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How do I classify? What type of greens? What is spineless and slimy ? What has a backbone? Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400.

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2 How do I classify? What type of greens? What is spineless and slimy ? What has a backbone? Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Random Classification Jeopardy!

3 $100 Question How do I classify? Identify the three domains

4 $100 Answer How do I classify? Bacteria Archaea Eukaryota

5 $200 Question How do I classify? Identify two differences between the Domain: Bacteria and Archea

6 $200 Answer How do I classify? Bacteria Domain Cell wall is made of peptidoglycan DNA has no associated proteins/ histones/ naked DNA DNA does not have INTRONS (non-coding sequences) Cell membrane has D- glycerol Archea Cell wall is not made of peptidoglycan DNA has associated proteins/ histones/ DNA does have INTRONS (non-coding sequences) Cell membraine has L- glycerol

7 $300 Question How do I classify? List the taxonomic groups in from most general to most specific

8 $300 Answer How do I classify? Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Domain

9 $400 Question How do I classify? Use the below key to identify the plant then select the correct plant based on the plant’s physical characteristics

10 $400 Answer How do I classify?

11 $500 Question How do I classify? Identify four groups of animals that have bilateral symmetry.

12 $500 Answer How do I classify? Platyhelminths Mollusca Annelidas Arthropoda

13 $100 Question from What type of greens? Which phylum does the plant below belong to?

14 Filicinophyta $100 Answer from What type of greens?

15 $200 Question from What type of greens? 1.Identify two plants that produce spores 2.State one difference between the spores in these plants

16 $200 Answer from What is green? Bryophytes produce spores in capsules. The capsules develops at the end of stalk/ stem Filicinophytes produce spores in sporangia on the underside of their leaves.

17 $300 QUESTION What type greens ? What has develops seeds in cones and an maximum height in 100 metres?

18 $300 Answer from What type of greens? What has develops seeds in cones and an maximum height in 100 metres? Coniferophytes

19 $400 Question from What type of greens? Identify two plant phylum that produce seeds and state one difference between their seeds/ seed production

20 $400 Answer from What type of greens? Angiospermata seeds inside fruits and develops flowers and coniferaphyta produces seeds in cones

21 $500 Question from What type of greens ? Give three difference between the characteristics of Filicinophytes and bryophytas

22 $500 Answer from What type of greens? Filicinophyta primative Vascular tissue Has roots Forms spores on the underside of leaves Leaves are often Pinnate 15m tall Bryophyta No vascular tissue no root, but has a rhizoid (root hairs) Spores are produced in capsules simple hair-like leaves 0.5 m tall

23 $100 Question What is spineless and slimy? What do all this animals have in common?

24 $100 Answer from What is spineless and slimy? No vertebrate. They are Invertebrates & the are all in the animal kingdom

25 $200 Question from What is spineless and slimy? What phylum is segmented, has a soft body and no hard protective shell or skeleton?

26 $200 Answer from What is spineless and slimy? What is an annelid?

27 $300 Question from What is spineless and slimy? Identify the Domain, kingdom, and phylum of the animal that has no segments, soft body, bilateral symmetry and sometimes has a hard protective shell?

28 $300 Answer from What is spineless and slimy? Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: animal Phylum:Mollusc

29 $400 Question What is Spineless and Slimy? Identify the domain, kingdom phylum has a hard exoskeleton, bilateral symmetry segments and jointed legs?

30 $400 Answer from What is Spineless and Slimy? Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: animal Phylum : Arthropod Class: Arachnid

31 $500 Question from What is Spineless and Slimy? Distinguish between arthropods and porifera – 2

32 $500 Answer from What is Spineless and Slimy? Arthropod segments hard exoskeleton bilateral symmetry jointed legs specialized tissue two opening (mouth & anus) Porifera no segments no hard exoskeleton no symmetry no jointed legs no specialized tissue no openings (mouth & anus) each cell feed individually

33 $100 Question from Answer this… List 3 characteristics of platyhelminthes?

34 $100 Answer What is spineless & slimy? Which of the following is a characteristic of platyhelminthes? Flat body Bilateral body symmetry One opening for food & waste Gas exchange by diffusion from cells No heart, no Lungs Example: Tapeworms

35 $200 Question Answer this… What features distinguish Platyhelminthes from Annelida? PlatyhelminthesAnnelida A.segmented bodynon-segmented body B.non-segmented bodysegmented body C.bilateral symmetryno bilateral symmetry bilateral symmetrybilateral symmetry

36 $200 Answer this…..? What features distinguish Platyhelminthes from Annelida? PlatyhelminthesAnnelida A.segmented bodynon-segmented body B.non-segmented bodysegmented body C.bilateral symmetryno bilateral symmetry bilateral symmetrybilateral symmetry

37 $300 Question from Answer this…. Which of the organisms A–D, identified by the key below, represents an Annelid? 1. Shows bilateral symmetry…………….go to 2 Does not show bilateral symmetry…….Cnidaria 2. Has a segmented body…………………go to 3 Does not have a segmented body…….go to 4 3. Has jointed legs……………………… A Does not have jointed legs……….……B 4. Has a shell…………………………...C Does not have a shell…………………..D

38 $300 Answer this……? Which of the organisms A–D, identified by the key below, represents an Annelid? 1. Shows bilateral symmetry…………….go to 2 Does not show bilateral symmetry…….Cnidaria 2. Has a segmented body…………………go to 3 Does not have a segmented body…….go to 4 3. Has jointed legs……………………… A Does not have jointed legs……….……B 4. Has a shell…………………………...C Does not have a shell…………………..D

39 $400 Question from Answer this To which group do jellyfish belong? And list two characteristics of this group.

40 $400 Answer from Answer this? Cnidaria Radial symmetry one openings Nematocyst (stinging cells) no segments no hard shell or exoskeleton

41 $500 Question Answer this…..? Identify all the invertebrate animal phylum with bilateral symmetry

42 $500 Answer this…..?. Arthropod Annelida Mollusca platyhelminthes

43 $100 Question from What has a backbone Identify this animals Domain, Kingsom & phylum.

44 $100 Answer from Backbone Identify this animals Domain : Euakrya, Kingdom: Animal Phylum: Chordata/ vertebrate

45 $200 Question from What am I? Identfy the Domain, Kingdom, Phylum and Class of animals have fur, produces milk and has live births?

46 $200 Answer from What am I? Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animal Phylum: Chordata and Class: Mammal

47 $300 QUESTION what am I? Identify the Domain, Kingdom, Phylum and Class of animals have 2 chamber hearts, scales and backbones.

48 $300 Answer from What am I? Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animal Phylum: Chordata and Class: FISH

49 Daily Double!

50 $400 Question from What am I? State four differences between reptiles and fish

51 $400 Answer from What am I? 1. Reptile usually have 3 chambered heart, fish usually have 2 chambered. 2.Reptiles have lungs fish have gills 3.Reptiles have four limbs/ pentadactly limb fish have fins 4.Reptiles lay eggs with hard shells, fish lay egg with soft shell

52 $500 Question from What has a backbone? What is the Domain, Kingdom, phylum, class Order, family, genus, and species of modern human

53 $500 Answer from What has a backbone? Domain: Eukarya Kingdom : Animal Phylum: Chordata Class:Mammal Order:primate family: homindae genus: Homo species: sapien

54 Final Jeopardy Category: Make a wager of how much you want to bet in this final round. Write that wager on a piece of paper with your team name on it. What am I?

55 Final Jeopardy Question State which of these drawings shows and annelid and state on reason for your choice.

56 Final Jeopardy Answer What is Water and Oxygen? 2H 2 O 2 H 2 O + O 2 Because it has segments.

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