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MVCC WEB CMS Updates Everything you should know about managing your department content! Spring 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "MVCC WEB CMS Updates Everything you should know about managing your department content! Spring 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 MVCC WEB CMS Updates Everything you should know about managing your department content! Spring 2015

2 Objectives  Learning why we should and how we make content accessible  Reviewing the basic operations  Understanding the protocols for managing content  Learning how to utilize SiteImprove  Troubleshooting issues with SiteImprove  Learning where to get help

3 MVCC ADA Commitment Statement  Mohawk Valley Community College is committed to providing equal access to education, programs and employment opportunities for all qualified persons with disabilities through adherence to all applicable federal and state laws, regulations, and guidelines. The College will provide reasonable accommodations necessary to afford equal education, employment and access to programs.

4 Problems with our content  Broken Links  Misspellings  Not fully accessible  Not fully searchable  Information is redundant  Page loading time is slow  Do not fully work across different devices  Solution: To establish universal protocols for all uploaders. Follow the standard procedures that govern the way we manage our website in a consistent manner.

5 Web Jargons  CMS  Web Section  Content Area  Content Module  Alt Text/Tagging  SEO  Template  Description/Captioning  Redirects  Permalinks  Responsiveness  Reading Order

6 Content Organization  Use of Dashboard  Page vs Section vs Document?  When to create a section?  What is a Section Home?

7 Creating a page  Naming a page or file (It affects linking and the section structure)  How to name a page  Select the right template  SEO: Title, Description and Keyword

8 Creating a file  How to name the file  Think about how this document will work: E.g. Is it a one time vs Issue?  SEO: Refine Document

9 Steps to replace a document  Refine: Tag/Describe  Save/Export  Backup old version online  Replace Document  (Add the old doc. for the archive purpose if needed)

10 Refine the Document Info: To add Title, Tag, Author, and Subject to the document: File > Under Info > Then type in the information to increase searchability

11 Refining the Document Info using old version of MS Office Click File > Save as > The fields are on the bottom of the pop up window.

12 Permanently Deleting a page/document Go to Dashboard > locate the page/document > Click Delete > View Trash Bin > Locate the delete page/document > Permanent Delete

13 Content  The bottom line: Information has to be accessible (rendered) across devices  Content before Appearance  Format text properly to establish correct reading order 1. Heading 2. Normal Text 3. Bold Text 4. Hyperlinks  Use of Tables: Dos and Don’ts  SEO Properties can not be added on the pages under the news module*

14 Content (Continued)  Image: Alternative Text Resizing images ( Organizing Album Uploading Images Use of Images: Dos and Don’ts

15 Table A table is for tabular data where row headers, column headers, or both are present. To create an accessible table, be sure to define width, header(s) and caption under Table Properties by right clicking the table in the rich text editor.

16 Image Properties It is where you adjust and optimize an image on the page. Recommended size of cover image: 500px, locked.

17 Resizing Image Upon the resizer installation, right click on the image icon > Choose Resize Pictures > Choose the Right Setting > New resize image is saved under the same folder

18 Image Manager Go to Dashboard > Image Manager ( Right under Pages tab). Locate the image folder before uploading a new image! (Or create a new folder if there isn’t a folder for it)

19 Size Matter. Pay Attention the path in which the image is stored so that you can locate and reuse it later. The picture without resizing can bring the page loading speed significantly (Rule of Thumb: Under 500KB)

20  A third party tool that helps you monitor your content and correct problems  Separate Management Environment  4 major functions: Quality Assurance Accessibility SEO Response  Create your account and password Today!

21 SiteImprove Reports  Will be emailed to you regularly  How to read it?  How to utilize it to correct problems?

22 SiteImprove Dashboard

23 Correcting Broken Links To correct a broken link, go to the SiteImprove Dashboard, Click “Page Affected” link next to the circular Broken Link Indicator, then click one of the broken link item, A new tab comes out, the broken link will be highlighted. Click on the small link on the top of the page which opens a new tab with the page that has the broken link. Correct the broken link on the CMS.

24 Correcting a misspelling To correct a misspelling item, Click on “Page(s) affected” on Siteimprove Dashboard > Click on an item under “Pages with Misspelling/Potential Misspellings > A new tab comes out, the typo will be highlighted. click on the small link on the top of the page which opens a new tab with the page that has the typo. Edit the text area on the CMS. Once the editing is made, go back to the previous tab and hit refresh to recheck the page.

25 Correcting a misspelling (Continued..) Once the editing is made, go back to the previous tab and hit refresh to recheck the page.

26 Supplemental Information  Web Accessibility Certification:  SiteImprove Tutorial Videos:  This powerpoint presentation can be downloaded here:

27 Need Help?  Site Planning, URL Redirecting, Page Errors, Form creation, SiteImprove Chrono Ho  Accessibility Concerns Tamara Mariotti  Editing Permission Chrono Ho, Jennifer Fanelli  Broken Links/Misspellings: Refer to Directory of Uploaders directory

28 Thanks for your participation!  Questions?

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