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New Structure of Nuclear Matter at High Density 한양대학교 콜로키움 2009 년 10 월 7 일 박병윤 ( 충남대학교 물리학과 )

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1 New Structure of Nuclear Matter at High Density 한양대학교 콜로키움 2009 년 10 월 7 일 박병윤 ( 충남대학교 물리학과 )

2 1903 (P) Henri Becqurel, Marie Curie, Pierre Curie Discovery of spontaneous radioactivity 1908 (C) Ernst RutherfordWork on the disintegration of the elements and chemistry of radioactive elements 1911 (C) Marie CurieDiscovery of Radium and Polonium 1921 (C) Frederic SoddyWork on chemistry of radioactive substances including the origin and nature of radioactive isotopes 1922 (C) Francis AstonDiscovery of isotopes in many non- radioactive elements, also enunciated the whole-number rule of atomic masses 1927 (P) Charles Wilsondevelopment of the cloud chamber for detecting charged particles

3 1934 (C) Harold UreyDiscovery of heavy hydrogen (deuterium) 1935 (C) Frederic Joliot, Irene Joliot-Curie Synthesis of several new radioactive elements 1935 (P) James ChadwickDiscovery of neutron 1936 (P) Carl David Anderson Discovery of positron 1938 (P) Enrico FermiNew radioactive elements produced by neutron irradiation 1939 (P) Ernest LawrenceInvention of cyclotron 1943 (C) George de HevesyUse of isotopes as tracers in the study of chemical processes

4 1944 (C) Hans OttoDiscovered fission of massive nuclei 1948 (P) Patrick BlackettImproved cloud chamber and discoveries in nuclear physics and cosmic rays 1949 (P) Hideki YukawaPredicted the existence of mesons as the basis of the nuclear force 1950 (P) Cecil PowelDeveloped the photographic method of studying nuclear processes 1951 (C) Edwin McMillan, Glenn Seaborg Discoveries in the chemistries of the transuranium elements 1951 (P) John Cockcroft, Ernest Walton Transmutation of nuclei by accelerated particles 1952 (P) Felix Bloch, Edward Purcell Measured magnetic fields in atomic nuclei (NMR)

5 1954 (P) Walther BotheAnalysis of cosmic radiation using the coincidence method 1960 (C) Wilard LibbyFor his method to use 14 C for age determination 1961 (P) Robert Hofstadter studied nuclear structure with electron scattering 1961 (P) Rudolf Moessbauer Discovery of recoilless resonance absorption of gamma rays in nuclei 1963 (P) Eugene Wignerapplication of symmetry principles to the nucleus 1963 (P) Maria Goeppert Mayer, Hans Jensen developed the nuclear shell model 1967 (P) Hans Bethedeveloped the theory of nuclear reactions in stars

6 1975 (P) Aage Bohr, Ben Mottelson, James Rainwater developed the theory of collective states in nuclei 1977 (B) Rosalid YalowStudy of insulin using radioactive tracers 1983 (P) William FowlerStudies on the formation of nuclear reactions which produce chemical elements in astrophysical processes 1990 (P) Jerome Friedman, Henry W. Kendall, Richard E. Taylor Their pioneering investigations concerning deep inelastic scattering of electrons on protons and bound neutrons. 1991 (C) Richard R. Ernstdevelopment of the methodology of high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy 1992 (P) Georges Charpakinvention and development of particle detectors, in particular the multiwire proportional chamber

7 1994 (P) Bertram N. Brockhouse, Clifford G. Shull development of neutron scattering techniques for studies of condensed matter 1996 (P) David Lee, Douglas Osheroff, Robert Richardson Discovery of superfluidity in helium-3 2002 (P) Raymond Davis Masatoshi Koshiba Riccardo Giacconi Pioneering contributions to astrophysics, in particular for the detection of cosmic neutrinos 2003 (B) Paul C. Lauterbur, Peter Mansfield Discoveries concerning magnetic resonance imaging 2004 (P) David J. Gross, H David Politzer, Frank Wilczek Discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction

8 What we know

9 +Ze n=3 n=2 n=1

10 What we know

11 양성자수양성자수 중성자수 Table of Nuclei

12 Nuclear Data

13 92 U 235 + 0 n 1 54 Xe 140 + 38 Sr 94 +2 0 n 1 What we know : Fission 56 Ba 139 + 36 Kr 94 +3 0 n 1 0.09% 의 질량결손  200MeV

14 What we know : Fusion in the Sun p   p D e+e+ e-e-  He 3 p p   p D e+e+ e-e-  p Be 6 He 4 1.86MeV 11MeV 12.8MeV

15 C 12 He 4 Be 8 N 13 C 13 O 15 N 15 p  e+e+ p  N 14 p  e+e+ He 4 p CNO-cycle

16 Fusion in the Reactor D T 17.6MeV D D 3.27MeV He 4 n D p 18.3MeV D D p 4.03MeV He 3 T Li 6 He 4 n Li 6 n T n 4.8MeV -2.5MeV

17 What we have



20 PET

21 NMR & MRI


23 KSTAR (Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research)

24 New Elements Scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab have discovered elements 118 and 116 by colliding beams of krypton atoms with a target made of lead atoms. (1999)

25 What we know


27 Big Bang!

28 Quarks to Cosmos

29 We still don’t know


31 We have thought

32 We still don’t know

33 What is the dark matter? How did the universe begin? Did Einstein have the last word on gravity? What are the masses of the neutrinos, and how have they shaped the evolution of the universe? How do cosmic accelerators work and what are they accelerating? Are protons unstable? Are there new states of matter at exceedingly high density and temperature? Are there additional spacetime dimensions? How were the elements from iron to uranium made? Is a new theory of matter and light needed at the highest energies? 21C 물리학에 남겨진 과제들

34 Skyrme Model approach to Dense Matter

35 Skyrmion Model U(x) : mapping from R 3 -{ }=S 3 to SU(2)=S 3 8 topological soliton 1960, T. H. R. Skyrme R ~ 1 f m M ~ 1.5 GeV BARYON ?

36 protonneutron 1919 Rutherford 1932 Chadwick pion protonneutron 1935 Yukawa Hadronic World (Skyrmionist’s Viewpoint) pion 1960 Skyrme

37 SU(2) Collective Coord. Quantization N,  SU(3) collective Coordinate Quatization  ,  * 

38  ,  *  Hedgehog Soliton SU(2) collective Coordinate Quatization bound kaon

39  c  ,  *  *  c Hedgehog Soliton SU(2) collective Coordinate Quatization bound D,D* c c

40 Multi-Skyrmion system B=2 Torus B=3 Tetrahedron B=4 Cube B=5 with D d2 sym B=6 with D d4 sym B=7 Dodecahedron

41 Toroidal B=2 skyrmion 1988, Braaten & Carson, 1995, Leese, Manton & Schroers

42 Skyrmion Crystal



45 = Chiral symmetry restoration in dense matter?

46 static soliton config. fluctuating pions Pion in the dense baryonic matter? classical dense matter config.

47 pion effective mass H.-J. Lee, B.-Y. Park, D.-P. Min, M. Rho, V. Vento, Nucl. Phys. A723 (2003)

48 ff   Pseudogap? U still remains on the Chiral Circle But =0 Chiral Symmetry Restoration

49  & <><> <><> Pseudogap Phase?  S Phase  SB Phase H.-J. Lee, B.-Y. Park, M. Rho, V. Vento, Nucl. Phys. A726 (2004)

50  ff  ff   * *  SB Phase Pseudogap Phase  S Phase  

51 ?

52 Skyrmion Soup Condiments : dilaton vector mesons Heat Main ingredients : pions B.-Y. Park, H.-J. Lee, V. Vento, Phys. Rev. D80 (2009)

53 Pion Gas! P = T 4  2 30 E/B = 3PV E/B=(M 2 (  )+3PV)  2 +M 4 (  ) +V(  )/  1/3

54 Conclusion

55 Thank You!

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