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Programmatic Buying Simplified

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1 Programmatic Buying Simplified
By Abby Adesanya

2 By definition Programmatic buying, in its easiest definition, is utilizing technology to plan and buy media in order to reach the right person with the right message when they're most receptive Programmatic = automated Use of software to purchase available ad-space to a specific consumer via their cookies (browsing habits, device, location) Software eliminates human faults, such as forgetting tasks or calling out sick, as well as things like insertion orders or manual RFPs Efficient, cheaper, and quicker

3 Real time bidding Real-time bidding (RTB) allows advertisers access to bid on digital ad space per impression, or while the visitor’s page is loading Advertisers set a maximum bid for a certain campaign and the software automatically auctions for the space The winner’s ad is loaded onto the page instantly (like a 300x250 Yahoo! Ad or 15 second pre-roll on Youtube)

4 Programmatic direct Programmatic direct (or programmatic guaranteed) does not involve an auction Guaranteed buy by taking the automated mechanisms and applying them to the typical ad buying process Negotiated and agreed on by publishers and buyers ahead of time for a fixed price. Sometimes seen as “reserved” or “premium” as these ad spaces are saved to fulfill branding objectives rather than impressions

5 Key terms Demand Side Platforms: allows advertisers to buy impressions targeted to specific users such as their location and browsing history, automatically decides which available impression is most logical to buy. Buy, serve, and track ads in one place. Ad Exchanges: digital marketplace that enables advertisers to buy and sell ad space from publishers (websites with ad space), via DSPs & SSPs. Supply Side Platforms: connects to multiple ad exchanges, DSPs, and networks; designed by publishers to maximize the prices their impressions sell at via minimum prices (price floors).


7 Accuen Accuen houses OMG’s open programmatic buying platform (DSP) which combines the use of data, inventory, and technology from over 40 global partners Premium inventory in various channels Over a dozen collaborating DSPs Automated buying tools Most clients at PHD are utilizing Accuen’s services Cablevision American Signature GAP

8 Accuen + MoPub MoPub, Twitter’s mobile ad exchange program, will be integrated with Accuen, effectively providing Accuen with high-quality advertisers on the mobile spectrum Currently, ads purchased through Twitter only show up in third-party websites within MoPub’s network Can possibly lead to Twitter itself opening up to programmatic buying

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