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IPCEI on High performance computing and big data enabled application: a pilot for the European Data Infrastructure Antonio Zoccoli INFN & University of.

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Presentation on theme: "IPCEI on High performance computing and big data enabled application: a pilot for the European Data Infrastructure Antonio Zoccoli INFN & University of."— Presentation transcript:

1 IPCEI on High performance computing and big data enabled application: a pilot for the European Data Infrastructure Antonio Zoccoli INFN & University of Bologna EGI Conference 2016. Opening Science in Europe and in the World 6-8 April 2016 Science Park Amsterdam

2 Outline Major e-infrastructures and their evolution European contest European Data Infrastructure IPCEI Project description Business model First attempt: Emilia Conclusions April, 6 2016Antonio Zoccoli2

3 Major Computing Infrastructures & Evolution: WLCG Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) created the GRID: computing centers connected via high bandwidth network April, 6 2016Antonio Zoccoli3 CPU (KHS06) Disk (TB) Tape (TB) WLCG2900240,000250,000

4 WLCG Infrastructure Evolution WLCG huge increase respect to first data taking April, 6 2016Antonio Zoccoli4  Astroparticle and space experiments enter the game: CTA, SKA  Theoretical physics needs more computational power for the next step.  Other sciences: Life science, material science, climate change, earth science, etc. need computing cycles and data management MHS06

5 Big Data Era April, 6 2016Antonio Zoccoli5

6 Major Computing Infrastructures & Evolution: Network April, 6 2016Antonio Zoccoli6 Geant project, G4-1: 500Gbps pan-European network Services for: 50 millions users 10,000 institutions 40 European countries

7 Major Computing Infrastructures & Evolution: HPC April, 6 2016Antonio Zoccoli7 Country system share Processor system share Majority of HPC outside Europe industrial use remains comparatively low  With similar GDP, EU has more than 2 times less HPC power than the US! HPC hardware technologies from Europe-based suppliers have a very small marked-share

8 Analysis od the European Panorama April, 6 2016Antonio Zoccoli8  Data, including that coming from publicly funded research is not open  Digital infrastructures are fragmented by scientific, economic domains (physics, health, space, climate, etc.,) and by country.  Lack of interoperability of infrastructures and tools prevents share of data to industry, governments and scientist even of the same area.  Increasing demand of world-class HPC infrastructure to process data and big data very soon.  Request for open data and re-use of data to make the most of advanced data analytics techniques

9 European Cloud Initiative April, 6 2016Antonio Zoccoli9 It builds on the third pillar of Digital Single Market Strategy It comprises: European Open Science Cloud: open environment for scientific community European Data Infrastructure, that would offer super- computing capacity, fast connectivity and high capacity cloud solution to a wide European audience It expands the users base from the scientific community to the public sector and to the industry

10 European Data Infrastructure April, 6 2016Antonio Zoccoli10 It fosters development and deployment of large scale European HPC infrastructure through co-design and acquisition of next generation supercomputers It deploy a pan-European data and software infrastructure for storage, preservation, access and management of big data It upgrades the backbone network for research and innovation

11 April, 6 2016Antonio Zoccoli11 Important statement: “A first promising step in this direction (EDI) has been recently announced by a group of Member States (Luxembourg, France, Italy and Spain) who presented their plans to launch an Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) on HPC and Big Data enabled applications. The declared objective is to support the development of new usages of HPC by the industry and to guarantee access to world-class HPC facilities for public and private research.” Project: Based on three pillars Build on existing initiatives and infrastructures mainly from research IPCEI: High Performance Computing and Big Data Enabled Applications

12 IPCEI Pillar 1: Technology April, 6 2016Antonio Zoccoli12 Study and development of new HPC system; Software development, maintenance and reliability of operating system, extreme parallelism, fast and open big data access; New system concepts to provide scalable and reliable storage and transport of data; Ultra-fast network

13 IPCEI Pillar 2: Infrastructure April, 6 2016Antonio Zoccoli13 Extend HPC to support research and emerging industrial applications, tackle new challenges and develop EU strategic sectors; Develop European storage infrastructure for data in support of public and private research; Develop reliable European data infrastructure for big data processing open access, curation and long term preservation; Ensure a secured transport of data via European computing infrastructure.

14 IPCEI Pillar 3: Large scale pan-European pilots April, 6 2016Antonio Zoccoli14 Establish Centers of Excellence, starting from research, to develop and test HPC-enabled and big data based applications in specific and strategic sectors at regional, national and pan-European scale; Deploy application test beds: “Smart City”, “Smart Building”, “Smart-Energy”, “Smart Water”, “Smart Mobility”, “Smart-Space”, “Smart Agriculture”, “Manufacturing 4.0”, “FinTech”, Public Administration, education, health, biology, etc. etc. HPCDATA Infrastructure Network & Transport Layer Services Layer Governance Layer Users

15 Business Model April, 6 2016Antonio Zoccoli15  Funds directly from the research agencies and involved partners  National funds, Ministerial funds and Structural funds  Regional funds  European funds, H2020, ESFI, special projects

16 First National-level Pilot: Region Emilia Romagna April, 6 2016Antonio Zoccoli16 Process supported by Regional (EU) funds: Survey of: research computing capacities competences in HPC, Big Data and software development research communities Design and implementation test bed: Definition of applications domain: Research, PA, Health, education, smart- …. involvement of the partners (i.e. private companies, SMEs)

17 Concluding Considerations April, 6 2016Antonio Zoccoli17 WLCG has built the largest data infrastructure as of today (first for physics but also used by other sciences). This infrastructure has been very successful (discovery of the Higgs boson and Gravitational waves) Research future needs require a change in the paradigm for computing: hybrid computing with high speed network for big data (  EOSC) European Data Infrastructure would offer world-class HPC system, ultra fast network, open data and high capacity cloud solutions to public sector and industry IPCEI is a first promising step in this direction The project is modular, the pilot can be built - regional, national and European level - on research infrastructures and extends to industry, SMEs, PA et. et.c

18 Backup Slides April, 6 2016Antonio Zoccoli18

19 The GÉANT Pan-European Network infrastructure Widely diversified footprint Serves 50M users 10,000 institutions 40 European countries Operates at speeds up to 500Gbps 50,000km network infrastructure on 44 routes ~2,000 terabytes of data transferred across network per day 100% average monthly IP service availability

20 20 Global connectivity GÉANT network is connected to all continents Interconnecting >100 countries globally

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