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Friday 08/15/2014 – Warm-Up This course will require the use of a class notebook/binder in which to keep reading/lecture notes, reflections, and other.

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Presentation on theme: "Friday 08/15/2014 – Warm-Up This course will require the use of a class notebook/binder in which to keep reading/lecture notes, reflections, and other."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday 08/15/2014 – Warm-Up This course will require the use of a class notebook/binder in which to keep reading/lecture notes, reflections, and other in- class writing activities. In your notebook, write a brief reflection (probably a paragraph) describing your interest in AP European History that explains why you chose to sign up for this class. Be prepared to share with your table group and the class!

2 Why AP European History?

3 Purpose Orient ourselves to the overall purpose of this course by: 1.Examining reasons why AP classes can be an important part preparing for your future. 2.Previewing the scope and sequence of the course, as well as the structure and grading of the AP exam. 3.Taking a portion of the multiple choice section of a previous AP exam.

4 Why do AP classes matter? “If you're planning to go to college and your high school offers AP classes, you should take advantage of the opportunity. The successful completion of Advanced Placement classes has benefits during both the college application process and undergraduate life. Below are six of the biggest perks to taking AP classes.” Your success in AP will allow you to: 1. Impress College Admission Counselors 2. Develop College-Level Academic Skills 3. Save Money 4. Choose a Major Sooner 5. Take More Elective Classes in College 6. Add a Minor/ Second Major More Easily

5 AP Scholar Awards AP Scholar Award: 3 or higher on 2 AP tests AP Scholar w/ Honor: 3 or higher on 4 AP tests, avg. AP test scores at least 3.25 AP Scholar w/ Distinction: 3 or higher on 5 AP tests, avg. AP test scores at least 3.5 AP State/National Scholar: 3 or higher on 8 AP tests, avg. AP test scores at least 4.0

6 Why take the AP exam? Why are AP exams useful and important? 1. Advanced Placement can offer substantial college credit. The amount of college credit awarded varies from college to college. Check the college websites for more information. 2.AP exams are useful in providing evidence that you have sought academic challenge in high school, an important criterion in admission to selective colleges. 3.Low risk. Students choose which AP exam scores get reported to which colleges. 4.Students who take AP exams with a qualifying earn grade often have the option to skip introductory course work in college. This makes it easier for student to complete a four-year program in four year, study abroad, or to pursue higher-level coursework, or even a double major.

7 What is AP European History? “This course is a college-level survey of early modern and modern European political, economic, social, and cultural history. In many colleges, this would serve as the standard freshman Western Civilization course.” “As a survey or overview course, it is designed to provide students with mastery of the broad narrative of European history, the skills to analyze that narrative through the use of primary and secondary sources, and the awareness of the importance of seeing the past through a variety of perspectives. “ “Such a survey course creates a solid foundation for future studies in history and other humanities and social science; if nothing else, it can be an effective path toward a student gaining cultural literacy.”

8 Scope and Sequence Mastering European Geography The Medieval Mind and Later Middle Ages Renaissance, Reformation, and Religious Wars European Exploration and Conquest Absolutism, Constitutionalism, 18 th Cent. Society Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, Expansion of Europe Revolutions in Politics and the Napoleonic Era Industrial Revolution Politics from 1815-1848 and 19 th Century Society Unification, the Age of Mass Politics, and Imperialism WWI, Russian Revolution, and Interwar Period Rise of Dictatorships and WW2 1945 to 1989 (Cold War & Challenges to Postwar Order) 1990-Present (Globalization, EU & 21 st Century Issues) AP Exam Review

9 AP Test Overview Friday, May 8 th 2015 @ 12:00pm 167 days away In 2012: 108,854 students took AP Euro exam 872 9 th grade 63,534 10 th grade 16,139 11 th grade 26,709 12 th grade

10 Overview of Test Structure SectionNumber of QuestionsTimeScoring I80 MC questions55 minutes50% Scheduled break of 5-10 minutes II3 essay questions, including : ONE document-based question (DBQ) TWO free-response questions (FRQ) 130 minutes 60 minutes 70 minutes 50% (22.5%) (13.75%) Total3 hours, 5 minutes100%

11 Part I: Multiple Choice 80 questions, 55 minutes, 50% of total score Content Coverage 50% over content from Semester 1 (Renaissance-French Revolution) 50% over content from Semester 2 (Industrial Revolution -2001) Categories of Analysis 33% of questions deal with Political/Diplomatic 33% of questions deal with Cultural/Intellectual 33% of questions deal with Social/Economic As of 2010, no penalty for guessing incorrectly.

12 Part II: Essays 3 essays, 130 minutes, 50% of total score Much of our work in this course will be learning, practicing, and challenging your ability to interpret, analyze, categorize, and organize for writing using historical sources. 1. Document-Based Question (DBQ) (~60 min, 22.5%) Requires background knowledge of content, skills in historical interpretation learned primarily through practice and repetition. All test-takers answer the SAME DBQ question: Ex: Analyze various arguments that emerged over the course of the 19 th century about how to improve the lives of European workers. All of the information you need to answer the prompt is given in 10-12 primary source documents. Diary entry, speech, selection from a book, memoir, chart, political cartoon, work of art, newspaper article, etc. Scored using a rubric on a scale from 0-9

13 Part II: Essays 2. Free Response Questions (FRQs) (30-35 min/question, 13.75% each) Designed to gauge your understanding of major developments, events, and trends in European history. Intended to assess your grasp of the “big picture” through the use of well- chosen examples. Two sections of three choices each. You pick ONE from each section to respond to. No document analysis involved. For example, one section might give you the following options: 1.Analyze various ways in which technological developments contributed to the expansion of state power in the period 1450 to 1600. 2.Analyze various ways in which religious reform in the 16 th and 17 th centuries influenced the arts. 3.Analyze various ways in which government policies during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic era contributed to a greater sense of French national identity in the period 1789 to 1815. FRQs scored “holistically”, a bit more subjectively, and scored from 0-9

14 Your Final AP Test Score All AP exams employ the same overall scoring system: 5 – Extremely well qualified 4 – Well qualified 3 – Qualified 2 – Possibly Qualified 1 – No Recommendation

15 Monday 08/18/14 With your table group, recall at least 5 things you remember about the AP test from our presentation on Friday.

16 Purpose Orient ourselves to the overall purpose of this course by: 1.Examining reasons why AP classes can be an important part preparing for your future. 2.Previewing the scope and sequence of the course, as well as the structure and grading of the AP exam. 3.Taking a portion of the multiple choice section of a previous AP exam.

17 AP Exam Multiple Choice 11 minutes to answer 16 questions from 2009 AP Euro exam. On a half sheet of paper put your name in the top corner, AP Practice Quiz. Number 24-39 Pick up a booklet only when instructed to, please refrain from talking during the test!

18 AP Exam Multiple Choice General comments? Questions? Reflections? What did you find most difficult? Easy? What skills do you think will need to be valuable during this portion of the exam? (Ex: time management) How do you think you can be successful on this portion of the test? In this class? What did you find in terms of categories of analysis? Categories of Analysis 33% of questions deal with Political/Diplomatic 33% of questions deal with Cultural/Intellectual 33% of questions deal with Social/Economic Questions about the course for the good of the cause?

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