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Create the following chart: If you had any dreams (that you can remember!), record what night it occurred & what your dream was about. (Keep it clean!)

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Presentation on theme: "Create the following chart: If you had any dreams (that you can remember!), record what night it occurred & what your dream was about. (Keep it clean!)"— Presentation transcript:



3 Create the following chart: If you had any dreams (that you can remember!), record what night it occurred & what your dream was about. (Keep it clean!) DayTime I went to sleep Time I woke up Amount of sleep Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

4 Consciousness is a state of awareness, including one’s feelings, sensations, ideas & perceptions Sleep is a state of altered consciousness, characterized by certain patterns of brain activity & inactivity

5  Why do we sleep?  List the 4 theories (p 184).

6 As one begins to fall asleep, body temp decreases, pulse rate drops, breathing becomes slow & even Eyes will close as concentrated thought leaves & relaxation occurs Body may twitch, eyes roll & brief visual images flash across one’s mind

7 Stages of sleep Stages I, II, III are early stages Stage IV deepest sleep of all Difficult to waken a sleeper Talking, sleepwalking, bed-wetting could occur REM sleep occurs: rapid eye movements, high level of brain activity, deep relaxation of muscles, dreaming (lasts from about 15 to 45 minutes)

8 Amount of sleep one needs to function effectively varies from person to person & from time to time w/in one’s life Humans seem to have a internal biological clock that regulates sleep- wakefulness cycle Circadian rhythm is a biological clock genetically programmed to regulate physiological responses w/in a 24 – 25 hour period Operates even when normal day & night cues are removed Ex. jet lag


10 Humans spend about 1/3 of their lives in sleep Avg adult sleeps 6 hrs & 54 min Mon – Fri (recom – 8 hrs) Avg young adult sleeps 6 hrs & 48 min Mon – Fri & 1 hr longer on weekend Adolescents need 9.25 hrs (20% fall asleep in school) Younger children need 10 or more hrs

11 “Power nap” lasts about 15 – 20 min Takes about 4 weeks to stabilize sleep cycle 43% of adults are chronically sleep deprived Sleep restriction appears to trigger hormonal changes that increase hunger Link between short sleep duration and increased obesity 62% of adults experienced a sleep problem a few nights per week or more in the last year

12 TYPES OF SLEEP DISORDERS Insomnia Symptoms: Causes & Effects: SleepApnea Symptoms: Causes & Effects: Narcolepsy Symptoms: Causes & Effects: Nightmares/NightTerrors Symptoms: Causes & Effects: Sleep-walking/SleepTalking Symptoms: Causes & Effects:

13 InsomniaSleep Apnea Narco- lepsy Night- mares/ Night Terrors Sleep- walking/ Sleep Talking Prolonged & usually abnormal inability to obtain adequate sleep Trouble breathing during sleep Specific kind of snoring Overwhelming feeling of sleepiness Suddenly falling asleep during the day NM – unpleasant or frightening dreams NT – screaming, panic, confusion during Stage IV SW – walking or doing other activities while asleep ST – single words, conversations while asleep Anxiety Depression Overuse of drugs or alcohol Enlarged tonsils Obesity Repeated infections UnknownIntense stimulation of parts of brain associated w/ emotional reactions during REM sleep Stress Fatigue Sedative medications Heredity Listless Sleepy Irritable Difficulties in the work, leisure & relationship areas Prone to accidents Usually harmless unless one falls or injures themselves

14 tion/yt/watch?videoId=LbmbQkX7czo Narcolepsy: even happens to dogs!

15 Even a little sleep deprivation can cause impaired attention, reaction time & decision-making –A–Accidents: Chernobyl, Exxon Valdez, bus/airline crashes –h– B1ZYcTwM

16 /watch?videoId=6QrGDmJdaeI /watch?videoId=6QrGDmJdaeI Mental activity that occurs during sleep Everyone dreams; most people able to recall only a few, if any, dreams & usually no more than the last 15 min Often, everyday activities incorporated into our dreams

17 Do dreams contain clues or hidden meanings about our lives? (Freud, Inuit people) Some social scientists skeptical of dream interpretations Daydreaming requires a low level of awareness & involves fantasizing while awake Usually occurs when we are BORED (not now!)

18 Dreams cont’d Warm-up: –What was one of your most memorable dreams? Video: –http://www.cleanvideose t/watch?videoId=kqQrbF 2RFQchttp://www.cleanvideose t/watch?videoId=kqQrbF 2RFQc

19 Lucid Dreams any dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming. In a lucid dream, the dreamer may be able to use some degree of control over their input within the dream or be able to manipulate their imaginary experiences in the dream environment. Lucid dreams can be realistic and vivid

20 Lucid Dreams A lucid dream can begin in one of two ways: –A dream-initiated lucid dream starts as a normal dream, and the dreamer eventually concludes it is a dream. –An wake-initiated lucid dream occurs when the dreamer goes from a normal waking state directly into a dream state, with no apparent lapse in consciousness. The wake-initiated lucid dream occurs when the sleeper enters REM sleep with unbroken self-awareness directly from the waking state

21 Video ction/yt/watch?videoId=DuaK9nyWfso ction/yt/watch?videoId=DuaK9nyWfso

22 Dream Analysis Article Read article, then answer the questions When finished, turn in box Then, we will move on to hypnosis!


24 Hypnosis a form of altered consciousness in which people become highly suggestible to changes in behavior & thought Make people conscious of things they are usually unaware of & unaware of things they usually notice – shifts our perceptions Does not put participants to sleep

25 Relationship between the hypnotist & participant should be cooperative not dominant Can be convinced to do things one wouldn’t normally do Can resist by refusing to open their minds to the hypnotist Used to help people quit smoking, lose weight, manage stress, overcome phobias & diminish pain

26 Meditation is practiced when one focuses his attention to clear his mind & produce relaxation Practiced in many parts of the world for thousands of years Briefly describe the 3 major approaches p. 195: Transcendental meditation: Mindfulness meditation: Breath meditation: Lotus position

27 Researches agree most people can benefit from the systematic relaxation meditation provides Is it true or are the reports biased? Are we only hearing from those who are successful at it? Are people sleeping not meditating? You try it!


29 Why do you think people use drugs & alcohol? Is there often a stigma associated with drug use but not alcohol? Why/why not? How do advertisements portray drinking compared to the realities of drinking & its effects?

30 Psychoactive drugs affect the nervous system to alter one’s mood, perception & behavior Complete the chart on the handout provided about common psychoactive drugs. Be detailed & specific.


32 Answer the following on the back of your handout(p. 202): When does drug use become drug abuse? Reasons people abuse drugs? Risks are associated with drug abuse? What does treatment of drug abuse usually involve?

33 Building Skills Answer the 4 questions on p. 205 using the chart provided: Percentage of 12 th graders who... on the back of your handout

34 Sleep Assessment Questions How many hours of sleep a night did you average over the course of the week? Do you feel that you got enough sleep this week? Were there many times throughout the week were you felt tired? Did you fall asleep in any classes this week? About how many? Are you happy with your current sleep routine? If not, will you change it, and how? Did you remember any of your dreams clearly? What do you think caused/causes YOU to dream? Do you think they have any hidden messages or say things about you?

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