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UMass Amherst Libraries How Interactive Graphic Displays are Transforming Collection Development Decisions Rachel Lewellen – Assessment Librarian Paulina.

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Presentation on theme: "UMass Amherst Libraries How Interactive Graphic Displays are Transforming Collection Development Decisions Rachel Lewellen – Assessment Librarian Paulina."— Presentation transcript:

1 UMass Amherst Libraries How Interactive Graphic Displays are Transforming Collection Development Decisions Rachel Lewellen – Assessment Librarian Paulina Borrego – Science & Engineering Librarian Collection Development and Data Visualization

2 2 UMass Amherst Libraries Today  Data Visualization - Tableau Easier for staff to understand and use visual data Good for communication and sharing Useful tool for analysis  Transforming Collection Development Able to use and understand collection data Conversation and discussion Allocations Transparency

3 3 UMass Amherst Libraries

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9 9 LC and School and College

10 10 UMass Amherst Libraries School and College Expenditures FY2011-2013

11 11 UMass Amherst Libraries

12 12 UMass Amherst Libraries

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14 14 UMass Amherst Libraries

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16 16 UMass Amherst Libraries

17 17 UMass Amherst Libraries

18 18 UMass Amherst Libraries Considerations  Investment Time Money  Public vs private sharing  Underlying data needs to be properly structured

19 19 UMass Amherst Libraries “The Cornell study reinforces data from a study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh over three decades ago. That study reported that 40% of monographs never circulated during the first six years after purchase. If a book does not circulate within the first six years, the chances of it ever circulating drop to one in fifty. At ARL institutions, 56% of books never circulate.” Stewart, C. (2011). The next chapter: Measuring the pace of change for print monograph collections. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 37(4), 355-357.

20 20 UMass Amherst Libraries Making the known visible

21 21 UMass Amherst Libraries Transforming Collection Development Decisions  Transformed abstract ideas of the collection into concrete understandable reality  Informs item level decision making  Informs format decisions  Informs allocation distribution across subject areas and purchase programs  Used to communicate collections information with stakeholders  Demonstrates fiscal accountability and responsibility

22 22 UMass Amherst Libraries Tableau Public Dashboards  Purchasing and Circulation ment#!/vizhome/ALEPHPurcasingandCirc/OrderGroupDas hboard ment#!/vizhome/ALEPHPurcasingandCirc/OrderGroupDas hboard  EBL Pilot-PublisherDashboard?:embed=y&:display_count=no Pilot-PublisherDashboard?:embed=y&:display_count=no  Electronic Resources – MINES ment#!/vizhome/NEW_MINESFY2014_extract_Public_1/U serGroupDashboard ment#!/vizhome/NEW_MINESFY2014_extract_Public_1/U serGroupDashboard

23 23 UMass Amherst Libraries Questions?  

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