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By: Olivia and Brynna. ≈ In most pictures of statues Nefertiti she is shown with part of her ear missing and one full eye missing.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Olivia and Brynna. ≈ In most pictures of statues Nefertiti she is shown with part of her ear missing and one full eye missing."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Olivia and Brynna

2 ≈ In most pictures of statues Nefertiti she is shown with part of her ear missing and one full eye missing.

3  Nefertiti reigned from 1353bc-1356bc she reigned for 3 years.  She was born in 1330bc.  Nefertiti vanished in 1370bc.  She lived for 40 years.

4  She had 2 different husbands at 2 different times.  They where King Akhenaton and King Tut.  She had 6 daughters.

5  Nefertiti and her husband King Akhenaton founded a new religion.  that religion was only believing in 1 god.  That god was Aton the sun disc.

6  She established a new city called Amarna.  She moved it 250 miles north of the Nile river.

7  Nefertiti's most famous achievement was that she was the most beautiful Queen of Egyptian History.

8  Now you know about Queen Nefertiti's most important dates, a little about her family, domestic policy, foreign policy, and her most famous achievement.

9  Nefertiti based on what archaeologist think she looked like.

10  She never really was a pharaoh, but she was royal.  Her husbands where royal pharaohs.


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