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Very Fast Containment of Scanning Worms Written By: Nicholas Weaver, Stuart Staniford, Vern Paxson Presentation By: Nathan Johnson A.K.A Space Monkey and.

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Presentation on theme: "Very Fast Containment of Scanning Worms Written By: Nicholas Weaver, Stuart Staniford, Vern Paxson Presentation By: Nathan Johnson A.K.A Space Monkey and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Very Fast Containment of Scanning Worms Written By: Nicholas Weaver, Stuart Staniford, Vern Paxson Presentation By: Nathan Johnson A.K.A Space Monkey and Jeff Janies

2 2 Worms Malicious, self propagating programs Types: –Scanning – picking “random” addresses and attempting to infect –Topological – attempt and discover topology and then infect –Meta Sever – Domain controller attacks –Passive – Sniff other traffic and infect them –Hit list – worm already knows targets to infect –Social – E-mail worms and human stupidity

3 3 Scanning Worms Cont. –Scanning Linear – probe the entire address space Fully random – randomly select address spaces Bias toward local addresses – random searches within the current domain before propagation

4 4 Examples Linear –horizontal and vertical –Blaster Random –Code Red I (version 2) Bias towards local –Code Red II and Nimda/Nimba/README.EXE Permutation Scan –Theoretical

5 5 How do we Contain them? Shut the network down –Crude, self-inflicted DOS –Not infected, but not affective –Achieves most attackers goals Break network into small cells –Each cell is autonomous –Block infected cells connections to healthy cells –Still have functionality of most of the network – compartmentalized response

6 6 How do we find a worm? Scanning worms make many connection attempts. –They do not connect nearly as much as they attempt. Not always the same host –Sometimes the same system is infected many times –Infected systems may not stay active in propagation

7 7 Detection with Containment Cooperation between cells Sustained scanning threshold Epidemic threshold – Depends on: –Sensitivity of the containment response devices –The density of the vulnerable machines on the network –The degree to which the worm is able to target its efforts in to the correct network, and even into the current cell

8 8 Threshold Random Walk (TRW) Uses an oracle to determine success of connection –Successful connections drives random walk upwards –Failed connections drives random walk downwards Benign traffic has higher probability of success Requires fewer connections to detect malicious activity (around 4 or 5 connections)

9 9 Comparisons between Algorithms

10 10 Simplified TRW Advantages –Can be done in hardware or software –Transparent to user –False positives do not increase Disadvantages –False negatives increase –Stealth worm techniques can avoid detection Tracks connection establishment rather than using an oracle

11 11 Hardware Difficulties Memory access time –On 1 Gigabit connection 8 accesses (DRAM) 4 in each direction –On 10 Gigabit connections 0 accesses (DRAM) Must use SRAM

12 12 Hardware Difficulties (cont) Memory size –SRAM currently only holds 10s of megabytes –DRAM is in the Gigabyte range –Must keep memory size small so that both are options

13 13 Solutions Use multiple memory banks –Two accesses simultaneously –Cost goes up Restrict memory size to 16MB –Approximate network state –For this method of detection this is all that is needed –This method uses only 5MB for caches

14 14 Approximation Cache A cache for which collisions cause imperfections Simple lookup in bounded space Structured to avoid false positives Collisions cause aggregation –Can only cause false negative

15 15 Attacking the Cache Predicting the hash –Create collisions to evict or combine data to cause false positives or negatives Flooding the Cache –Massive amounts of normal data to mask the true attack

16 16 Block Cipher Principle –32 bit block cipher –Permute an N bit value into an index –Use K bits for index and N-K bits for tag Application –Uses Serpent S-boxes –Requires only 8 levels of logic –Can be implemented on FPGA or ASIC

17 17 Approximation of TRW Track connections with the approximation cache Track success and failure of connection to: –New address –New port at old address –Old port at old address (if entry timed out) Track everything that you can

18 18 Structure Connection table (1MB) –Stores age and established direction (in-to-out or out-to-in) –Indexed by hash of inside IP, outside IP, and inside port number (in TCP) Address cache (4MB) –Stores information about external addresses –Address is encrypted with 32-bit cipher –Count = Hits - Misses

19 19 The Structure

20 20 Variables Threshold (T) – The constant being compared to the count C min, C max - The minimum/maximum values the count can obtain –Legitimate hosts can go bad –Bad hosts can become good D miss, D conn – The maintenance parameters –Misses are cumulative but not over all time –Need to remove idle connections

21 21 Operation (from the outside) Established Connection’s packet –Reduce age in connection table to 0 Packet from outside – if has corresponding connection request from inside, address’s count = count -1 –Otherwise, external address’s count = count +1

22 22 Operations (from the inside) Establishment connection from the other side –External Address’s count = count -2 –Must compensate for the previous charge to the outside address

23 23 Operations (ultimate goal) If count is greater than a predefined threshold, it is blocked. –Only already existing connections are maintained Dropped unless session already exists –TCP RST, RST+ACK, SYN+ACK, FIN, FIN+ACK

24 24 Evaluation 6000 hosts connected to the internet 50-100Mbps 8-15K packets/sec In a day: –20M external connection attempts –2M internally initiated connection attempts Main trace: – 72 minutes –44M packets, 48052 external hosts, and 131K internal addresses

25 25 Evaluation Threshold of 5 –470 alerts –No false positives –These are only the ones between 5 and 19

26 26 Evaluation Maximize sensitivity – –Cmin = -5, Dmiss = infinity –Mis-configurations showed up –These are the lowest Max counts

27 27 Cooperation between Cells Every containment device knows the number of blocks others have in effect Each cell computes its own threshold using this knowledge –Reduces T by where θ controls how aggressively to reduce T and X is the number of other blocks in place –Additionally each cell must increase

28 28 Affect of Theta

29 29 Inter-cell Communication Tests performed under the assumption that cell communication is instantaneous in comparison to worm propagation Slow communications may allow a worm to propagate before any threshold modifications can take place Possible solutions: –Using a broadcast address –Caching recently contacted addresses

30 30 Inadvertent False Positives Artifacts of the detection routines –Potentially more severe –In testing, does not appear to be a problem with the algorithm used in this paper “Benign” scanning

31 31 Malicious False Positives Attacker can “frame” another through packet forging –Internal addresses preventions Use MAC address and switch features to prevent spoofing or changing MAC addresses. Setup HTTP proxies and mail filters to filter malicious content –External addresses may still be spoofed and blocked

32 32 Malicious False Negatives Occurs when a worm is able to continue despite the active scan-containment Worm continues to infect the network without being noticed

33 33 Avoiding Detection Propagate via a different means –Topological, meta-server, passive, hit-list, etc Operate Below scanning threshold Scan for liveliness on white-listed port –Imperfect, but lowers failure rate Obtain multiple network addresses –Lowers epidemic threshold by a factor of K if the attacker can obtain K network addresses

34 34 Attacking Cooperation Outrace containment Flood containment coordination channels –Cells should have reserved communication bandwidth to prevent this Cooperative Collapse –High false positives  lowering thresholds which in turn increases the false positives –Attacker can amplify this effect by causing scanning within the cells

35 35 Added Risks using Simplified TRW Exploiting approximation caches’ hash and permutation functions –Hash countermeasure: Block-cipher based –Hide scanning in a flood of spoofed packets Pollutes connection cache with half-open connections Not very feasible due to level of resources required Could spread as well using slow, distributed scan Two-sided evasion technique

36 36 Two-sided Evasion Requires two computers –One on each side of the containment device Uses the accomplice machine to provide a valid connection to balance out the scanning

37 37 Two-sided Countermeasures Perform only horizontal scans –Advantages: Greatly limits evasion potential –Disadvantages: Cannot detect vertical scans Split per-address count into two counts –Scanning internal network and on the Internet –Still allows for Internet scanning, but protects internal network Use two containment implementations –Doubles required resources –Provides protection from general scanning and scanning for evasive techniques

38 38 Weaknesses Assume instantaneous communication time between cell –Does not account for bandwidth consumption that occurs in worm attacks Assume accurate communication between cells Does not account for the existence of P2P networks

39 39 Contributions Provides a mechanism for detection and containment –Used in hardware/software Provides granularity of network –Containment is not limited to an entire subnet Cooperation between granular units enhances containment and improves containment time

40 40 References “Worst-Case Worm”, Paxson, Weaver “How to 0wn the Internet in Your Spare Time”, Staniford, Paxson, Weaver “Fast Portscan Detection Using Sequential Hypothesis Testing”, Jung, Paxson, Berger, and Balakrishnan

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