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Your Name: ____________________________________ Disease: ____________________________________.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Name: ____________________________________ Disease: ____________________________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Name: ____________________________________ Disease: ____________________________________

2 Research A Disease Walker Science

3 Research Draw a disease from the box to research. On the master list, place your name beside the disease you selected.

4 Research If there is a disease not listed that you want to research, let me know.

5 Research Create note cards for each area to be covered for your disease. Use the internet, resource books and encyclopedias, available in the library.

6 Areas to Cover 1. General overview of the disease, include: When was this disease discovered? Who is given credit for discovering this disease

7 Areas to Cover 2. Causes Is it viral, bacteria, fungal, hereditary, etc.? What form does this disease take – how is it classified?

8 Areas to Cover 3. Incidence How often can humans contract the disease? Does it affect a certain age/ethnic group?

9 Areas to Cover 4. Symptoms How would someone know they had this disease? (fever, stomach pain, headaches, etc.) What are the symptoms?

10 Areas to Cover 5. Transmission Platform How does this disease move from on person to another? Discuss Carriers, Vectors, etc.

11 Areas to Cover 6. Diagnosis. What tests determine if a person has the disease? (urine test, take temperature, pulse, x-ray, weight, blood pressure, etc.)

12 Areas to Cover 7. Prevention Can someone do something to attempt to never get this disease? If so, what?

13 Areas to Cover 8. Treatment Is there a cure? What? Can the patient do something to change the impact of the disease on their body?

14 Areas to Cover 9. Pictures and Graph Include several pictures relating to the disease and a graph showing some statistical information about the disease.

15 Areas to Cover 10. Additional information that is useful and informative (has some one famous had this disease, was it part of a significant event)

16 Create a Poster You will create a Poster on your disease. The poster will need to have each category listed covered.

17 Grading Rubric 25 points – Neat/Accurate 50 points - 10 Topics 10 points – Bibliography 15 points – Presentation /Knowledgeable

18 Final Requirement Present Poster to class. Submit poster for Display Turn-in note cards

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