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The Ethics of Cloning Ethics – Bioethics Year 12 SOR.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ethics of Cloning Ethics – Bioethics Year 12 SOR."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ethics of Cloning Ethics – Bioethics Year 12 SOR

2 Defining Cloning “Production of 1+ individual plants or animals that are genetically identical to another plant or animal.” – Ethics & Religion “The production of a cell or organism with the same nuclear genome as another cell or organism.” – NOVA (Science News) “The production of genetically identical organisms via somatic cell nuclear transfer.” – AMA

3 Types of Cloning 1. Embryo Cloning: ◦Producing twins/triplets with identical DNA 2. Reproductive Cloning: ◦Duplicate an existing animal ◦Eg. Dolly the Sheep 3. Therapeutic Cloning: ◦Produce a healthy copy of a sick person’s tissues or organs for transplant.

4 Cases of Human Cloning...

5 What are the pro’s and con’s???

6 Cloning??? FORAGAINST Improve scientific understanding Aid gay and lesbian couples have children Combat infertility Resurrect the dead?? Replicate talents Farming Endangered species Playing God?? Health risks Emotional and psychological risks Human = product Abuse Depletion of genetic diversity

7 CHRISTIAN CHURCH PERSPECTIVE Roman Catholic “Offense to human dignity” Interfere with natural order of things Humans treated like a commodity to be traded. Required to kill embryo’s to obtained the DNA – killing human Against Bible’s view of human life Bible teaches God created man and gave him responsibility over the Earth But we are held responsible to God, who is the only one who can exercise sovereign control over human life. Not created out of love as God intended.... Bible outlines that God created each of us and had a plan for us...cloning infereres with this process. We shouldn’t be given the option to make decisions about the replication of other human beings... Bible Ref: Gen 1:26-27, Gen 9:1-2, Psalm 139:13-16

8 ProtestantsAnglican Don’t provide a definitive opinion Suggest left to individual conscience guided by the Christian ethical teachings - scripture, tradition, reason, and experience. Actively oppose Issued a public letter – “It will enshrine in law the corrupt view that early human life is our property, for our use, and does so by claiming that the embryos used are not morally significant or important.” Ignores the value and dignity of human life provided to us by God. CHRISTIAN CHURCH PERSPECTIVE

9 Orthodox Concerns of social, emotional & moral implications of “copy” About seeking eternal life. “The real issue is that these experiments are being promoted by rich, faithless, proud people seeking eternal life."

10 Worksheet on Cloning

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