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Please take notes as they will be part of you test grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Please take notes as they will be part of you test grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please take notes as they will be part of you test grade.

2 *Muscular fitness has two components: _____________ and__________________ -Muscular _______: ability of a muscle or group to apply _______force one time -Muscular _______: ability of a muscle or group to ________perform the movement over a _____of _________.

3 * Good ____________ * Perform ______ ________better * Reduce _______ * Avoid _______ _______ * Helps prevent _______ _______and _________

4 * Myth: makes you _______ _______ -as long as you continue to _________ you will not become ________ because of strength training * Myth: muscular fitness is only good for _______ -_______can gain just as much from strength training, muscle definition may be less due to _______ * Myth: muscle turns to ______after you stop training -muscle will _______when not used -an increase in _____will only occur if you continue to take in more _______than you burn.

5 * ____different types of muscle * __________-connected to the _______system, what we will be strengthening * ________-only found in the ________ * __________-found in the walls of _______and ____________tissue

6 * Three types of ________muscle: ______, _________, and ______twitch * ___________determines the amount of each type of fiber you will have * _____: enable people to run long distances, high in _____________ * ____________: possess a combination of ________and ________characteristics * _________: contract ______, allow for __________muscular contractions, best for _________activities, however these fibers _______very quickly

7 * Three types of exercises to build muscle: ________, _________and ________. * ________: exercises involves _________or __________the muscles but not changing the ________. Push against a stationary object or another part of your body to _________movement. For example, _______position, _______a tennis ball to increase _____strength.

8 * _________: exercises involving ___________and ________your muscles. For example, ______weights, ______ups, ______a glass of water * __________: exercises involving working muscles at the ______ _______in the range of motion; specially designed _______allow you to __________the muscle with ________resistance throughout the entire range of motion at a constant ______

9 * To improve muscular fitness you must deal with three factor: * __________ * ________(__________for the muscles— Wednesdays)

10 * ___________can be broken down into three categories: __________, ________, and ____(FIT Principle) * __________: muscle should be exercised _______ _______day not ___________, or work _____muscle groups if you want to work out ____________.

11 * _________: also called _________, determined by the _________of weight _______. Will be different depending on the _________of your lifting (_____or ______) * Lifting to develop _______(_____): 60%-90% 1 RM * Lifting to develop ________: 30%-50% 1 RM * ________: refers to the number of _______the exercise is performed, or _______. A group of __________(_____) is called a ____(8-10 ____in a ____). A beginner would do _____ _____of _____with two minutes of rest between each _____.

12 * To develop muscular endurance the reps should be ______, and the ________(______) should be low * To develop muscular _______(_____) the ____should be low, and the _______(_____) should be high

13 * No ________ _______ * Must always wear ______ _______ * Use a ________when using free weights * _____________ and _________prior to lifting * ___________after workout to prevent _______ _______ * No __________ * No _____

14 * You will be able to ________more on the ______than with the _____ _______ * Because, the _______is helping you _______the ______so you can ______more * Fill out your weight lifting ____everyday to ______ ________ * Focus on _________rather than the _______of _________you are lifting * Lifts should last ____-_____ seconds * ______lifts use _______muscle fibers

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