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1 RoSPA and Older People Colin Morris Home Safety Development Officer West of England.

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Presentation on theme: "1 RoSPA and Older People Colin Morris Home Safety Development Officer West of England."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 RoSPA and Older People Colin Morris Home Safety Development Officer West of England

2 2 RoSPA The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents

3 3 “ To improve the quality of life by exercising a powerful influence for accident prevention.” Our Mission is:

4 4 Different Departments Home Safety Occupational Safety Product Safety Water and Leisure Safety Road Safety Safety Education Play Safety RoSPA

5 5 RoSPA Home Safety Staff  Scotland  N.Ireland  North of England  Wales  Birmingham HQ  West of England  East of England RoSPA Home Safety department has experienced Home Safety staff working throughout the United Kingdom to promote awareness of Home Safety issues.

6 6 RoSPA Home Safety Staff Raise Awareness Deliver Training Organise Seminars/ Conferences ROLE Support Inform Advise Encourage Membership Representation on national groups/bodies Multi-agency working Lobby for change

7 7 RoSPA’s Information Centre For RoSPA Members, a major benefit is free use of RoSPA's Information and Advisory Services -

8 8 Staying Alive is a unique quarterly which deals with all aspects of home safety Aimed at professionals in home safety, health promotion, environmental health, leisure management, it is also written to be of interest to the general public with an interest in safety.

9 9 TRAINING COURSES RoSPA run Home Safety Training Courses to cater for every need, both in-house, or at our UK Centres. Subjects include:


11 11 TRAINING COURSES We also offer: 24/7 Home Safety In-House Training Courses tailored to your individual requirements

12 12 Or the more advanced : RoSPA City and Guilds Course

13 13 Have you visited the RoSPA Website ?

14 14  74 projects throughout the UK  Targeted groups according to specific needs  Evaluation  Cost analysis  Sustainability

15 15 As a charity, we are dependent on membership subscriptions to enable us to continue with our vital work of promoting safety and preventing accidents.

16 16 Death and Injury Statistics Accidents are a major cause of death and injury in the UK Each year on average… 13,000 people die 500,000 people are admitted to hospital 7 million people attend A & E

17 17 Accidental Deaths (UK 2002) Total Deaths = 12,367 estimated Other 34% Home 32% Road 29% Work 3% Source: Office of National Statistics, Registrars General Scotland and Northern Ireland 2002

18 18 Why Home Safety? Source: Office of National Statistics – 2002 Data Registrars General Scotland and Northern Ireland 2002

19 19 We had them fitted after hearing that more people are injured by accidents in the home than on the road

20 20 The Size Of The Problem Each year: Approx 4,000 people die from a home accident 54% are over the age of 65 2.7 million need medical treatment Just over ½ million are over 65 years old

21 21 Ageing Population 2001 UK Population 58.8 million People 65 + have doubled since 1930s –Now make up more than a fifth of population Census Day 1951  0.2 million 85+ –Census Day 2001  1.1 million 85+ Census 2001

22 22 Fatal Home Accidents to Older People – UK 2002 estimated Fatal Home Accidents to Older People – UK 2002 estimated Type of Accident65-74 75-84 85+ All Falls281600 655 1536 Choking/suffocation 31 54 46 131 Fires 43 81 43 167 Poisoning 30 14 8 52 Drowning 5 7 4 16 Other accidents 30 81 129 240 Total420837885 2142 Office for National Statistics, Registrars General for Scotland and Northern Ireland (2002)

23 23 Non-fatal Home Accidents to Older People – UK 2002 (000s) Type of accident65-74 75+ All Fall 101272 373 Struck 25 31 56 Crush/piercing 11 07 18 Foreign body 5 3 8 Cut/tear 13 8 21 Acute over exertion 6 6 12 Other accidents 13 18 31 Total 174345 519 Source: Home Accident Surveillance System 2002

24 24 Location of Accidents Location Living Room Kitchen Exterior Garden Hall/stairs Bedroom Bathroom All Ages 4th 3 rd 6 th 1st 5 th 2nd 7 th 65-74 3 rd 2 nd 4 th 1 st 5 th 6 th 7 th 75+ 2 nd 3 rd 7 th 4 th 6 th 1 st 5 th

25 25 When Do Most Accidents Happen? Most falls happen during the day When getting out of bed When getting out of a chair When preparing meals Unexpectedly during walking When climbing When reaching When bending

26 26 The Cost Of Accidents The annual treatment costs of accidents is estimated at : £2.2 billion (7% of NHS expenditure)

27 27 Cost Of An Individual Hip Fracture CategoryCost Hospital Care £4,760 Ambulance £171 Long Stay Residential Care £20,010 GP Use £164 Outpatient Use £319 £25,424

28 28 Why Do Accidents Happen? Medical Problems Drug Use Changes Associated With Ageing Conditions Environmental Hazards Other Personal Factors Accidents CRYER 1997

29 29 Use It Or Lose It ! One third of people aged over 70 years cannot walk a 1/4 of a mile on their own Disuse rather than disease SKELTON 1999

30 30 Effect of Lack of Mobility on Daily Activities 9% of men and 38% of women aged 50-74 cannot walk comfortably at 3mph 7% of men and 28% of women aged 50-74 lacked the leg strength to climb stairs easily 47% of women aged 70-74 found it difficult to climb stairs Problems getting about increased with age SKELTON 1999

31 31 Fitness? Strength to lift household objects Flexibility to wash hair, tie shoes Balance and agility to climb stairs Co-ordination and dexterity to open a door with a key Endurance to walk to the shops

32 32 Barriers To Physical Activity Stopping work means stopping life Need green light from GP Families often encourage to “be careful” Care home staff encourage staff to stay put Disability aids can help but also discourage movement and effort Stereotypical images of older people

33 33 the golden years of iron

34 34 General Prevention Keep active Enjoy the sun Look after feet Manage medicines See clearly Osteoporosis Help The Aged

35 35 What kind of plans are we making for the time of the third age ?

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