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1 Regional Integration theory II - Transactionalism I 13008 Kim Jae Yeon.

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1 1 Regional Integration theory II - Transactionalism I 13008 Kim Jae Yeon

2 5.18/9:00 Globalization and Regional Integration 2 General features of transactionalism  Theorize the conditions for the stabilization of the nation-state system.  Higher authority or international organizations should provide the conditions for this equilibrium  Results from international interaction through all manner of economic, social, and cultural processes.

3 5.18/9:00 Globalization and Regional Integration 3 Continued  “ Integration becomes the achievement of a sense of security within a region, so that war is ruled out as the way of resolving international differences, but nation-states are not necessarily dissolved.

4 5.18/9:00 Globalization and Regional Integration 4 Karl Deutsch  Best representative of transactionlism  Formidable scholar of international politics and nation-building  Nationalism and Social Communication (published in 1953)  Study of nationalism and integration of national communities shared much with the supranational integration

5 5.18/9:00 Globalization and Regional Integration 5 Continued  Communication as the key mechanism of the social mobilization of communities that in turn was responsible for historical process of national development  Similar processes in the international sphere in circumstances where states build security communities among themselves  international integration is defined as the achievement of security within a region.

6 5.18/9:00 Globalization and Regional Integration 6 Political Community and the North Atlantic Area (1957)  Taken as the primary statement of the transactionalist perspective  Guiding puzzle - ’ the study of possible ways in which men might some day abolish war ’  Focus – security communities (=political communities within which the expectation of war was minimized)

7 5.18/9:00 Globalization and Regional Integration 7 Security Communities  Bound up with the conception of integration advanced by Deutsch  Groups of people that had become integrated  Integration was defined as  ‘ the attainment, within a territory, of a “ sense of community ” and of institutions and practices strong enough and widespread enough to assure for a “ long ” time, dependable expectations of “ peaceful change ” among its population

8 5.18/9:00 Globalization and Regional Integration 8 Two distinct sorts of security community  Amalgamated security community  formal merger of separate units into a larger unit through institutional fusion  Integration of federalism and neofunctionalism  Pluralistic security community  Entities where the component governments retain their separate legal identities  Integration without merger or supreme authority

9 5.18/9:00 Globalization and Regional Integration 9  Amalgamated security community  vulnerable to potential destabilizing factors  Increased military burden  Rapid increases in social mobilization and political participation  Swift shift in social differentiation  A decline in administrative capabilities, a closure of political elites  A dissonance between government action and societal expectations  Pluralistic security community  more likely to arise in practice, more durable  required only three conditions to exist  Compatibility of major values among the units  A capacity for politically relevant groups to respond to each other ’ s stimuli without violence  a ‘ mutual predictability of the relevant aspects of one another ’ s political, economic and social behavior ’

10 5.18/9:00 Globalization and Regional Integration 10 Gemeinshaft & Gesellshaft by Ferdinand Tonnies  Gemeinshaft  Community  Situation when people are held together by common sentiments and common loyalties  Non-contractual allegiance  Gesellshaft  Society  Condition binding people less through trust and more through a mixture of self-interest, division of labor and contract  Quasi-contractual obligation

11 5.18/9:00 Globalization and Regional Integration 11 Continued  Deutsch was interested in Gemeinshaft as a condition of integration  The end point of integration is a sense of community — a qualitative leap from pacts, treaties, and alliances among states  Through which conditions and processes does this merge ? – Deutsch ’ s task

12 5.18/9:00 Globalization and Regional Integration 12  A sense of community among states would be a function of the level of communication between states  The route to international Gemeinshaft was the establishment of a network of mutual transactions  Interaction  reciprocal importance (mutual relevance)  perceptions that the interaction is beneficial  trust  interaction  The potential for integration would occur in situations of high international transaction

13 5.18/9:00 Globalization and Regional Integration 13 Evaluation and Critique  Observation that the processes recognized by Deutsch and his followers pose serious problems of measurement and operationalization  The lack of clarity about the mechanisms through which certain key processes operated  Complacent assumption that increased communication would necessarily lead to cognitive change

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