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How does Hitler rise to power?. Learning Target I can summarize the political and economic problems faced by the Weimar Republic.

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1 How does Hitler rise to power?

2 Learning Target I can summarize the political and economic problems faced by the Weimar Republic.




6 Punch Magazine 1920

7 The Weimar Republic Problems: Great Depression Political extremists Inflation Coalition government

8 Learning Target I can explain how Hitler is able to gain power in Germany


10 Bellwork Who do you think the artist of this Propaganda poster is targeting? How do you think Hitler used propaganda As a tool to rise to power?

11 Hitler

12 NAZI Party ex soldiers Storm Troopers Beer Hall Putsch 1924



15 Mein Kampf "My Struggle" Basic book of Nazi goals & ideology Extreme nationalism, racism, anti-Semitism

16 Quotes “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” ― Adolf HitlerAdolf Hitler “What luck for rulers that men do not think.” ― Adolf HitlerAdolf Hitler “...the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.” - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

17 The Rise of Adolf Hitler Jail = Released after 1 year Hitler's Promises End Reparations Create Jobs Rebuild German Army

18 Hitler gains Control Appointed to Chancellor (1933) Burning of Reichstag (1933)

19 1933 Election Nazi votes - over 17,000,000 (44 percent) Social Democrats - 7,000,000 Center Party - 4,000,000 Communists- 4,000,000 Pass Enabling Act 1933

20 Boycott of Jewish Businesses (1933)

21 Hitler's Power Grows Death of President Hindenberg (1934) Nuremberg Laws passed (1935)




25 Control Through Terror Killed anyone who defied his power, even NAZIs Gestapo – Hitler's Secret Police

26 Quote from Mein Kampf “By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.” ― Adolf HitlerAdolf Hitler


28 2015 Top Movies according to Rotten Tomatoes 1. 97%Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) 340 2. 98%Inside Out (2015)Inside Out (2015) 304 3.99%Selma (2015)Selma (2015) 220 4. 96%Spotlight (2015)Spotlight (2015) 270 5.93%Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) 338

29 Top Movies in Germany (1937) Alles Leben Ist Kampf (All life is Struggle) Juden ohne Maske (The Jews Unmasked) Espania Heroica (Heroic Spain) Triumph des Willins (1934) (Triumph of the Will)

30 The Eternal Jew (Movie Poster)




34 Hitler Youth Targets Youth In January 1933 - 50,000 members, By 1936 - 5.4 million

35 Kristallnacht 1938 "Night of Broken Glass" 1,000 Synagogues burned 7,000 Jewish businesses destroyed 30,000 Jews sent to concentration camps Plans for "Final Solution"



38 Headlines activity Power#vars!date=1924-09-23_20:42:14! Power#vars!date=1924-09-23_20:42:14 For the following events make a headline (9 total) : Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler Elected Chancellor, Burning of Reichstag, Enabling Act, Jewish Business Boycott, Night of the Long Knives, Hitler Elected Fuerher, Nuremberg Laws Enacted, Kristallnacht

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