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To 600 B.C.E..  World History is GLOBAL!  Humans emerged in East Africa  Hunting-Foraging bands migrated to:  Eurasia  Americas  Australia  New.

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Presentation on theme: "To 600 B.C.E..  World History is GLOBAL!  Humans emerged in East Africa  Hunting-Foraging bands migrated to:  Eurasia  Americas  Australia  New."— Presentation transcript:

1 To 600 B.C.E.

2  World History is GLOBAL!  Humans emerged in East Africa  Hunting-Foraging bands migrated to:  Eurasia  Americas  Australia  New technology & culture emerged as they arrived in different climate zones


4  Neolithic Revolution began in about 8000 BCE  Agriculture developed in different places at different times!  Nile Valley  Tigris & Euphrates Valley  Huang He/Yellow River  Indus River  Mesoamerica  Andes  New Guinea


6  Pastoralism remained a thriving way of life in steppe grasslands  Cooperation was required to clear land and control water for crop production  Soil depletion, overgrazing, deforestation…all impact the earth

7  Population grew exponentially with farming and grazing  Surplus of food=specialization of labor  Artisans, warriors, elites, unskilled masses  Technology led to improvements in farming (plows, metals), trade (pottery, woven textiles), and transportation (wheels)  Elites gain wealth & promote patriarchy & large poor classes

8  States first emerge in the core agricultural areas  Egypt  Mohenjo-Daro & Harappa  Shang Dynasty  Sumeria  Olmec  Chavin

9  Mobilized resources for farming  Organized labor  Led by a divine ruler  Had military support  Competed with other states for resources  Ex. Hittites had iron so others wanted it  Metals were a key component  Gained knowledge of new weapons & technology from pastoralists (examples?)


11  Culture was important to these states:  Monumental architecture  Urban planning  Sculpture/painting (frescoes)  Record keeping  Literature (Epic of Gilgamesh)  Politics reflected existing hierarchies & the rule over the masses  Hammurabi’s Code


13  Complex religious beliefs develop:  Polytheism, then….  Early Hinduism (Vedic religion)  Judaism (monotheistic)  Zoroastrianism (monotheistic)  Trade expands locally, regionally, and trans- regionally (goods, technology, & CULTURE!)  Egypt & Nubia, Mesopotamia & India

14 600 BCE to 600 CE

15  People begin to identify themselves with others that live by their similar religious “code.”  Hebrew scriptures united dispersed Jews  Hindu caste system

16  Universal “truths” emerge and spread  Ashoka promotes Buddhist teachings  Han Dynasty implements Confucian teachings  Daoism influences art, poetry & medicine  Missionaries, merchants & Constantine spread Christianity  Greco-Roman philosophy & science emphasize the use of logic and reasoning in solving problems

17  Buddhists & Christians have monasteries and encourage conversions of others to their belief systems  Confucianism emphasizes filial piety


19  Outside of core areas, ancestor veneration (worship) continued  China, Andean Mountains  Art, Literature & Architecture becomes more distinctive and reflects developed cultures:  Greek Comedy & Tragedy  Roman arches & domes  Olmec heads

20  Key states & empires impose political control on smaller, competitive areas:  Persian Empire  Qin & Han China  Maurya & Gupta India  Phoenician colonies  Greek city-states  Roman Empire  Mayan City States & Teotihuacan  Andean Moche






26 Period 3

27  Old trade routes keep on getting more extensive  Powerful trading cities emerge  Timbuktu  Calicut  Baghdad  Venice  Diasporic communities emerge on the routes  Ex. Muslim merchant communities in the Indian Ocean

28  Mesoamerican and Andean trade routes develop  Luxury goods such as porcelain from China, gems from India, and exotic animals from Africa become more common on existing trade routes  Better caravan organization & travel  New compasses & astrolabes  Larger ships in the Indian Ocean  Credit systems, banking houses for loans

29  States encourage commercial growth within  Ex. Building the Grand Canal in China  Minting coins & paper money in the Caliphates & China  Northern European membership in the Hanseatic League  Empires are built and encourage trade within  Tang & Song China  Byzantine Empire  Mongol Empire  Umayyad & Abbasid Caliphates

30  Pastoral groups and nomads adapt to and alter environments  Viking long ships are developed to travel rivers  Berbers breed camels to travel the Sahara  Central Asian pastoralists use horses along the steppes of the Silk Roads  Arabic is spread throughout the Caliphates  Bantu languages & farming techniques spread south of the Sahara


32  Islam developed in the Arabian Peninsula  It reflected elements of other monotheistic belief systems  Islamic armies conquered lands & expanded the religion through merchants & missionaries  Travelers such as Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta tell of the vast differences and integration of different cultures.


34  Literature, art & religion spread along these trade routes as people make new contacts with each other  Hinduism & Islam in SE Asia  Buddhism in East Asia  Science & Technology too!  Greek & Indian math is used by Arabic scholars  Printing & gunpowder spread from China to the Middle East to W. Europe  And food!  Bananas to Africa  Champa Rice from Vietnam to China

35  Black Death follows trade & military routes from Central Asia to China to W. Europe  “ooh ooh, fleas on rats, fleas on rats!”

36  Out with the Roman and Han Empires….  In with the Byzantine and Sui, Tang & Song Empires!  Both rely on traditional sources of power (i.e. land ownership) and new innovations to better suit the changing times  Ex: Buddhism in Tang China, Orthodox Christianity in the Byzantine Empire

37  Islamic Caliphates (Abbasid/Fatamid) in Middle East and Iberian Peninsula  Feudalism in W. Europe & Japan  Mongol Khanates in Russia, China, Mid East  City-States in East Africa & Mesoamerica  Aztec & Inca Empires develop out of many networks of smaller states  These places adapted many local cultures & traditions!



40  Chinese technology from Tang & Song dynasties reached the Abbasid Caliphate through the trade routes  Mongols created “Pax Mongolica” and encouraged transfer of ideas along Silk Roads  The Crusades failed to keep Muslims out of the Holy Lands but exposed Western Europeans to new technologies and ideas that spurred the Renaissance


42  New technologies = better agriculture  Chinampas in Mesoamerica  Horse collar & plow in W. Europe  Fast-growing Champa rice in China  Chinese porcelain & Persian/Indian textiles are demanded by foreigners leading to increased production  Iron & Steel production expands in Song & Yuan China


44  Urban decline and revival is prevalent  Reasons for decline:  Invasion (Constantinople)  Disease (Venice, Chang’an)  Decline of agricultural productivity (Mayan?)  The Little Ice Age in Europe  Reasons for Revivals  Opposites of the above!  Sometimes new cities replace old ones (Beijing over Chang’an)

45  Free peasant agriculture in almost every region  Liked to revolt in China when demands became too high  Nomadic pastoralism continues  Guild organization in W. Europe  Slavery (N. Africa, E. Mediterranean, Turkic mamluks)  Serfdom (Europe & Japan)  Labor Taxation (Incan mit’a system)  Military obligations (ex. Mongol Empire)

46  Class hierarchy & caste systems persisted  Patriarchy persists too, however…..  Women in some areas exercise more power and influence  Japanese court ladies  Nomadic Mongol women  SE Asian merchant community women  West African matrilineal societies

47  Religious expectations in Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and NeoConfucianism changed gender roles & family life as these religions spread.  Ex. Shari’a law replaces old Persian laws regarding wives and children.

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