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Presentation on theme: "APPLYING TO A SELECTIVE ADMISSION PROGRAM Practical Nurse."— Presentation transcript:



3 How to setup your SAS Account THE SELECTIVE ADMISSION SYSTEM Click on “Selective Admission Programs”Selective Admission Programs You must also submit a general admission application for the semester you wish to start the program. This is a separate process from your Selective Admission packet.

4 How to setup your SAS Account THE SELECTIVE ADMISSION SYSTEM To create your account you will need to follow the “Selective Admission Account” link.Selective Admission Account Check out the “Frequently Asked Questions” section or each selective program website.Frequently Asked Questions

5 How to setup your SAS Account THE SELECTIVE ADMISSION SYSTEM Click “Create Account” link in order to begin setting up your account information.Create Account If you have created an account in the past, you may simply use your username and password to login and update your information. Please do not create duplicate accounts!

6 How to setup your SAS Account THE SELECTIVE ADMISSION SYSTEM Use an e-mail address that you maintain regularly. Any contact from BCTC regarding your application will be directed to the e-mail you provide here. You will receive an email to validate your SAS account. Check your junk e-mail folder in case you do not receive the e-mail in your inbox.

7 How to setup your SAS Account THE SELECTIVE ADMISSION SYSTEM You may login to your account at any time in order to update this information. Keep your information up to date to ensure that you will receive notification regarding your acceptance status.

8 How to setup your SAS Account THE SELECTIVE ADMISSION SYSTEM Print the checklist provided on the Program Information & Interests page. Please note that you may only apply for two programs per application year.

9 Selective admission checklists are unique for each program and must be included in your packet. Your checklist must be filled out and signed to be accepted by the Office of Admissions. Selective admission checklist REQUIRED DOCUMENTS

10 Each document below must be included in your selective admission packet The Practical Nursing (to become and LPN) Checklist An official high school transcript or official GED scores Official college transcripts from every college attended (except KCTCS) ACT or COMPASS test scores The pre-admission conference attendance form THE SELECTIVE ADMISSION PACKET Document Requirements

11 The Office of Admissions will not accept copies of any documents other than approved international documents. Documents should not be sent to the Office of Admissions separately. We cannot ensure they will be matched with your selective admission packet. This may result in your packet being incomplete and declined. THE SELECTIVE ADMISSION PACKET Document Requirements

12 A high school transcript or GED scores must meet the below criteria to be official: the document must show a date of graduation or completion and it must be stamped with the institution’s official seal or printed on the institution’s unique watermarked paper. Home school transcripts must be notarized by a notary public. International documents may be accepted as copies if in English and notarized by a notary public or signed by the Office of Admissions. Transcripts stamped “issued to student” will be accepted as long as they meet the above criteria. High School transcripts REQUIRED DOCUMENTS

13 College transcripts must meet the below criteria to be official: The document must be stamped with the institution’s official seal or printed on the institution’s unique watermarked paper Documents stamped “Issued to Student” will be considered official International college transcripts must be submitted as a course-by- course evaluation through an approved agency. You may find a list of approved evaluation agencies at Military Transcripts are considered college transcripts and must be turned in with the complete admission packet Any college credit you have ever earned at an accredited institution must be turned in on an official transcript, including dual credit and study abroad, etc. College transcripts REQUIRED DOCUMENTS

14 ACT scores can be ordered from SAT scores can be ordered at IMPORTANT NOTE: Students’ whose first language is not English may be asked to take the ESL COMPASS exam. Please note that the ESL COMPASS scores will not be accepted for admission. You may request to take the regular COMPASS in the Advising & Assessment Center. Test scores must meet the following criteria to be official: They must be printed on the testing organization’s unique paper Test results printed on an official high school transcript will be accepted as official. If you are currently enrolled at a Kentucky Community and Technical College System school you can login to PeopleSoft and access any ACT or SAT scores that may be on file through your Student Services Center. These results may be printed and placed in your packet as official.Kentucky Community and Technical College SystemPeopleSoft ACT, SAT or COMPASS test scores REQUIRED DOCUMENTS

15 Your pre-admission conference attendance form must be filled out and signed in order to be accepted by the Office of Admissions. Pre-admission conference forms from previous years will not be accepted. The pre-admission conference is an annual requirement. Pre-admission conference attendance form REQUIRED DOCUMENTS

16 The completed selective admission packet must be submitted to the Office of Admissions by the following dates: Spring 2017 Admission Practical Nursing: October 3, 2016 Fall 2017 Admission Practical Nursing: March 1, 2017 To ensure delivery, please bring your packet to the Cooper Campus. Packets or documents submitted after the deadline will not be accepted. Application Deadlines SUBMITTING YOUR PACKET

17 You may turn your packet in at any Bluegrass Community and Technical College Campus Extra processing time will apply to packets turned in at a campus other than Cooper Campus To turn a packet in on Cooper Campus, you may visit: OB 119 or OB 202A To mail your packet, send to: Bluegrass Community and Technical College Selective Admissions Oswald Building 202A 470 Cooper Drive Lexington, KY 40506 ** We HIGHLY advise tracking your shipment if you choose to mail your packet** Application Deadlines SUBMITTING YOUR PACKET

18 After you have setup your SAS account and submitted your application packet, it can take 10 business days before your information is processed and displayed through your SAS account. You will receive an automated e-mail when your information is added and completed. Acceptance information will be updated in SAS in November for the Spring class and the first week of April for the fall class. Your acceptance status is updated through your SAS account. You will not receive correspondence from the Office of Admissions through postal mail or telephone. Please note that your SAS account will not show your acceptance status until all selections are approved through committee. You will have two weeks to electronically accept your spot in the program or your alternate position through your SAS account. After two weeks, your position will be filled by another student. Checking your status PROGRAM ADMISSION

19 Students that do not complete their acceptance paperwork by the required deadline will forfeit their place in the program. As a result, it is very important that you check your SAS account and ensure your information is up to date. It is your responsibility to ensure your acceptance paperwork is received. You have the option of declining your position. If you choose to do so, you may not reclaim your place in the program at a later date and will be required to re-apply. Should you be accepted for admission or accepted as an alternate, you will complete your acceptance on your SAS account. Additional paperwork is required by the program. Visit your program’s “Incoming Students” webpage to locate and complete the additional paperwork. Additional Paperwork PROGRAM ADMISSION

20 Step 1 Log into your SAS account by going to Finding out your Status PROGRAM ACCEPTANCE

21 Finding out your Status PROGRAM ACCEPTANCE Step 2 Click on the File Status tab. If an acceptance decision has been made, you will see a green bar at the top. Click on Please Review.

22 What to do if you are Accepted PROGRAM ACCEPTANCE Step 3 Please follow the steps on this page. Review the acceptance documentation and accept or decline your acceptance into the program. You will receive a confirmation email and will be directed to a confirmation screen.

23 What to do if you are Accepted PROGRAM ACCEPTANCE Step 4 If you accepted, you will still have the ability to decline. Click on Decline to forgo your spot in the program.

24 What to do if you are an Alternate PROGRAM ACCEPTANCE Follow Steps 1 & 2 Step 3 Please follow the steps on this page. Review the alternate acceptance documentation and accept or decline your alternate acceptance into the program. You will receive a confirmation email and will be directed to a confirmation screen.

25 What to do if you are an Alternate PROGRAM ACCEPTANCE Step 4 If you accepted your alternate spot, you will still have the ability to decline. Click on Decline to forgo your alternate spot in the program.

26 Going from alternate to accepted PROGRAM ACCEPTANCE If your status changes from alternate to accepted your SAS account will update accordingly. You will need to follow the steps to accept your spot in the program.

27 Questions concerning admission requirements to the program or discrepancies in your SAS account may be directed to: Kehla Vance Melissa Terry Who to contact QUESTIONS


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