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RABBINIC PERIOD c. 330’s BCE – Alexander the Great conquers most of the world. Antiochus IV runs Jerusalem. He has a hatred of Jews. Antiochus bans Jewish.

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Presentation on theme: "RABBINIC PERIOD c. 330’s BCE – Alexander the Great conquers most of the world. Antiochus IV runs Jerusalem. He has a hatred of Jews. Antiochus bans Jewish."— Presentation transcript:

1 RABBINIC PERIOD c. 330’s BCE – Alexander the Great conquers most of the world. Antiochus IV runs Jerusalem. He has a hatred of Jews. Antiochus bans Jewish worship and takes over the Temple. Age of Hellenism (Greek thought & culture) flourishes. As a result, Hebrew bible is translated into Greek Sectarian development in Judaism. Groups such as the Sadducees, Pharisees, Zealots, Essenes, etc…formed

2 Rabbinic Period Continued… 168-165 BCE – Maccabean Rebellion. Maccabees hold out in the Temple and reclaim it. Celebrated in Hanukkah 63 BCE – Rome conquers the region. Establish governors to rule the land on behalf of Rome 70 CE – Rome sacks Jerusalem. The Temple is destroyed for the final time. Focus of worship now changes to Synagogue & Rabbis – animal sacrifice is eliminated (perpetual light of menorah replaces) Commentaries on the Torah are compiled and called the TALMUD (Rabbinic Judaism is also known as Talmudic Judaism – Talmud is 2 nd to Torah)

3 MEDIEVAL & MODERN JUDAISM Diaspora in full effect. Jews now leaving Jerusalem (mainly to Europe) – remain a minority With the rise of Islam in the Middle East (7 th c. CE), centre of Jewish life moves to Spain – one the greatest Jewish thinkers = Maimonides 209 -1945 CE – Period of anti-Semitism in Europe 1900 CE – Zionist movement (desire for Jewish homeland) gains strength 1948 – State of Israel born out of Palestine. Instigated the problems which exist to this day.

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