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Age of Exploration What Made it Possible (Technology)? Motives Explorers.

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4 Age of Exploration What Made it Possible (Technology)? Motives Explorers

5 Age of Exploration Results Atlantic Slave Trade Columbian Exchange New Business Practices China’s Closed Door Policy

6 Age of Exploration Main Idea – Driven by the desire for wealth and Christian converts, Europeans began an age of exploration. Why it Matters Now? – European exploration was an important step toward the global interaction that characterizes the world today.

7 What made it possible? Renaissance encouraged a new spirit of adventure and curiosity. Better Ships; caravel – a small, fast- sailing ship w/triangular sails Better Maps(Printing Press) Astrolabe Motives – “God, Glory, Gold”

8 Motives “God, Glory, and Gold” New trade routes to the east Europeans wanted to eliminate dealing with Muslim and Italian merchants

9 Explorers Prince Henry the Navigator helps Portugal take the lead Bartolomeu Dias sailed around the southern tip of Africa Vasco da Gama sailed around the southern tip of Africa to India (gained a direct sea route to Asia)

10 Explorers Columbus reaches the Caribbean (increased tension between Spain & Portugal, opened up the Americas to European colonization) Portugal and Spain became rivals Treaty of Tordesillas – decrease conflict between Spain and Portugal Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigates the world

11 Spanish Conquests in the Americas Main Idea – The voyages of Columbus prompted the Spanish to carve out the first European colonies in the Americas Why it Matters Now? – Throughout the Americas, Spanish culture, language, and descendents are the legacy of this period.

12 Spanish Conquests in the Americas Motive – Desire for gold and spices; stories of riches and religious zeal Conquistadores-Conquerors Hernan Cortes conquers the Aztec; superior weaponry, spread of disease, and native enemies of Aztecs

13 Spanish Conquests in the Americas Francisco Pizarro conquers the Inca Empire; they intermarried, imposed their culture, and exploited Native Americans as laborers(encomienda system) Native Americans taught Europeans how to hunt and trap forest animals Abolishment of encomienda system led to the Atlantic Slave Trade

14 The Atlantic Slave Trade Main Idea – To meet their growing labor needs, Europeans enslaved millions of Africans in forced labor in the Americas. Why it Matters Now? – Descendents of enslaved Africans represent a significant part of the America’s population today.

15 The Atlantic Slave Trade(What contributed to the start of this business?) Business European colonization of the Americas African rulers African merchants

16 The Atlantic Slave Trade(Consequences) African societies saw a population drain; guns were introduced which helped spread war Enslaved Africans were separated from families, harsh lives

17 The Atlantic Slave Trade(Consequences) American colonies witnessed economic and cultural development Present-day American cultures have seen the addition of Africans to population group, mixed-race populations, cultural blending

18 The Columbian Exchange and Global Trade Main Idea – The colonization of the Americas introduced new and different items into the Eastern and Western hemispheres. Why it Matters Now? – This global exchange of goods permanently changed Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

19 The Columbian Exchange and Global Trade Columbian Exchange – the global transfer of plants, animals, and diseases that occurred during European colonization of the Americas. Causes: colonization of Americas Effects: introduction of new products and new diseases, changes in diet, death of millions of Native Americans

20 The Columbian Exchange and Global Trade Commercial Revolution – the expansion of trade and business that transformed European economies during the 16 th and 17 th centuries Causes: establishment of colonial empires, expansion of overseas trade, Effects: rise of capitalism(economic system based on private ownership of the means of producing goods and services, investment of money to make a profit), rise of merchant class, growth of towns

21 The Columbian Exchange and Global Trade Inflation – Economic cycle in which prices rise Causes: increased money supply, increased demand for goods Effects: scarcity of goods, rising prices

22 The Columbian Exchange and Global Trade Joint-stock company – a business in which a number of people pool large amounts of capital(money) for overseas ventures Causes: high cost of colonization, need to reduce potential losses Effects: establishment of Jamestown and other colonies in North America

23 The Columbian Exchange and Global Trade Mercantilism – an economic system based on the practice of producing raw materials for the parent country(Spain, England) and providing a market for that country’s manufactured goods Causes: desire for power, wealth, and self- sufficiency(measured by the amount gold and silver; aimed at strengthening European monarchies and economies Effects: creation of colonial empires

24 China Limits European Contacts Under the Ming Dynasty, China chose stability over change Just as the Portuguese were beginning to study navigation, Chinese scholar- officials closed their doors. The question is why

25 Why Withdraw into Isolationism? Wasting valuable resources Under this policy, government controlled foreign trade, and could operate from only three ports

26 Manchus Continue to with Isolationism After 200 years (1600s), Manchus overrun the Ming Dynasty Manchus take a likening to the Dutch because the Dutch respect Chinese rules (trade at special ports and pay tribute to emperor)

27 Manchus Policy of Isolationism As a result, the Dutch receive porcelains, silk, and tea The British tried to follow in the footsteps of the Dutch; however, no such luck because they refused to kowtow before the emperor

28 Manchus Policy of Isolationism Up until the 1800s, it would be an uphill battle for Europeans to get into China Korea, because it had been conquered by the Manchus, adopted China’s technology, it’s culutre, and policy of isolationism

29 Japan turned to Isolation Portuguese arrive in Japan in 1543 during the Age of the Country at War During this time, Japan had independent rulers (daimyo) ruling over their own areas This led to the introduction of guns in exchange for silk which brought an end to the samurai Catholic missionaries came to Japan close on the heels of the merchants

30 Japan’s Door Slammed Shut Many Japanese were being converted to Christianity which upset the Tokugawa The Philippines had been taken over by the Europeans so might this happen to Japan Tokugawa bans Europeans for fear that they might influence local politics Japan fell behind in science and military power; however, experienced a period of peace and stability

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