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Unit 7: Global Conflict American Imperialism Student resource is Chapter 23 Creating America Your Exam for American Imperialism will be Wednesday May 4,

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 7: Global Conflict American Imperialism Student resource is Chapter 23 Creating America Your Exam for American Imperialism will be Wednesday May 4,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 7: Global Conflict American Imperialism Student resource is Chapter 23 Creating America Your Exam for American Imperialism will be Wednesday May 4, 2016

2 Was American Imperialism Justified? Essential Question

3 Vocabulary & IDs When identifying the people on this assignment, confine their identification as it applies to American Imperialism and foreign policy. Imperialism Spanish American War Open Door Policy Monroe Doctrine Isolationism Yellow Journalism Spheres of Influence Boxer Rebellion Panama Canal Dollar Diplomacy Liliuokalani Theodore Roosevelt Millard Fillmore Commodore Matthew Perry William H. Taft Woodrow Wilson

4 Changes to US Foreigh Policy

5 What is Imperialism? extending a nation’s power by gaining territories for a colonial empire. Usually done through military, political or economic takeover. What fueled Imperialism? What fueled Imperialism? 1. Economic Interests: cheap raw materials, agricultural expansion, colonies were new markets for selling their products. 2. Military Interests: U.S. leaders were urged to follow the European example and establish a military presence overseas. 3. Cultural & Racial Superiority: Belief that democratic government and the Christian religion were superior. Also used racism to justify imperialism.

6 What do you notice first? Find something small but interesting. What do you notice that you didn’t expect? What do you notice that you can’t explain?

7 Where do you think this came from? Why do you think somebody made this? What do you think was happening when this was made? Who do you think was the audience for this item? What tool was used to create this? Why do you think this item is so important? If somebody made this today, what would be different? What can you learn from examining this?

8 What do you wonder about... who? what? when? where? why? how?

9 Use Primary Source Analysis Sheet Observe Reflect Question

10 Imperialism in Africa Africa was literally being divided up by a ruler between European countries during the Berlin Conference. In the late 19 th century, Africa became a major area of European expansion. By the early 20 th century, only two countries in Africa-Ethiopia and Liberia-remained independent.

11 Japan Pacific expansion was influenced by Commodore Matthew Perry who was looking for a foothold in the Pacific. Along with President M. Fillmore they were able to convince Japan to open up to world trade after adopting this as their foreign policy________ For 200 years!

12 Alaska & Hawaii Alaska: 1867 William Seward made arrangements to purchase Alaska from Russia. Though criticized it turned out to be a resource rich territory that was a great bargain for the US. $7.2 Million dollars.025 cents per acre. Hawaii: 1891 Queen Liliuokalani worked towards limiting the power of plantations, while US trade laws favored sugar grown exclusively in American states. American planters in Hawaii decided they would overthrow the Hawaiian government with the help of the US Marines and set up their own government. Hawaii was annexed in 1898.

13 Spanish American War Spain’s empire was crumbling at the end of the 19 th century. Only a few colonies remained: Philippine Islands, Cuba and Puerto Rico. Fuelled by the yellow journalism of Hearst and Pulitzer, fueled public opinion and ultimately influenced President McKinley to take action. January 1898 the USS Maine was sent to Cuba to protect American citizens in Cuba from the increasing riots.

14 Spanish American War The USS Maine exploded and sank in Havana’s harbor killing 260 sailors in February 1898. April 20, 1898 President McKinley signed a congressional resolution that called for Cuba’s independence and demanded a withdrawal of Spanish forces. He gave them 3 days to respond. They did not and the war began. It lasted 4 months.

15 Cuba, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam The war lasted 4 months. The Treaty of Paris gave the US the right to occupy Cuba. Also, gave control over Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines.

16 China The Spheres of Influence expanded in China after war with Japan. The Spheres gave foreign nations special rights and economic privileges. In 1899 Secretary of State Hay asked nations involved in the region to follow an Open Door Policy, which kept any one country from having a monopoly on trade with China.

17 Imperialism or Isolationism? Which do you think is best for American foreign policy? Essential Questions

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