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Unit 4 Helping People around the World. We cannot have security without development; we cannot have development without security; and we cannot have.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4 Helping People around the World. We cannot have security without development; we cannot have development without security; and we cannot have."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4 Helping People around the World


3 We cannot have security without development; we cannot have development without security; and we cannot have either without respect for human rights. ----- Kofi Annan

4 War


6 Poverty


8 Natural Disasters

9 organizations national organizations governmental organizations international organizations non-governmental organizations


11 What do you know about the UN?

12 Secretary-General (2006) Kofi Annan A General Assembly meetingThe UN peace-keepers The UN headquarters (New York) The UN Emblem

13 Present Secretary-general Ban Kimoon Former Secretary-general Kofi Annan

14 The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council 安理会常任理事国

15 United Nations International Children’s Fund 联合国儿童基金会 Jackie Chan actor & martial arts expert Cambodia, in April 2004 Lang Pianist of our time on 20 May 2004 David Beckham Football player NEW YORK, 12 January 2005 UN Goodwill Ambassador

16 Fast Reading Go through the whole speech and find out: Paras ( ): Some information of the UN Paras ( ): The work Tang Ning has done for the UN 1,2& 5 3 & 4

17 1.What is the UN? 2. When was the UN set up? The UN is an international group made up of countries that want toincrease peace It was actually set up just after the Second World War in october 1945 Fast Reading

18 Go through paras1, 2 &5. Find out some detailed information about the UN mentioned in the speech. Definition: Origin: Members: Purposes: The jobs the UN is involved in: Scanning

19 OutlineDetailed information Definition The UN, which ________ for the United Nations, is an international group __________ of countries that want to increase world peace. Origin It was in October _________ that the UN was set up by ________ countries. Members There are ________ countries altogether ___________ to the UN now. Fill in the blanks: stands consisting 1945 192 belonging 51

20 Purposes to keep ____________________________ to develop__________________________ to _____________ in solving international problems and in ___________________ for human rights to be a center for ___________________________________ Fill in the blanks: international peace friendly relationships among nations work together promoting respect organizing the actions or work of different nations

21 The jobs the UN is involved in operating peacekeeping programmes to help end some of the world’s most _________________ _______ ___ the victims of wars and disasters and helping ______________________ working to improve _______________ ________such as ______________ helping __________ other problems, such as _______________, lack of food, poverty, disasters Fill in the blanks: horrible conflicts protect human rights assisting international laws those on child labour solve lack of education

22 1. How does the UN assist the victims of wars and disasters? 2. What happened at the UN meeting held in 2000? Careful reading With the help of soldiers from different countries and other worthy organizations All 192 members agreed to try and meet eight development goals by the year 2015. One is to … Another is to…

23 Read paras 3&4 aloud and find out: What did Tang Ning do as a Goodwill Ambassador to give help? She visited these countries so that the television and press will _______ and _______ her visits, ________ will increase people’s ____________ of the work of the UN and __________ people working on the projects and _________ local people’s _________ to the situation. followrecord which awareness encourage draw attention

24 What did she see there? She met some women who organzied themselves into a group and set up a shop by selling baskets made by themselves. God helps those who help themselves.

25 As you know, the UN touches the lives of people everywhere. (L16) Further understanding What is the meaning of “touch the lives of people”? A.The UN is involved in helping people all over the world and with people’s all aspects of life. B.The UN makes people all over the world moved to tears. C.The UN works with people around the world. D.The UN does a better job than people throughout the world do.

26 An Interview According to the information provided by the speech, can you make an interview with Tang Ning? A: Tang Ning (who has just returned from Africa) B:...

27 As common people, what can we do to help those in need?

28 Writing 现你想写一封信给二十 一世纪报的编辑, 告诉他你 班同学讨论我们普通人如 何帮助贫困地区无法上学 的儿童这一话题的内容. 内 容主要包括帮助别人的各 种方法。

29 Dear Editor, I am a college student in Jiangsu. Yesterday we had a heated discussion about what we common people could do to help the people in need. We all think that we can do different things to help them. First,_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Second, _________________________________________ ________________________________________________. Third,____________________________________________ ___________________________. Yours sincerely, ___________


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