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Progress Update of FY16 (Q1 + Jan 16) CAP-Malaria Burma 25 th Feb 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress Update of FY16 (Q1 + Jan 16) CAP-Malaria Burma 25 th Feb 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress Update of FY16 (Q1 + Jan 16) CAP-Malaria Burma 25 th Feb 2016

2 IR 1: Use of preventive interventions among population increased in CAP-Malaria target areas (1) Ind : # Planned ActivitiesTargetResultsAchieve ment RemarkWay forward/Actions taken B 1.1 a LLIN distribution113,000 URC – 87,800, SCI – 20,000 90,077 URC – 70,028, SCI – 10,110 79.71%5,200 LLINs are reserved for disaster. 1,000 LLINs will be distributed for Palaw fire out break The rest will be distributed in Q2. B 1.1 b Support NMCP to distribute USG LLIN 553,500 100%Completed B 1.1 c Coverage and utilization of LLIN Monitoring 1 or 2 villages by each township teams in a Q by LQAS 37 villages Average Pop/LLN is 1.8 but in Pane Shaung village from Yebyu was 14.2 so that team immediately assess the LLINs gap and distribute LLINs. 82% of pop slept under LLIN the previous night. To continue monitoring till Q3 and fill the gap immediately and conduct HE when utilization of LLINs is low.

3 IR 1: Use of preventive interventions among population increased in CAP-Malaria target areas (2) Ind : # Planned ActivitiesTargetResultsAchieve ment RemarkWay forward/Actions taken B 1.2 a IPC135,00057,70942.75%To continue IR 1.2 b Small media -Pamphlets 140,000184,845132.03%Because field teams and sub grants distributed all of the pamphlets left in last project years In PY5, additional new 50,000 pamphlets are planned to be produced and distributed in Q2 and Q3 IR 1.2 c Worksite HE6,7503,13446.43%Because teams organized MTCF together with group health talks in worksites. Targets will be adjusted and teams are encouraged to reach risk pop more.

4 IR 2: Use of quality malaria diagnostics and appropriate treatment increased among malaria patients (1) Ind : # Planned Activities TargetResultsAchieve ment RemarkWay forward/Actions taken B 2.1 a Training on diagnosis VMW – 850 PP - 100 VMW – 332 PP – 40 BHS – 33 39.06% 40% - 45% of total targets were trained. All field teams will continue conducting refresher trainings for VMW/PP in respective project areas to complete targets. B 2.1 b Training on case management VMW – 850 PP - 100 VMW – 332 PP – 40 BHS – 33 39.06% 40% - 45% of total targets were trained. B 2.2 a Conduct quality check of RDT distributed to villages and HFs 5 townships11 townshipsSamples collection and testing were complete and analysis is in progress in DMR. Results will be presented in Q2 PY5.

5 IR 2: Use of quality malaria diagnostics and appropriate treatment increased among malaria patients (2) Ind : # Planned ActivitiesTargetResultsAchieve ment RemarkWay forward/Actions taken B 2.3 a Case Management Tested -Mobile Team & SP -VMW -Private Provider 95,000 70,000 15,000 26,618 29,156 5,315 28.02% 41.65% 35.43% 33.94% of total targets is achieved. Continue Positive cases -Mobile Team & SP -VMW -Private Provider 5,500 226 1,049 330 29.18%

6 IR 2: Use of quality malaria diagnostics and appropriate treatment increased among malaria patients (3) Ind : # Planned ActivitiesTargetResultsAchieve ment RemarkWay forward/Actions taken B 2.3 b Monthly Meeting286 meetings 105 meetings 36.71%VMW/PP monthly meetings will be held till Q4. B 2.3 d Sub grants3 townships (KBC, CDA and MNMA) KBC ended the project in December 2015 and CDA and MNMA will end in April 2016.

7 IR 2: Use of quality malaria diagnostics and appropriate treatment increased among malaria patients (3) Ind : # Planned ActivitiesTargetResultsAchieve ment RemarkWay forward/Actions taken B 2.3 b Monthly Meeting286 meetings 105 meetings 36.71%VMW/PP monthly meetings will be held till Q4. B 2.3 c Supervision and monitoring 468 VMWs 234 PPs 314 VMWs 60 PPs 67.09% 25.64% Plan is 2VMWs & 1PP/tsp at least to be visited. B 2.3 d Sub grants3 townships (KBC, CDA and MNMA) KBC ended the project in December 2015 and CDA and MNMA will end in April 2016.

8 IR 3: Use of strategic information for decision making increased at national and local levels (1) Ind : # Planned ActivitiesTargetResultsAchieve ment RemarkWay forward/Actions taken B 3.1 a Household End line Surveys 3 States/Regio ns Data collection will be completed in February 2016. Data analysis and reporting will be completed in Q3. B 3.1 b RDQA -Central -Township 3 visits 78 visits 1 visits 16 visits 33.34% 20.5% Results will be presented in M&E update B 3.1 c CAP-M Online M&E System 4 Quarterly Performanc e reports and patients records 125%CAP-M Burma has submitted PITT and patients records quarterly. All years performance indicators reports by township level are being developed and will be submitted to regional team.

9 IR 3: Use of strategic information for decision making increased at national and local levels (2) Ind : # Planned ActivitiesTargetResultsAchieve ment RemarkWay forward/Actions taken B 3.2 a1 Support malaria TSG meeting 4 quarterly meetings 1 meetingRegional/Country Technical Coordinator participated as Member Continue technical assistance. B 3.2 a2 Support joint monitoring and supervision visits with BHS 21 visits6 visits B 3.2 a3 Support Lab QAQC (support supervision visits) 8 township HFs in 4 tsps in Tanintharyi -0%

10 IR 3: Use of strategic information for decision making increased at national and local levels (1) Ind : # Planned ActivitiesTargetResultsAchieve ment RemarkWay forward/Actions taken B 3.2 d Quarterly staff meeting 3 meetings1 meetings33.34%- B 3.3 a Updating village based stratification All project townships --This is based on annual case finding and management data and all tsps teams will have to develop their respective VBS at the end of every project year.

11 IR 3: Use of strategic information for decision making increased at national and local levels (2) Ind : # Planned ActivitiesTargetResultsAchieve ment RemarkWay forward/Actions taken B 3.3 c MTCF60 villages112 villages (97 PV, 15 NPV) Over 200% Total tested – 9,083, Total (+)ve – 148 (Pf – 118, Pv – 18 and Mixed – 2) B 3.3 d Dissemination of information Monthly, Semi/annual reports to Stakeholders CAP-M Burma monthly reports are being shared to not only NMCP but different levels of stakeholders Will also share quarterly, semi/annual reports and communication plans

12 IR 3: Use of strategic information for decision making increased at national and local levels (3) Ind : # Planned ActivitiesTargetResultsAchieveme nt RemarkWay forward/Actions taken B 3.3 g Gender IssueTraining curriculum and modules, SOPs, job aids and tools on Gender and counselling were developed and TOT trainings were conducted to field teams Refresher trainings of volunteers with gender approach are being conducted and continued in Q2 and Q3. B 3.3 h Compilation of Entomological findings 1 report -In progress

13 IR 4: Malaria control services for mobile populations strengthened through interagency and inter-country collaboration (1) Ind : # Planned ActivitiesTargetResultsAchieveme nt RemarkWay forward/Actions taken B 4.1 a Respond to unforeseen local requests related malaria control Disaster management training has been conducted at PY5 annual work plan meeting 1,000 LLINs will be distributed for victims affected by fire outbreak in palaw B 4.2 b Advocacy meeting on Exit Strategy 1 time in Q1 and another one in Q3 Complete for first schedule District and township levels completed National level and another schedule will be done in Q3.

14 IR 4: Malaria control services for mobile populations strengthened through interagency and inter-country collaboration (2) Ind : # Planned ActivitiesTargetResultsAchieveme nt RemarkWay forward/Actions taken B 4.2 a Country level support Participate in 3 cross border meeting (KT-RN) Participated in 1 meeting and TL from KT has supported in end line survey of Thailand teams

15 Issues and lessons learnt HE in work sites are still difficulty to be done because of time limitation. Most of migrant workers have to work at day time. VMW/PP found more positive cases rather than mobile teams even in testing >50% of pop in some areas because of mobile population and also VMW can cover respective areas all the time and mobile team had only 2 or 3 days to find cases. MPR in some villages are still high although CAP-M conducted MTCF in PV or NPV to flatten high burden. Not all Pf/Mix positive patients could be provided DOT due to their nature of work and some couldn’t be provided with mobile teams (over 70.4% of total Pf+mix were planned to provide DOT, 89% were under DOT provision and 99% received complete DOT). Therefore, different appropriate approaches based on findings are being used in project areas.

16 Thanks

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