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RAIN FOREST ANIMALS 4 TH GRADE 2009 Augusto Laranja School.

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1 RAIN FOREST ANIMALS 4 TH GRADE 2009 Augusto Laranja School

2 Sources for all slides: rainforest-animals.pdf rainforest/animals/sampling.shtml rainforest-animals.pdf rainforest/animals/sampling.shtml


4 Golden Lion Tamarins take their name from their impressive manes, thick rings of hair reminiscent of Africa’s great cats.The Golden Lion Tamarin may be the most beautiful of the four Lion Tamarin species. Its abundant golden hair frames a charismatic black face and covers its small body and tail.Despite their name, these rare primates have far more in common with their monkey relatives than any felline. Diet:omnivore Type:Mammal Average lifespan in the wild:15 years Group name:Troop Protection status:Endangered


6 Its name is Toucan. It lives in the rainforest. The toucan is a South American bird.This social bird lives in Small flocks in lowland rainforests.The bill is brightly colored. Toucans eat mostly fruit,but also eat bird eggs,insects,and tree frogs.Its omnivorous Its classification is: Kingdom: Animalia/ Philum: Chordata/ Class: Aves It lives in he forest located between North and South America, including the Amazon Rainforest. Curiosity:Toucans are docile animals but they know how to protect their territory.


8 The Brazilian tapir lives in the tropical Rain Forest, grassland, swampy areas and thickets of South America. The Brazilian tapir is about 3 feet (91 cm) tall at the shoulder; it weighs up to 600 pounds( 270 kg). It has a bulky body, short legs, and a bristly coat; the young ones look like brown watermelons with legs; they are light brow with white stripes and dots. Tapirs are plant-eaters (herbivores), eating water plants, leaves, buds, fallen fruit and twigs. The tapir uses its trunk to sniff at food, reach leaves, grab them and bring them to its mouth. The Brazilian tapir is preyed upon by the jaguar.




12 Ocelots are medium-sized cats that live in rainforest and grasslands from Southland Central America to the Southwestern USA. These graceful cats grow to be about 2-3ft (65-100cm) long (excluding the tail), the tail can be up to 1-5 ft (50cm) long. These fast hunters eat small mammals, birds, fish and snakes.


14 Wheight: 3 to 7 pounds (1 to 3 kg). Size: head and body 17 to 22 in(43 to 56 cm),and tail 16 to 22 in (41 to 56 cm) They have a long, skinny tongue to slurp honey from a hive, and also to remove insects like termites from their nests. The kinkajou also has a prehensile (gripping) tail that it uses much like another arm. Kinkajous live in the tropical forest of Central and South America.


16 Leafcutter ants are social insects found in warmer regions of the Americas. These unique ants have evolved an advanced agricultural system based on ant-fungus mutalism. They feed on special structures called gongylidia produced by a specialized fungus that grows only in the underground chambers of the ants Habitat: Amazon Rain Forest Continent: America


18 Habitat: tropical forests of Guyana, Venezuela and Northen Brazil. It lives on top of the trees. Description: gray fur. It has long arms and legs,but a small head. Weight: 3,5 Kg to 6,0 Kg Diet: they are omnivores. They may eat insects, small reptiles, and birds. Their diet consists mostly of birds, tendershoots, and leaves. Curiosty: -P-People think that slothes sleep 15 to 18 hours each day, but studies indicate that slothes sleep just under 10 hours a day. -T-Their reactions and even their breathing are very slow. Sloth Sloth


20 The capybara, hydrochaeris, is the biggest rodent in the world. This semi-aquatic rodent lives in swamps, in marshes, and also in forests (near ponds,lakes and rivers). It is found in Central and South America. Capybaras gather near the water in groups of about 20 animals; they spend a lot of time communicating through whistles and barks.


22 Jaguars are wild cats that live in the Rainforest, swamps, deserts,and shrubly areas from South and Central America. These solitary felines often have dens in caves. Jaguars are territorial. They are very good swimmers. Jaguars are an endagered species due to loss of all habitat and over-hunting by man. Anatomy: These graceful cats qrow to be about 4-6 feet (1.2 m)


24 HABITAT: The Leafcutter ant lives in the Tropical Rainforest. DESCRIPITION: The Leafcutter ant has 6 legs, 1 sting,1abdomen, 2 powerful mandibles, 1 head,1 compound eye,1 thorax,1ocelli, 2 joined antennae. EATING HABITS: Tiny flying insects. LIFE CYCLE: The life cycle of the ant consists of four stages (egg, larva, pupa, and adult)


26 The natural habitat of the Giant Anteater is grasslands, savannas (plains with grass and some trees), and tropical forests in South and Central America. They mostly eat ants and termites, but will also eat other insects. DO YOU KNOW… They catch insects using their long tongue, flicking it in and out up to 160 times each minute. Anteaters have terrible eyesight, but a keen sense of smell. The Anteater has a long snout with a tiny mouth the size of a small pencil and a huge (60cm long) tongue. This giant grows about 124cm, with a long tail which is about 3m long. It digs to get food and for self-defense.


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