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Presentation on theme: "POLISH INFORMATION AND FOREIGN INVESTMENT AGENCY Competitiveness of Poland."— Presentation transcript:


2 1995 WTO 1996 OECD 1999 NATO 2004 EU 2007 Schengen 1989 transformation Internationalization 25 years

3 strategic location in continental Europe, part of trans-European transportation corridor neighbouring Germany, 506 m in the EU access to the Baltic Sea strategic location in continental Europe, part of trans-European transportation corridor neighbouring Germany, 506 m in the EU access to the Baltic Sea well-educated, ambitious workforce 460 universities & high education schools language proficiency increasing labour productivity well-educated, ambitious workforce 460 universities & high education schools language proficiency increasing labour productivity tax exemptions in 14 Special Economic Zones local tax reliefs government grants EU grants tax exemptions in 14 Special Economic Zones local tax reliefs government grants EU grants Location Labour Support exceptional stability in Europe long term growth growth potential, robust fundamentals unique competitive advantages exceptional stability in Europe long term growth growth potential, robust fundamentals unique competitive advantages Economy Competitive advantages

4 Source: EY’s 2014 European Attractiveness Survey, May 2014 1 st place in the CEE region – the most attractive country to establish operations 1 st place in terms of number of the investment projects in the CEE 3 rd place in the whole Europe in terms of created jobs due to FDI (13 862 jobs – only the UK and Russia were better) 2 nd place in Europe in terms of jobs created per 1 project Poland – a leader in Europe

5 LCD sets & Household appliances – the largest producer in Europe Apple & champignon mushrooms – the largest producer in Europe (second in the world) Windows and doors – second largest producer in the EU Furniture – third largest exporter in the EU Poland highlights (I)

6 Yachts – European leader in the production of yachts up to 9.5 m Aviation sector - Virtually every passenger aircraft in the world carries at least one part made in Poland BPO sector - 130 000 employed financing, accounting, KPO, HR Poland highlights (II)

7 Wrocław AutomotiveAutomotive Source: PAIiIZ ElectronicsElectronics Gliwice, TychyWrocław, Jelcz Laskowice, WałbrzychPoznań Other Manufactures Gorzów WielkopolskiTczew, Kwidzyn Other Manufactures Household Aplliances Łódź, RadomskoWrocław, Kobierzyce Other Manufactures Wronki Diversified economy – foreign investors (I)

8 Business Shared Services Wrocław AviationAviation Research & Development Rzeszów, Mielec, Świdnik Kalisz Other Manufactures Kraków Other Centers Wrocław Warszawa Other Centers WrocławŁódź Source: PAIiIZ Diversified economy – foreign investors (II)

9 CountryProjects Value (mln EUR) Employment USA47934.96 575 Germany30439.75 161 France11298.21 679 Italy11196.31 293 Japan9182.51 520 TOTAL1753271.932 197 Source: PAIiIZ, April 10, 2015. 9 Projects in the PAIiIZ pipeline

10 SectorProjects Value (mln EUR) Employment Automotive35774.8 7 786 BPO3230.49 460 R&D 19 56.71 991 Aviation13411.51 679 Food Industry12486.7914 Source: PAIiIZ, April 10, 2015. Projects in the PAIiIZ pipeline

11 Poland - positive investment factors 11 Source: Ankieta Koniunkturalna, German-Polish Chamber of Commerce, 2015.

12 Poland - negative investment factors Source: Ankieta Koniunkturalna, German-Polish Chamber of Commerce, 2015. 12

13 Poland will invest EUR 82.5 billion from the EU cohesion policy Operational programmes EUR billion Infrastructure and Environment 27.4 Intelligent Development8.6 Digital Poland2.2 Knowledge, Education and Development 4.7 Eastern Poland2.0 Technical Assistance0.7 16 regional operational programmes 31.3 Source: Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, European Funds 2014-2020. EU funds for Poland

14 I.CIT exemption in Special Economic Zone only available in Special Economic Zone (SEZ) II.Government grants through individual negotiations individually approved and granted by the Ministry of the Economy III.Real estate tax exemption subject to negotiation with the local authorities only in case if the investor is the owner of the building (provided by the Commune Council) IV.Cash grants available through EU Funds subject to negotiation with different managing institutions depending on the investment project key parameters All above presented instruments can be combined together however the total amount of state aid cannot exceed the maximum aid intensity State support for investors

15 00-585 Warszawa, ul. Bagatela 12 tel. (+48 22) 334 98 00, fax (+48 22) 334 99 99 e-mail: We remain at your disposal Thank you for your kind attention


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