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CEI 2015 Introducing … EnSight 10.1. Summary Overview ~18 months development 10.0 –Was mostly a user interface release GUI redesign Right-click, drag.

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1 CEI 2015 Introducing … EnSight 10.1

2 Summary Overview ~18 months development 10.0 –Was mostly a user interface release GUI redesign Right-click, drag and drop, windows interface 10.1 –Is mostly a engine and transmission improvement Poly-faced elements, OpenFOAM, STAR, Fluent Right click to command language Myriad of misc improvements

3 Part Tagging Quickly Changing the Part Selection using the Keyboard –Alt-1 - assigns the current selection to tag #1 –Cntl-1 - makes the parts in tag #1 selected 10 tags (0-9) Suggestions: –Assign a tag to the fluid domain part(s) To use as parent parts for creation –Assign tags to parts you will use often –Assign tags to parts with volume rendering –Use tags to help build groups Feedback

4 Part Tagging Save/Restore from Context files Save/Restore from Archive files But not in command file

5 Smooth High Quality Shading

6 Fast rendering of spheres

7 New Rendering for Spherical Point parts with modern graphics card Old Graphics Card (OpenGL earlier than 3.3) –Spheres rendered as polygons –100MB/million spheres (client memory) Newer Graphics card (OpenGL 3.3 and later) –Vertex buffer object base point-sprite approach –Spheres are rendered as textured circles –Up to 40x faster –Unlimited number of spheres

8 Polyhedral performance improvements 40% less memory than EnSight 9.0 for pure "average" polyhedral dataset Better rendering of actual model elements using edge flags Clips without holes Polyhedrals automatically changed to Zoo elements if applicable

9 Edge Flags 10.1 utilizes “edge flags” to show the boundary of the 2d element. 10.0 10.1

10 Contour Labels – Custom Position Place labels where you want Labels now go on levels and sublevels

11 Quick Color When select anything that has a color attribute will populate “large” swatch Can drag any of the colors from a swatch to any object that has a color The “little” swatches are stored colors –Which are persistent on restart When an object has more than one color we choose the most likely –Drop on a contour part we color the part, not the contour labels

12 Auto Foreground Color When viewport 0 background color is set, change white/black foreground colors based on contrast RMB and choose White background

13 Particle Traces Tubes

14 Particle Traces Turn visibility off for any one trace Set the color of any one trace Must be done via right-click

15 Part Clones A “copy” part has limitations that many users do not understand. Also not possible to “leave behind” a part. “Clone” creates an all new part identical to the selected part –Created or Model parts –Has no dependency on the part it was cloned from But dependent on the same parts as the part that was cloned “Clone” Replaces “Copy” on RMB –Copy is still avaialble from Edit pulldown

16 Group Transform Alternative to Frame Mode Much easier –Do not need to create a frame, assign it, transform it, etc. Works with keyframe animator Visual only, i.e., no periodicity Is hierarchical, i.e., parts transform through all the group transforms RMB – Edit Group Transform RIGHT-CLICK ON A GROUP

17 Group Transform

18 There are 3 ways to transform / rotate geometry in EnSight. 1.Frames -Offers the most flexibility but also most complicated (only on client) 2. Group Transform -Put your parts in a group and transform / rotate / scale the group (visual only on the client). 3. Rigid body - Rotation/translation on the server

19 Case Linking Make case comparisons easy –Making some assumptions –Will probably get many users most of the way Then the user unlinks the cases and finishes up “manually” Step 1 – Load the first case. Perform (or not) some tasks

20 Case Linking Step 2 – Load the next case ON OFF

21 Case Linking The cases are now “linked” –The new case goes into a new viewport The viewports are linked at a low level –Part edits and creations are across the cases –Variables are created across the cases New calculator function to do a case difference –Case map with a subtract of the base case to get Delta –Queries are created across the cases And plotted on a single plotter –Interactive probes are performed through all cases

22 Case Linking Current Limitations –Parts are linked by part number, i.e., what you do to the first part in case 1 is duplicated to the first part in case 2 The parts must match up one for one in the same order –Variables are linked by name, ie., “Temperature” must exist in all of the cases. –Up to 4 cases can be linked –Once you unlink the cases you can not relink them –Uses context files – so whatever limitations context files apply –You must turn on case linking before you add the second case There is no “catching up”

23 Reuse Context on Case Replace CASE 2 CASE 1 N Steps0 Steps

24 Element Filters Earlier version of EnSight have a single filter –And required a per-element scalar variable

25 Element Filtering Filtering “Out” Up to 6 Filters Model Parts Nodal or Elemental Variable And/Or Filter Options Sequential Non-destructive (no undo necessary) 1 1 3 3 2 2 Example: Removing 1, 2, & 3

26 Element Filters

27 New & Improved Boundary Layer calculator functions New: y 1 + Dist Polyhedral support Improved algorithms Python scripts

28 Calculator Functions: New, Better & Faster New –CaseMapDiff –SpaMeanWeighted –IJKValues Improved –CaseMap Faster –In 10.0, perhaps 8 threaded calculator functions –In 10.1 Almost all of them are now threaded

29 Threaded Calculator Performance EnSight Standard, 8 threads EnSight Gold, unlimited threads Cores and hyperthreads ENSIGHT10_MAX_THREADS environment variable –NodeToElem function 2 CPU, 6 CORES EACH 64 Gb RAM NUMA MEMORY ARCHITECTURE

30 Compare Threads & SOS

31 Very Large Models 10.0 (SOS): –Models with 200M routine –Models with 2B possible 10.1 (Multi-level SOS) –Models with 2B routine –Models with many billions possible

32 Easier Remote Job Launching Making EnSight easier to launch type: “ceistart101” Standalone

33 Easier Parallel Job Launching Making EnSight easier to launch type: “ceistart101”

34 MPEG-4 Video Output Better quality, smaller files Cross-platform CEI pays the royalty for this

35 New EnLiten Qt interface Unifies Mac, Windows, and Linux versions just as EnSight is unified for all platforms.

36 Improved Readers LS-Dyna Reader New Converge –Modified Case format New CPFD Barracuda Reader New GMV Reader CGNS Reader (3 rd Gen) ABAQUS Reader – now reads CFD data FLOW-3D Exodus And Others!

37 Exodus Supports CoProcessing Update the total number of time steps as the solution proceeds

38 Right-click improvements Right click on a plot –Color all the curves on a plot with unique colors –Toggle the linestyle or markers all off or all on & unique –Auto arrange all plots –Save plot image to file Right click on a query or queries –Save their values all at once to various formats. Right click on a viewport –Auto arrange viewports –Manually arrange viewports

39 Views Right click View –Center of Transform –Center –Center + Normal Right click on part colored by variable –Center + Normal variable min –Center + Normal variable max Right click on a variable –Center + Normal to variable min of part(s) –Center + Normal to variable max of part(s)

40 New / Improved Tools Query at many locations over time tool Pressure and viscosity force tool

41 Calculate the pressure and viscosity forces on many parts Improved Tool Calculates –pressure force, –shear force, –force coefficients – net lift, drag and side forces Part by each part or total Output a Force.csv file

42 Query Probe over time: Many queries through time with many timesteps

43 Simultaneous queries –Node ID –Element ID –XYZ Cooordinates Type IDs in, or read from file(s) Current limitation one variable Only one trip through time

44 Query Probe over time: Many queries through time with many timesteps Subsequent plots use consistent colors for comparison

45 Animation of two transient variables plotted against each other Phi vs. Temperature: Transient data Added in the 10.1.2(b) release Animation courtesy Randy Hessel Engine Research Center University Of Wisconsin - Madison

46 Supports CoProcessing Update the total number of time steps as the solution proceeds Supports Exodus data

47 Front facing – Rear facing filter Designed for situation where 2D elements in the same part overlap Perhaps representing two sides of a plate "Flimmering" effect caused by the overlap Can filter on the client one or the other element faces assuming they have opposing normals.

48 Front facing – Rear facing filter

49 Recap of 10.1 Improvements Large Models –DR more robust, Windows –Launching is easier –10x bigger problems –Performance with Threads Comparing Data –Case-Linking to compare Cases –Reuse Context between Cases –Part Cloning –Element Filtering Usability –Part Tagging –Contour Label Locations –Quick Colors –Group Transform –Hide A Trace –Recolor Traces Native Polyhedral Support Improved Scripting Improved Graphics -MPEG-4 -High Quality Shading -Tube Streamlines New/Improved Python Tools -Force Tool -Multi-query tool Right-click -Multiple curves on a plot -Save multiple queries -Arrange multiple plots -Arrange multiple viewports And more….


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