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Peer Tutoring Assignment 3. * Peer tutors may work with many types of learners. * At some point in their education, learners will need some form of prompting.

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1 Peer Tutoring Assignment 3

2 * Peer tutors may work with many types of learners. * At some point in their education, learners will need some form of prompting. Rarely Prompting Frequent Prompting

3 * It is important to use prompting carefully. Especially with a student who is less likely to show independence. * Such as learners with moderate, severe, or profound disabilities * Careful prompting can be the difference between a learner who gains independence versus a learner who always needs assistance.

4 * A cue or hint meant to induce a person to perform a desired behavior. * Something we add to help a student respond correctly. * Prompts are a form of artificial support. * Remember, prompts are a useful tool, but learners may become dependent so it is important to reduce prompting quickly.

5 Physical Example: Hand Over Hand Assistance Gestural Example: Pointing/Modeling Visual Example: Step by Step Written or Picture Directions Verbal Example: Step by Step Verbal Directions From Most Intrusive to Least Intrusive

6 * Physical * When teaching the student to pick up an item, the peer will take the student’s hand and guide them to pick it up. * Gestural * When teaching a student to use a calculator, the teacher points to each key that should be pushed. * Visual * A picture schedule that shows each class a student must attend in a day. * Verbal * Giving an verbal instruction such as “Put the first number in the calculator.

7 Physical

8 Gestural

9 Visual

10 * Fading is the process of gradually reducing the need, strength, or level of the prompt. * For example, when teaching someone to wash their hands. At first you might use hand over hand to assist them to wash their hands. As you fade you would just touch their elbow to guide them to wash their hands. Then move on to using gestures or a visual schedule.

11 * Add as little as possible to help the learner succeed. * We want to remove (fade) the prompts as soon as possible. * If the student is not successful with prompting, then the prompting is not working and another procedure should be put in place. * If a prompt will not be removed then it is not a prompt but rather an accommodation or modification. For example, a calculator, extra time for an assignment.

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