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CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu EDI Status of Calibration and Archiving Activities.

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Presentation on theme: "CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu EDI Status of Calibration and Archiving Activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu ( EDI Status of Calibration and Archiving Activities 28 October 2008 Kinsale, Ireland

2 CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu ( Summary of the status of the archive All data products, including additional CRF data, have been produced and delivered for the years 2001-2006 and partially for 2007. However EGD data for 2006 must be reprocessed and re- delivered. Documentation and production software delivered. ICD has been updated with the CRF info. Additional update is planned with details on how to use AED and to change “calibration” to “correction” when describing AEC files. Cross-calibration of EDI data with other instruments discussed at UNH within the EDI team. Technical calibration report delivered in May. Update planned for the next CAA Review. New delivery plan submitted in May. Data delivery is conforming to the plan. Present Management Structure - PI: Roy Torbert ( ) - Technical Contact/Archive Scientist: Edita Georgescu ( ) - Managerial Contact: Patrick Daly (daly ) - Administrative Contact: Andrea Macke ( ) 1. Introduction (1)

3 CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu ( Action Items from the OR-2 & FR-1 Review Board: R31: The board recommends that two AED datasets are held on the CAA – raw and calibrated. It should be discussed with the CAA whose responsibility it is to produce the calibrated product. T9: The board feels that calibration of AED is still an open issue. The team is encouraged to participate in a PEACE-EDI cross-calibration activity and to finish the remaining calibration tasks. The ICD and the “Calibration report” or the “User guide” will contain a description of the ambient electron raw data correction and calibration procedure with an example and Caveats. We are also currently investigating the production of files containing the inter-detector correction factor. Use of these files, in addition to the existing AEC files, would allow the user to correct the raw AED counts for inter- and intra-detector factors, respectively. There is presently no plan to supply the archive with a calibrated (against PEACE) AED dataset. Calibration activities will continue only on a case-by-case basis, and in cooperation with members of the EDI team." T4: The board recommends that all teams produce a brief user guide to their data sets to help users to select the right products for their needs and to interpret caveat and quality information. OPEN – planned for next OR 1. Introduction (2)

4 CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu ( 2. Status of EDI Data Products SPlot AED PP Ambient Electron Data Electron Counts at 0º,90º,180º pitch angles FORMAT = CDF -> CEF Prime Parameter plus – spin resolution Winners plus losers with all qualities ( good/caution/bad ) FORMAT = CDF ! 3-hourly Survey Plots for one spacecraft (usually C3) MPD+AED, FORMAT = PNG MAIN DATA PRODUCTS PPplus MPD Prime Parameter - spin resolution Winners with good/caution quality FORMAT = CDF -> CEF Merged Parameter Data Merged one-, half- and quarter- spin resolution winners with good/caution quality, FORMAT = CDF -> CEF MSF EGD QSTAT AEC Merged Science Files HK+NM+BM Telemetry FORMAT = binary Quality STATistics Files Beam tracking performance FORMAT = ASCII Electron Gyrotime Data Electron Time-Of-Flight FORMAT = CEF AE Correction files Use to correct raw counts on their angular dependence FORMAT = ASCII RAW DATA AUXILIARY DATA Caveat List Time intervals of EDI WW & AE operation modes FORMAT = CEF CRF Code Repetition Frequency EDI HK info: code frequency code length & beam currents FORMAT = CEF CLIST All data products delivered for 2001-2006 ! !

5 CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu ( 3. Status of EDI (Cross-)Calibration EDI contributions to the cross calibration : Compare the magnetic field magnitude resulting from the electron time-of-flight measurements with FGM and WHISPER data EDI-FGM planned for dates in 2005-2007 Compare the electron gyrofrequency with WHISPER data waiting for new WHI data Compare electric field to EFW Compare ambient electron counts to PEACE fluxes (see next slides) Deliver EDI housekeeping information to the other instruments, in order to facilitate the correction of the disturbances due to the instruments operation (CRF and CLIST data) Done (conforming to the Data Delivery schedule)

6 CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu ( 3.1 EDI–PEACE Cross-Calibration EDI AED: 16/128 Hz timeline, counts of ambient electrons in 16/8 ms time interval with 0°,180° and/or 90° pitch angle, 0.5/1.keV energy, status and detector look direction. AEC files are used to correct only for the intra-detector look direction dependence, even if they contain placeholders for inter-detector calibration. A complete procedure as discussed in the EDI team meeting at UNH (22/09/08) contains following steps: Intra-detector correction for the detector look direction by using the AEC files Inter-detector correction - determine correction factor to D1, check for stability and optimum averaging interval Calibration relative to PEACE - determine calibration factor, check stability and optimum averaging interval The procedure will be documented and assistance of EDI team is offered for interested users EDI was not designed to measure the ambient electron fluxes No geometric factor determination or calibration done

7 CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu ( 3.1 EDI–PEACE Cross-Calibration (1) Intra-detector correction for the look direction by using AEC corrected_count1 = raw_count*f1(phi)*f2(theta)/(2. – tm f1(phi), f2(theta) from AEC files, tm = 0,1 for 16/128 Hz (tm = status/2)

8 CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu ( Inter-detector correction CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu ( 3.1 EDI–PEACE Cross-Calibration (2) corrected_count2 = corrected_count1*f_id f_id = D1/D2, where D1 and D2 are averages of look direction corrected raw data counts

9 CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu ( 3.1 EDI–PEACE Cross-Calibration (3) Calibration relative to PEACE

10 CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu ( 3.1 EDI–PEACE Cross-Calibration (4) PEACE data product: spin resolution differential energy flux C2_CP_PEA_PITCH_SPIN_DEFlux__20051022_0850_1140_V01.cef For the comparison the differential energy fluxes were selected for pitch angles [°]: 7.5 (0), 172.5 (180) and 82.5, 97.5 (90) energies [keV]: 0.5399 (0.5) and 1045.10 (1.0) EDI corrected counts were averaged to the PEACE time-intervals DIFFICULTIES / CAVEATS: Energies and pitch angles not exactly the same The different factors are not constant in time The determination of the factors is a time-consuming process The factors/errors depend on the selected averaging intervals and are not well defined QUESTION: what do we gain?

11 CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu ( 4. Status of EDI software development The source codes for the EDI data production have been archived for documentation New source codes were developed for: (1)EDI CRF data production and (2)CDF2CEF conversion of AED (3)EDI/WHISPER/FGM comparisons (4)EDI AED correction and calibration to PEACE CAAtools were installed to help syntax check of CEF-files !

12 CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu ( 5. Status of documentation delivery (1) EDI documentation delivered. Documentation contains: ICD (latest version: ICD_EDI_20080420_0103) - has been updated with the description of the additional auxiliary product CRF Update planned Update planned planned EDI_CAA products user manual planned planned EDI Cross Calibration technical report - Update planned Software source codes archive Instrument papers and instrument user manual - ” The Electron Drift Instrument on Cluster: overview of first results ”, G. Paschmann et al, Ann. Geophys. 19: 1273–1288, 2001 - ” Cluster EDI convection measurements across the high-latitude plasma sheet boundary at midnight ”, J. M. Quinn et al, Ann.Geophys. 19: 1669–1681, 2001 - ”Archiving of the Cluster EDI Data”, E. Georgescu et al, ESA, SP-598, 2006

13 CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu ( 5. Status of documentation delivery (3) SOFTWARE Source Code Archive for Documentation The archive contains 8 gzipped-directories (tgz-file) with C and IDL software modules, named mainly after their output. The table shows the correspondence between the directory names, the module names in the flowchart, date/version of the current software, the programming language and the output. CLIST is the CaveatList data containing the time intervals when EDI was in active (WW) mode and CRF contains EDI housekeeping (code repetition frequency, code flag and beam current index) relevant for the functioning for other instruments on board. Table 1. EDI SOFTWARE

14 CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu ( 6. Archiving plan for the extension (1) Edita Georgescu ( CAA OR-2, Noordwijk, 15 May Edita Georgescu ( CAA 1st phase, FR, Noordwijk, 20 May * The ICD doesn’t contain any reference to “product level”; there is instead a classification as “raw”, “auxiliary” and “main” or final data products. I’m using here the following equivalence to levels: “raw” = 1, “auxiliary” = 2 and “main” = 3. ** AED and AECalfiles are going to be delivered by the US CoIs and depend on NASA financing.

15 CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu ( MSF, QSTAT PP, PPPlus, MPD, 3-h SPlots AED, AECalf EGD, CLIST CRF Measurements (year) 2009 2008 2007 2006 1/1/2008 1/1/2009 1/1/2010 1/1/2011 Delivery date Final Review Annual Annual Final 1st phase Review 1 Review 2 Review Data product: 6. Archiving plan for the extension (2)

16 CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu ( 6. Archiving plan for the extension (3) Tasks : UPDATE DOCUMENTATION CROSS-CALIBRATION of: - magnetic field, respectively electron gyrofrequency with FGM and WHISPER - electric field with EFW (EFW team & Pamela Puhl-Quinn) - ambient electron counts with PEACE (EDI team)

17 CAA 8th Cross-Cal meeting Kinsale (Ireland), 28 Oct 2008 Edita Georgescu ( Status of the EDI archiving activities is good. Data products and documentation provision on time. Cross-calibration to be continued when time available No problems to be expected for the extension. 7. Summary

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