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Airborne Tropical TRopopause Experiment (ATTREX): Eric Jensen (PI), Leonhard Pfister (Co-PI)

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Presentation on theme: "Airborne Tropical TRopopause Experiment (ATTREX): Eric Jensen (PI), Leonhard Pfister (Co-PI)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Airborne Tropical TRopopause Experiment (ATTREX): Eric Jensen (PI), Leonhard Pfister (Co-PI)

2 ATTREX Science Overarching science Goals: 1.To imporve our understanding of how deep convection, slow large-scale ascent, waves, and cloud microphysics control the humidity and chemical composition of air entering the stratosphere. 1.To improve global-model predictions of feedbacks associated with future changes in TTL cirrus, stratospheric humidity, and stratospheric ozone in a changing climate.

3 NASA Global Hawk Unmanned Air System

4 NOAA H 2 O ATTREX Payload

5 ATTREX Schedule Fall 2011: Dryden Flight Research Center (southern CA) Jan-Feb 2013: DFRC Jan-Feb 2014: Guam (with CONTRAST and CAST) Jun-Jul 2014: Townsville, Australia(?)

6 ATTREX fall 2011Tropical Flights

7 Global Hawk Operations Center


9 Cloud Physics Lidar In situ cirrus layer



12 ~4 m ~2 m

13 ATTREX data availability NASA policy: final data is publicly available (ATTREX mission web site) (NASA Earth Science Project Office) Use of the ATTREX data is strongly encouraged! Suggested sampling strategies for future deployments would be greatly appreciated!

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