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Forests are the dominant terrestrial ecosystem of the earth, and are distributed across the goble.

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2 Forests are the dominant terrestrial ecosystem of the earth, and are distributed across the goble

3 Forests account for 75% of the gross primary productivity of the Earth’s biosphere, and contain 80% of the earth’s plant biomass.

4 There are three broad categories of forest definitions in use;administration,land use, and cover use.A forest is made up of many layers.

5 Starting from the ground level and moving up, the main layers of all forest types are the forest floor, the understory and the canopy.

6 The emergent layer exists in tropical rainforests. Each layer has a different set of plants and animals depending upon the availability of sunlight, moisture and food.

7 Forests may provide a diversity of ecosystem services including recycling carbon dioxide into oxygen, acting as a carbon sink, aiding in regulating climate, purify water, mitigating natural hazards such as floods, and serving as a genetic reserve.

8 Save the nature given by god

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