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Lesson 2. Foods We Like. Where R U From? Curry - India.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 2. Foods We Like. Where R U From? Curry - India."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 2. Foods We Like

2 Where R U From?

3 Curry - India

4 Bread – U.S.A.

5 Rice Noodle - Vietnam

6 Bibimbap - Korea

7 Taco - Mexico

8 Vocabulary Preview  related to cooking or food culinary

9 Vocabulary Preview  a mixture of flour and water ready for baking dough

10 Vocabulary Preview  firm and hard on the outside from being cooking crispy

11 Vocabulary Preview  the food items used to make a particular dish ingredients

12 Reference Word= 지칭어

13 Go to the Bakery (1)  A : 빵집에 가면, OO 도 있고  B : 빵집에 가면, OO 도 있고 XX 도 있고

14 Go to the Bakery (2)

15 Key Points  각 빵의 세부내용 파악하기  각 단락 제목 및 주제 찾기  글 전체의 요지 찾아내기  대명사의 지칭대상 연결하기

16 staple food

17 roast

18 grind – ground – ground millstone

19 시 제시 제  Bread (be) a staple food of the human diet since at least 30,000 years ago. has been

20 분 사분 사  The first bread was probably a flat bread (making / made) of (roast) and (grind) grains. roasted ground

21 시제 / 수일치  Over the centuries, each culture and region (develop) its own unique varieties of … has developed

22 수 일 치수 일 치  … there (is / are) hundreds of different kinds.

23 flavor = taste sweet bitter sour

24 ingredient

25 분 사분 사  Naan is a round, flat type of bread (making / made) of wheat flour.

26 해 석해 석  It is also known / that naan had (served / been served) / at the for many imperial court in Delhi for many centuries centuries.

27 보 어보 어  In order to make it (rise), yeast is usually added to naan before it is cooked. rise

28 능동태 vs. 수동태 / 분사  Naan is (baking / baked) in a clay oven (calling / called) a tandoor.

29 능동태 vs. 수동태  … so flavor (preserves / is preserved) well.

30 능동태 vs. 수동태  Once the bread has (cooked/ been cooked), it is usually brushed with ghee…

31 능동태 vs. 수동태  … it can (use / be used) as a side dish for stew or as a wrapping for meat.

32 해 석해 석  … by putting other ingredients into the dough, / naan can be made sweet, savory or hot.

33 boil

34 chewy

35 slice

36 보어 / 병렬구조  This cooking process makes bagels chewy and (give) them a shiny surface. gives

37 해 석해 석  Since there is no butter, milk or sugar / (adding / added) to bagels, / they are (high / low) in fat and cholesterol.

38 해 석해 석  It is said/ that the king of Austria sent bread from a Jewish baker to the king of Poland, / to (thank / criticize) him for helping Austria…

39 help  … to thank him for helping Austria (win) a war against the Ottoman Turks. (to) win

40 stirrup

41 해 석해 석  As it had the shape of a stirrup, / Poland’s king named it the “bugel”, / (meaning / meant)..

42 능동태 vs. 수동태  Many years later, bagels (brought / were brought) to America by Jewish people.

43 수일치 / 병렬구조  A common way to eat them (is / are) to slice them in half, (heat) them up in a toaster oven, and spread cream cheese or butter… heat

44 circle radius diameter

45 crispy

46 분 사분 사  This photograph shows an (amusing / amused) view of an early morning in France.

47 분 사분 사  The baguette, (which is) (knowing / known) simply as “French bread,” is a leading …

48 능동태 vs. 수동태  Long loaves have (produced / been produced) in France for centuries, / although the word “baguette” didn’t come into common use until 1920.

49 prevent  In 1920, a French law prevented bakers from (work) before 4 a.m., which made it impossible to bake the traditional, round loaf.. working

50 병 렬 구 조병 렬 구 조  … because it could be prepared and (bake) much more rapidly. baked

51 twisted

52 plain

53 조 동 사조 동 사  Although pretzels are commonly associated with Germany, they may (come/have come) from Italy.

54 해 석해 석  an Italian monk invented pretzels / as a prize for children / _____ said their prayers well. whothat

55 병 렬 구 조병 렬 구 조  He made his bread in the shape of praying hands, and (name) it “pretiola,” (meaning / meant) “little rewards” in Latin. named

56 수일치 / 분사  There (is / are) a story of a (tiring / tired) baker’s assistant, _______ fell asleep with … who

57 수 일 치수 일 치  These cracker-type pretzels have a savory flavor and (is / are) crispy.

58 해 석해 석  Plus, they’re easy to keep for a long time / since there is less water in them. In additions Besides

59 수 일 치수 일 치  Today, people all over the world (eat / eats) plain pretzels as a snack or enjoy them with cream..

60 해 석해 석  As you can see, bread can tell us about the culture and society _______ it is part of and the people _______ consume it. whichthat whothat

61 수량 / 수일치  With only a (few / little) ingredients, such as water, flour, and yeast, each culture (has / have) been able to create its own

62 What does this mean?  With only a few ingredients, … each culture has been able to create its own individual identity through bread. Bread=Culture

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