriate institutional framework for the implementation of the Declaration Establish a fund to support the implementation of the Declaration on land Report back periodically on progress achieved in the implementation of the Declaration

4 CSOs to – participate in land policy processes – Tracking progress in the implementation of land policy – Support to an African-led land initiative Development partners to – Support the implementation process of the Declaration – Build synergy at country level AU Agenda on Land Requests CSOs and DPs 4

5 Mapping of actors/institutions implementing AU Agenda on Land EntityRole RECs  Sharing of knowledge at the regional level  Technical assistance  Coordinator of funding Member States:  Implement Declaration at country level  Generate data, analysis and track progress  Sharing of lessons learned, best practices Training and Research Institutions  Training of land professionals  Retooling of land professionals  Research, knowledge generation and sharing  Monitoring of the sector Civil Society:  Research and knowledge generation for sector  Monitoring of the sector Developm ent Partners:  Funding different stakeholders in the sector  Technical assistance to different stakeholders

6 Gaps…

7 Gaps in knowledge and Capacity What issues underpin Land question Land tenure security Women’s access to land and ownership Large scale land based investments and agriculture Land, climate change & natural resource management Land and conflict Land and urban development Land taxation Regional issues and integration Dualism, pluralism-customary/statutory /Islamic systems

8 Migration and regional integration challenges (West Africa) Environmental issues and impacts of climate change on land (island states) Unequal distribution of land (Southern Africa) Land and natural resources including forests and on land rights for indigenous people (Central Africa) Foreign private investment into tourism and mining versus the effects on the customary based land rights of local communities, including pastoral communities (Eastern Africa) Land fragmentation and water rights (Northern Africa) Gaps in knowledge and capacity Issues—perceived regional priorities in 2008

9 Gaps in knowledge and capacity What legislation, systems/infrastructure? Land policy development –dualism/pluralism Land administration —effective/transparent land admin Land institutions and delivery of land rights Land information systems/Inventory of land information Systems for tracking progress on land policy formulation and implementation Data on land governance Networks--engaging professional, civil, private sector, other groups Financial sustainability for land sector/reforms Land donor coordination, alignment, and harmonization

10 Research in support of policy formulation and implementation (key Issues, processes, institutional development) Analysis of impact and gaps of current national land policies to support policy review Action research as basis to create awareness of land policies, laws and land rights through national structures Documenting of best practices in support of land policy development and implementation Exchange of knowledge and experiences (documentation, sharing platforms, exchange/tours) Track progress/ impact of implementation of the AU Land governance guidelines What Policy Research can focus on

11 Data infrastructure to capture/collect/manage data at national/regional level Mechanism to capture data from global and other regional systems Data that is gender disaggregated guided by thematic areas as per F&G and other useful tools Data to drive effective /functional national land management information systems Knowledge management and lesson sharing Platform--knowledge exchange /sharing of best practices Data, information, knowledge gaps/needs

12 12 “limited skills and know-how on land policy formulation and implementation” “Relatively low numbers of recognized land policy experts” “Tracking of land policy remains a capacity gap in the institutions as there are neither land policy related indicators nor linkage between M&E entities and land policy processes” Human Resource/Capacity Training Needs--CDF

13 Human Resource/Capacity Training Needs Human Resource Capacity for – legal and institutional reforms – development of strategies, policies, programmes and projects for land governance—strategic thinking – Monitoring and Impact assessment—social, economic, environmental, political – Innovative modern technologies – Generating knowledge for the land sector and other partners Retention of human resources in public institutions Capacity for civil society

14 North Africa - legal systems; Advocacy capacity, and awareness for NGOs and civil society; corporate social responsibilities for private sector; Strategic direction for governments; Training land professionals. Southern Africa - Technical capacity for land administration, land redistribution, and land use planning for land services delivery organisations and government departments; Capacity for policy and legal reviews; Public awareness; Monitoring and evaluation of programmes related to land policy; Central Africa - Training for government and traditional leaders in land- related issues; Land policy development and implementation for university students East Africa - Capacity for governments to manage the decentralized land reform; Administration capacity of land institutions; Capacity on incorporating resources’ consideration in the design of national land policies and land laws for governments. West Africa – Policies/tools forclegal pluralism and multiple rights; Capacity to develop regional policies to address pastoralists, transhumance and natural resource management; Technical capacity on land administration; Research capacity for researchers and institutions; Strengthen financial capacity for land policy implementation; appropriate national budgets / donor support Human Resource/Capacity Training Needs—regional priorities

15 How are we responding to the Challenges—SLGA Project? Training universities and land professionals – Curricula review – Training programs and Scholarships Research and analytical capacities – Build analytical capacity of researchers, CSOs, others – Research fellowships Data, statistics, monitoring – Enhance data collection by bureaus of statistics – Design/implement monitoring systems – Report on progress A network of excellence on land governance in Africa-(NELGA) [LPI, GIZ, universities]

16 End

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