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Coping With Stress Objective: Explain defensive strategies of coping with stress AND describe active strategies of coping with stress Baylis 15.3 AH! That.

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Presentation on theme: "Coping With Stress Objective: Explain defensive strategies of coping with stress AND describe active strategies of coping with stress Baylis 15.3 AH! That."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coping With Stress Objective: Explain defensive strategies of coping with stress AND describe active strategies of coping with stress Baylis 15.3 AH! That is why Mrs. Baylis eats desserts when she stresses!

2 Stress…  Can smother your enjoyment Make you miserable Coping w/ it is an attempt to regain control Individualized coping styles What’s your way of handling difficult situations? Some coping methods are maladaptive (hurtful to us or others). Be Careful!

3 Psychological Coping Strategies Our evaluation of an event (Cognitive Appraisal)  helps determine our stress impact If its appraised as a challenge  If its appraised as a threat   Drugs can effect Cognitive Appraisal: Alcohol

4 Defensive Coping Strategies Denial – It’s not really a stressor Intellectualization – the person watches & analyzes the event from an emotionally detached standpoint Both can prevent physical reactions to stress

5 Active Active Coping Strategies - Hardiness Hardiness Personality traits of control, commitment, & challenge These help reduce the stress we feel EX: Public Speech or Interview

6 Active Active Coping Strategies: Controlling Stressful Situations Controlling Stressful Situations: Control the timing of a stressful event Space-out stress-producing events Ex: Tracy is engaged and gets accepted to Grad school two weeks later. Postpones planning her wedding.

7 Active Active Coping Strategies: Problem Solving Problem Solving: Confronting the matter head-on Regarding difficult situations as problems to be solved turns the situation into a positive Involves rational analysis  Decision

8 Active Active Coping Strategies: Explanatory Style Explanatory Style: Martin Seligman (1991) – 2 styles of thinking Optimist: Best face Pessimist: See’s the dark side  ; die younger Try to be optimistic

9 Active Active Coping Strategies: Relaxation Relaxation Dr. Edmond Jacobson  Progressive Relaxation Goal: reduce muscle tension Lying down & learning how to tense & relax muscles Later he added meditation techniques  Stage 1 Sleep (Tracy needs sleep!)

10 Active Active Coping Strategies- Biofeedback Biofeedback Technique to bring body processes under a person’s conscious control; machine Teaches people to relax

11 Active Active Coping Strategies- Humor Humor Stress experts advice people to : have a sense of humor Laughing  releases tension

12 Active Active Coping Strategies - Exercise Exercise It stimulates and provides an outlet Burns off stress hormones Studies by David Holmes  reduces cardiovascular response & arousal from stress

13 Active Active Coping Strategies – Support Groups & Professional Help Support & Professional Help Can help people w/ specific stress-related problems EX: Alcoholics = AA Professional can be consulted and results can be extremely rewarding

14 Active Active Coping Strategies – Improving Interpersonal Skills Improving Interpersonal Skills Much of our stress comes from our interactions w/ others So LEARN to interact better 

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