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Updates and Perspectives Makoto Asai (SLAC) On behalf of the Geant4 Collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "Updates and Perspectives Makoto Asai (SLAC) On behalf of the Geant4 Collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Updates and Perspectives Makoto Asai (SLAC) On behalf of the Geant4 Collaboration

2 Contents Releases –Dec.18.2009 : version 9.3 –Feb.19.2010 : version 9.2-p03 (back-ported) –Apr.22.2010 : version 9.3-p01 –Jun.25.2010 : version 9.4-beta version 9.3-p02 may be released –Dec.17.2010 : version 9.4 (planned) Highlights of Geant4 version 9.3 New features in version 9.4-beta Foreseen new features in version 9.4 Perspectives Updates and Perspectives - M. Asai (SLAC)

3 Highlights of Geant4 version 9.3 --- released on December 18 th, 2009

4 Updates and Perspectives - M. Asai (SLAC)






10 ICRU-73 Implemented migration of ICRU-73 stopping power classes for materials to the G4VIonDEDXTable interface –Access methods of physics vectors have changed (vectors can also be identified via atomic number of material if material is pure) –Classes now deliver mass stopping powers instead of stopping powers per unit length –Removed dependency on ICRU-73 material densities –New utility class G4ExtDEDXTable to handle external electronic stopping power tables for ions Updates and Perspectives - M. Asai (SLAC)

11 EM and Hadronic physics See following presentations Updates and Perspectives - M. Asai (SLAC)

12 gMocren Great tool available for volume visualization From JST/CREST project (Japan) to improve Geant4 for medical physics Able to visualize: –Volume data (including overlay of more than one set) –Trajectories –Geometry Runs on: –Windows and Linux –Mac will likely happen soon –Based on a commercial package but offered freely to all Geant4 users – –Installation is straightforward, follow the Download link on the above page First run gMocren’s one-click installer Then, inside C:\Program Files\gMocren\gtk, you will find the one-click installer for gtk Updates and Perspectives - M. Asai (SLAC)

13 Calculated dose distribution color mapping contour plot Particle trajectories Opacity curve and color map editor free hand or templates with WW&WL editing Supported system : - Windows 2k/XP or PC Linux OS - Pentium 4 or faster - more than 1 GB (recommend) Supported system : - Windows 2k/XP or PC Linux OS - Pentium 4 or faster - more than 1 GB (recommend) 3D (ray casting)2D (MPR) Opacity curve and color map editor gMocren and utility software are freely available. Functionality Requirements : To visualize - the modality image used by the simulation, - the calculated dose distribution and - the particle trajectories - in an agreeable speed Transfer function editor Multi-platform To visualize - the modality image used by the simulation, - the calculated dose distribution and - the particle trajectories - in an agreeable speed Transfer function editor Multi-platform Trajectory information in the simulation is available. gMocren : A Visualization Tool Updates and Perspectives - M. Asai (SLAC)

14 Platforms supported for 9.3 Linux SL(C)5, gcc-4.1.2, gcc-4.3.X, 32/64 bits Linux SL(C)4, gcc-3.4.6, 32/64 bits MacOSX 10.5/10.6, gcc-4.0.1/gcc-4.2.1 Windows/XP and CygWin Tools –Compiler Visual C++ 9.0 (Visual Studio 2008) Also tested: gcc-4.4.X, icc-11.X Updates and Perspectives - M. Asai (SLAC)

15 Highlights of Geant4 version 9.4-beta --- released on June 25 th, 2010 Please note that is a beta version, therefore still experimental and not fully tested.

16 Kernel Event –Improved algorithm in G4PrimaryTransformer. Much faster for events with huge number of primary vertices Solids –Introduced recursive algorithm in CreatePolyhedron() for Boolean operations: it uses HepPolyhedronProcessor from 'graphics_reps' module, using new technique in attempt to avoid numerical problems for the calculation of the polyhedron in BooleanProcessor. It allows to try all permutations, also for Booleans of Booleans. –Introducing new G4GenericTrap shape, a new solid representing an arbitrary trapezoid with up to 8 vertices standing on two parallel planes perpendicular to the Z axis. –G4ExtrudedSolid: eliminated requirement for clockwise ordering of polygon vertices. Added a check for vertices ordering; if vertices are defined anti- clockwise their ordering is reverted. Volumes: –Make use of specialized allocator for handling internal vector in G4NavigatorHistory, globally controlling the memory pool, to optimize memory management and reduce fragmentation. Measured ~2% average run-time speed-up. Updates and Perspectives - M. Asai (SLAC)

17 Kernel Global –Introduced G4PhysicsVectorCache, placeholder for cache R/W data in use by G4PhysicsVector and derivates. Modified G4PhysicsVector and G4LPhysicsFreeVector accordingly. Materials –G4MaterialPropertyVector: removed allocation of temporary helper object and modified GetAdjacentBins() to allow for a value to match a bin exactly. Measured 21% CPU speed-up for optical processes. Particles –Allow creation of shortlived particles other than in 'PreInit' state. –ElectronOccupancy in G4DynamicParticle is now created on demand, i.e. it is not created at construction of G4DynamicParticle but when AddElectron() or RemoveElectron() are invoked. –Added anti-nuclei as short-lived particles. Persistency –Added G4GenericTrap among the set of supported solids in both GDML reader and writer, treating as 'arb8' GDML type. Updates and Perspectives - M. Asai (SLAC)

18 Physics lists Moved QGSP_FTFP_BERT list to supported (was experimental). Removed previously blocked lists (FTFP_EMV, QGSC_EFLOW, QGSP_EMX). Remove obsolete lists, except QGSP (now blocked) and QGSC_CHIPS; –i.e. lists removed: FTFC, FTFP, LHEP_BERT_HP, LHEP_BERT, LHEP_PRECO_HP, QGSC_EMV, QGSC, QGSC_QGSC, QGSP_BERT_DIF, QGSP_BERT_NQE, QGSP_DIF, QGSP_EMV, QGSP_EMV_NQE, QGSP_NQE, QGSP_QE New physics list QGSP_BERT_CHIPS –use CHIPS inelastic for all "misc“ particles, including anti-proton, anti-neutron and hyperons. Also use interface to CHIPS cross-sections for Kaons. Introduced new constructor for all builders with verbosity argument. G4EmStandardPhysics_option2: added G4WentzelVIMscModel and 'RangeFactor‘ set to 0.04 for e+-. G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics, G4EmDNAPhysics, G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics: –added G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel for e+-; –added 1 MeV upper limit for the Livermore ionisation model (was 1 GeV). Updates and Perspectives - M. Asai (SLAC)

19 Physics lists Revised QGSP_FTFP_BERT and FTFP_BERT lists to use CHIPS G4QInelastic for all "misc" particles, including anti-proton, anti-neutron and hyperons, and use interface to CHIPS cross-sections G4QHadronInelasticDataSet for kaons. Required changes to respective HadronPhysics* classes. LBE: substituted obsolete G4MultipleScattering by particle wise processes. QBBC: disabled multi-fragmentation model of deexcitation. Updates and Perspectives - M. Asai (SLAC)

20 EM and Hadronic physics See following presentations Obsolete classes G4MultipleScattering, G4UrbanMscModel and G4UrbanMscModel2 are removed in this release; multiple-scattering particle- based processes, G4eMultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering and G4MuMultipleScattering are now mandatory; G4UrbanMscModel93 is now introduced. Updates and Perspectives - M. Asai (SLAC)

21 Foreseen highlights of Geant4 version 9.4 --- planned to release on December 17 th, 2010 Id=2&resId=0&materialId=1&confId=87967

22 Kernel Run –Beta-version of multi-thread prototype Track –Caching mechanism in GetVelocity() method to avoid unnecessary recalculation. ~20% speedup for some most complex use-cases. Particle –Update properties of particles to PDG 2010 Geometry –Extend G4Division to allow gaps in between daughters. G4ReplicatedSlice Persistency –UI messenger for basic operations with the GDML parser –New extended exercise showing GDML customization for a sensitive detector UI –Improve range check of UI commands (taking into account units) Updates and Perspectives - M. Asai (SLAC)

23 Cylindrical scoring mesh and scorer improvements Updates and Perspectives - M. Asai (SLAC)

24 Geant4 Vis Updates for Release 9.4 New /vis/open command for OpenGL viewers, /vis/open OGL –Allows the same macro to be used whether one is on Linux or Windows. New commands, /vis/scene/add/digis and /vis/filtering/digi –Analogous to existing commands /vis/scene/add/hits and /vis/filtering/hits. –As with hits, it remains user responsibility to provide digitisation classes. OpenGL Speed improvements –Removing redundant transmissions of points and unnecessary redraws Improved modeling /vis/modeling/trajectories/create/drawByParticleID –Now defaults to a useful color set instead of old default of all grey. –User can still re-map colors as desired. Updated visualization usage in most examples –We did not change the resulting behavior (except for adding step points to the trajectories in appropriate cases). –The new vis macros demonstrate the best and most flexible current usage. gMocren extended to Mac –Including Leopard and Snow Leopard.

25 Perspectives

26 Internal architecture review is in progress. –Identifying opening backdoors, potential key design revisions. Study the feasibility of large design revision –Multi-thread, multi-core –Check mode More integrated validation suites Updates and Perspectives - M. Asai (SLAC)

27 EM physics Standard EM models –New Goudsmit-Saunderson multiple scattering model for electrons & positrons (e - /e + ) –Gamma conversion with LPM effect –Addition of muon multiple-scattering model in Physics Lists –Physics lists with combinations of standard and low-energy models –Introduction of cut in range for recoil Optical processes –Inclusion of Mie scattering as a new optical photon physics process –Extension to the unified surface model to have both specular and diffuse components for the transmitted photons –New extended/optical example to exhibit transmission properties of optical fibers with circular and elliptical cross section Low-energy EM –Complete migration to ‘standard-EM’ design: added Bremsstrahlung physics according to Penelope and Livermore models; added G4LivermoreIonisationModel, first implementation of low-energy ionisation (G4LowEnergyIonisation) in the common design –New DNA processes migrated to the new design; new G4EMLOW-6.5 data set; made obsolete old cross-sections and final-state classes Updates and Perspectives - M. Asai (SLAC)

28 Hadronics Models –Developments in CHIPS model to extend its applicability to all energies, particles and targets –Model precise sampling and ‘on-the-fly’ table preparation for coherent_elastic module –Complete improvements to pre-compound model –Allow carbon-ion projectiles in INCL model Physics lists –New development physics-lists QGSC_CHIPS (QGS model with ‘EnergyFlow’ interface to CHIPS at all energies) –Interim QGSC_QGSC (QGS model with interface to CHIPS at all energies, still using LHEP for neutrons) QGSP_FTFP_BERT ( replaces LEP with FTFP for nucleon & pion projectiles) CHIPS physics list ( completely replaces LEP, also for hyperons) –New physics-lists with special EM options (EMV, EMX, EMY) –Complete and validate INCL/ABLA physics list Updates and Perspectives - M. Asai (SLAC)

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