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Health Sciences Administration Brown Bag Training Topics in Records Management November 12, 2015.

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1 Health Sciences Administration Brown Bag Training Topics in Records Management November 12, 2015

2 Text Messages

3 What Do You Mean This Is A Record? RCW 40.14.010 Preservation and Destruction of Public Records “ As used in this chapter, the term "public records" shall include any paper, correspondence, completed form, bound record book, photograph, film, sound recording, map drawing, machine-readable material, compact disc meeting current industry ISO specifications, or other document, regardless of physical form or characteristics, and including such copies thereof, that have been made by or received by any agency of the state of Washington in connection with the transaction of public business.”

4 Public Records Act RCW 42.56.010 "Public record" includes any writing containing information relating to the conduct of government or the performance of any governmental or proprietary function prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics….” “Writing" means…every other means of recording any form of communication or representation including, but not limited to….. from which information may be obtained or translated.”

5 That Text Message is a Record? o CAD Designs o Databases o Text Message/Tweets o Information and data kept in a cloud computing environment o Web pages/Facebook pages o “Unofficial” records o Anything about university business that you recorded in some way

6 Public Records Act Applies to All Devices Seattle Times August 2015 Washington State Supreme Court  Unanimous ruling  21 August 2015  Public Records act extends to work related text messages  “Public business, whatever its cyber form, is still the people’s business”  Doesn’t matter if its on a private device  “Text message log” or “call log” not enough  Must have content of the text available

7 Retention of Text Messages  Legally approved retention rules apply  Retention is based on the content, not the format  Transitory text messages that can be deleted  Information is temporary or passing  Retention ends when reference purpose is served  Text messages that need to be retained  Retention found on a UW Records Retention Schedule

8 Text Messages You Can Delete  Routine replies/requests for information  Texts sent as reference or for informational distribution  Texts used to set-up or accept meetings  Announcements  Acknowledgements

9 Text Messages You Must Keep  Policy and procedure directives  Substantive decisions regarding matters of University business  Instruction regarding the implementation of substantive decisions regarding matters of University business.  Legal or audit issues  Approvals for purchases or other actions to be taken  Documentation of departmental/office actions, decisions, operations and responsibilities

10 Cell Providers Cell providers have their own retention policies  Can’t rely on cell providers to have the records available  Contact cell provider

11 Managing Text Messages Options for capturing text messages  Set up your cell phone to display all text messages in work email  Includes metadata  Forward to an email account  Lose original metadata/add metadata related to receipt of email  Save it to an application like DropBox or EVERNOTE  Lose original metadata/add metadata related to receipt of email

12 E-Signatures

13 Washington Electronic Authentication Act RCW 19.34  Updated 24 July 2015  Authorizes “electronic dealings for governmental affairs”  Promote electronic transactions and remove barriers that might prevent electronic transactions with governmental entities  An electronic signature may be used with the same force and effect as the use of a signature affixed by hand…  Each state agency may determine whether, and to what extent, the agency will send and accept electronic records and electronic signatures  Each state agency…shall establish the method that must be used for…electronic signatures

14 E-Signatures at UW  Contract with DocuSign  Signed October 2015  Contact Erik Lundberg, Assistant VP, IT Services and Strategic Sourcing, UW-IT

15 Pricing  Price structure still to be worked out  Dependent on number of offices using vendor  A monthly fee rather than based on number of documents (envelopes) for signature

16 From: DocuSign System Subject:Disposition Notification For Approval From: UW Records Management Services University of Washington Hello Barbara Benson: UW Records Management Services has sent you a new DocuSign document to view and sign. Please click on the “View Documents” link below to begin signing. Please use this electronic signature process to approve the disposition of records stored at the University Records Center whose retention requirement has been met. View Documents


18 Records Retention

19  Required by RCW 40.14, Preservation and Destruction of Public Records  Role of Records Management Services  State Records Committee

20 Managing Retention Manage by content not format What is the function?  What is it  Why was it created  How is it used Value of the information  Administrative  Fiscal (audit)  Legal (required)  Historical

21 Finding Retentions Retentions listed on Records Retention Schedules  UW General Records Retention Schedule  general general  11 sections based on the function of the record  UW-GS 04 Materials That May Be Disposed of Without A Specific Retention Period  Departmental Retention Schedules  artmental artmental


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