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Common Core Study Session LVUSD. Agenda LVUSD transition to Common Core Strategic Plan goals for 13/14 Demonstration of NGA & Common Core Instructional.

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Presentation on theme: "Common Core Study Session LVUSD. Agenda LVUSD transition to Common Core Strategic Plan goals for 13/14 Demonstration of NGA & Common Core Instructional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Core Study Session LVUSD

2 Agenda LVUSD transition to Common Core Strategic Plan goals for 13/14 Demonstration of NGA & Common Core Instructional Strategies LVUSD teachers share Common Core lessons Resources & next steps Q & A

3 LVUSD 13/14 CC Goals 1.Knowledge of Standards 2.Information & experience with CalMAPP (Smarter Balanced) 3.Instructional Shifts information and implementation 4.Increase technology integration for instruction and assessment 5.Common Core aligned curriculum – review and begin adoption cycle

4 1. Knowledge of CC Standards All teachers will know and understand the CC standards for their grade / subject. (ELA & Math) Secondary subject areas without specific subject standards will identify and understand the CCS standards for Reading & Writing Literacy across content areas.

5 Next Generation Assessments District staff will bring information re CalMAPP to all stakeholders All teachers will experience the Smarter Balanced sample test items District will develop plan for computer use for the pilot assessment Spr 2014 (Tech Committee) Students grades 3 rd – 8 th & 11 th & 20% of 9 th & 10 th will take the spr 14 pilot Smarter Balanced assessment

6 Instructional Shifts & Implementation Strategies All teachers will begin to implement 25% of the CCSS & associated instructional shifts PD will be provided with consistent modules including PP, videos, and resources Opportunities for cross district collaboration will be provided during Staff Development hours

7 Instructional Shifts - ELA Close reading Text-dependent questions Writing genres of Opinion & Argument & Informational –Rubrics will be provided Text complexity Academic vocabulary

8 Instructional Shifts - All Depth of Knowledge / D Quadrant Lessons Effective Questioning (text dependent / Depth of Knowledge / Process Focused) Application of Learning – D Quadrant Lessons

9 Instructional Shifts - Math Review and Map content shifts for implementation in 14/15 Plan for shift to Common Core aligned Traditional sequence –(Phase in vs 100% implementation) Determine middle school acceleration plan ( access to higher level math in middle school)

10 Math Practices Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision – “fewer & deeper” Look for and make use of structure Look for & express regularity in repeated reasoning.

11 Technology Integration for Instruction & Assessment As part of the 25% implementation, technology integration will be used whenever appropriate for Common Core aligned lessons and units. –Media Specialists training District Technology Committee will be developing recommendations related to the LVUSD Technology platform.

12 Common Core Aligned Curriculum District Committees / ELA and Math begin Mapping and review of Common Core aligned curriculum.


14 How do the Common Core Standards Align with College Board Exams ?

15 College Board Research Report (2010) Reading……”strong alignment” Writing……..”strong alignment” Language.....”strong alignment” Math………..”strong alignment”

16 If CalMAPP only tests high school Math in 11 th grade, what about students who only take 2 years of Math?

17 Graduation Requirements

18 Currently…. How many of our current seniors are not taking math? AHS 26% CHS 37% How many of our current juniors are not taking math? AHS9.1%CHS 5%

19 What about Science? How many of our current 11 th graders are not taking Science? AHS18%CHS11% How many of our current 12 th graders are not taking Science? AHS41%CHS38%

20 Rigor – How many students are taking Teacher / Office Aide AHS 285CHS281

21 How many student computers do we have? September 2012 – 2% September 2013 – 20.3% –One computer for every 5 students

22 If CC is more rigorous, how will my child get all that homework done….they are working late already?

23 Writing Across the Subjects…How will teachers be prepared.. Use of brief / targeted holistic rubrics School wide guidelines for writing competency Professional development Write / revise brief texts – subject specific Expand on to current writing assignments




27 Next Steps Ongoing professional development Curr Mapping of ELA & Math Grade Level Leads meetings Secondary Department Chairs Walk Through Tools Pilot Smarter Balanced Assessments Watching development of CalMAPP

28 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction AB 484: Required Assessments for the 2013–14 School Year Spring 2014 Smarter Balanced Field Test for English–language arts (ELA) and math in grades 3 – 8, and grade 11 (and a select sample in grades 9 and 10) California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) for ELA and math in grades 2 through 11 Science in grades 5, 8, and 10, including CST, CMA, and CAPA 28

29 Q & A

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