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❧ Lesson 8: Self-Concept and Self- Confidence Lesson 9: Reframing Teen Leadership.

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Presentation on theme: "❧ Lesson 8: Self-Concept and Self- Confidence Lesson 9: Reframing Teen Leadership."— Presentation transcript:

1 ❧ Lesson 8: Self-Concept and Self- Confidence Lesson 9: Reframing Teen Leadership

2 ❧ ❧ In a previous class session we talked about SELF- CONCEPT and how it is formed. ❧ You also reflected personally on issues involving your own self-concept. ❧ The issues involving self-concept often present problems for leaders. Review of Self-Concept

3 ❧ ❧ In general, people do not hear all things equally. We tend to hear negative things more loudly than we do the positive things that are said to us. Why do you think that is? Problems for Leaders

4 ❧ ❧ We also tend to base our self-concept on our performance. This cannot be done. We simply cannot afford to base our sense of worth on our abilities or our performance, because those things can change so easily. ❧ If we base our sense of self-worth on something that is so up and down…something that is sometimes governed by events over which we have no control…then we are always at the mercy of those events. ❧ We tend to think: “How can I be a good person when I do bad things? Continued

5 ❧ ❧ Our sense of self-worth must be based on WHO WE ARE, not on WHAT WE DO! ❧ You are a worthy person with a unique person in life! ❧ You are lovable and of great worth regardless of your performance. Self-concept is what you think about yourself…and who decides what you think about yourself? YOU! So what are you going to decide to think about yourself?

6 ❧ ❧ Define SELF-CONFIDENCE. ❧ What are some characteristics of people that show self-confidence? Let’s brainstorm as a class! Self-Confidence

7 ❧ ❧ Feeling good about who you are ❧ Having regard for others ❧ Knowing your values and standards ❧ Exercising self-discipline ❧ Being flexible ❧ Being able to accept criticism ❧ Not feeling overwhelmed by your weaknesses ❧ Having regard for your abilities ❧ Knowing your limitations and trying to stretch them Self-Confidence Means:

8 ❧ ❧ Turn to page 14 in your manual. Let’s read the sections on pages 14, 15, and 16 on self-confidence. ❧ Complete the exercise on page 18 in your manual.

9 ❧ ❧ A good, true, and positive self-concept produces SELF-CONFIDENCE. ❧ Self-confidence comes from ❧ Knowing yourself ❧ Accepting yourself ❧ Having regard for your gifts and talents It is the result of POSITIVE self-thoughts! Characteristics of People with Self-Confidence

10 ❧ ❧ They take risks. ❧ They’re not afraid to try new ideas. ❧ They invest themselves in their ideas. ❧ They are concerned about others, because they are not busy protecting their own insecurities. ❧ They are more likely to persist on difficult tasks, seeing them through until completion. 5 Specific Characteristics of People with Self-Confidence

11 ❧ ❧ As we have been discussing, WE ARE RESPONSIBLE for our thoughts about ourselves. ❧ People can tell you all day long what an awesome person you are, but unless you accept those thoughts as your own, your self-concept WILL NOT CHANGE. ❧ Additionally, if you accept the negative things said to or about you and internalize them, your self-concept WILL NOT CHANGE. ❧ One skill to use to ensure that these things do not happen is the skill of REFRAMING. REFRAMING

12 ❧ ❧ Reframing is the act of taking a negative thought or event, finding a new perspective in how to deal with it, and moving forward. ❧ Example: Did you know that Babe Ruth struck out 1,330 times in his career? It was a Major League record at that time. Let’s say that he was ridiculed for having struck out so many times. If he said, “Yes, that’s true, but I hit 714 home runs! How many did you hit” he would be using the technique of reframing. REFRAMING DEFINED

13 ❧ ❧ Reframing is essentially re-thinking an event. ❧ If a picture is placed into a new and different frame, the picture takes on a whole new meaning. In this case, you are taking an event that was negative and putting it into a new positive frame. ❧ Turn to page 19 in your manual. Complete the short exercise (answer the two questions listed).

14 ❧ ❧ You will now get to take a “test” to help you better understand yourself in terms of your self-concept and self-confidence. ❧ Read each statement carefully. ❧ Think about yourself and be honest. Make this a meaningful exercise. Self-Image Test

15 ❧ ❧ Give yourself 1 point for each question you answered with “true” ❧ 0-4: You have a generally positive way of thinking and should feel good about yourself. Keep it up! ❧ 5-8: You may be struggling with some negative emotions. Take time to review your good qualities. ❧ 9 or more: You can be very critical of yourself. Challenge yourself to change your way of thinking Test Results

16 ❧ ❧ On a separate sheet of paper to turn in, write a response with the following information: ❧ Your thoughts on the findings of the self-image test. Do you agree or disagree with your results? Why or why not? EBLAORATE!!!! ❧ Which 2 of the 15 statements do you feel most accurately describe you? Why? ❧ Which 2 of the 15 statements do you feel you need to change / work on the most AND explain ONE STRATEGY FOR EACH you can use to help you improve. Reflective Assignment

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