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The InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards INCITS Systems Integration: What/Why/How INCITS TC Officers Annual Symposium April 11-13,

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Presentation on theme: "The InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards INCITS Systems Integration: What/Why/How INCITS TC Officers Annual Symposium April 11-13,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards INCITS Systems Integration: What/Why/How INCITS TC Officers Annual Symposium April 11-13, 2016 Tampa, FL Laura Lindsay Don Deutsch │@incits

2 System Integration - Agenda  Background  What is System integration  Why do System Integration in JTC 1  How to do System Integration in JTC 1  Approach  Processes  Terminology  Responsibilities  JTC 1 Systems Integration Guidelines  System Integration Activities in JTC 1 │@incits Slide 2

3 System Integration: What  System: combination of interacting elements organized to achieve one or more stated purposes (ISO/IEC15288:2008 Systems and software engineering--System life cycle processes, 4.31)  Systems Integration: the progressive assembling of system components into the whole system (ISO/IEC 2382- 20:2015 Information technology--Vocabulary--Part 20: System development)  JTC 1 as System Integrator: established by ISO & IEC to define standard elements to function in information technology systems, JTC 1 has from its inception facilitated system integration. │@incits Slide 3

4 System Integration: Why  Increasingly rapid evolution of IT  Moore’s Law => supercomputer in your pocket  Ubiquity of IT => car is a computer with tires  Emerging technologies, e.g.:  Internet of Things (IoT)  Big Data  Cloud computing  Smart Cities  3D scanning & printing  Smart machines │@incits Slide 4

5 Matrix View Of JTC 1 Subgroups & Technical Areas │@incits Slide 5

6 System Integration: How  SWG on Management initiative  Ad Hoc on systems integration  Systems integration guideline draft  Constraints/requirements  Operate within current directive (i.e., no new entities)  Coherent with parent’s processes  Light-weight/efficient  Procedures that facilitate working together  Overcome cultural challenges, e.g., NIH │@incits Slide 6

7 JTC 1 System Integration Approach  Evolutionary  Learn from & copy best practices – e.g., IEC process  Compliant with current JTC 1 Directives  Uses existing organizational entities:  Study Groups (SG)  SWG, WG & SCs with a Systems Integration mandate  SCs  Entities whose functions now assigned to JAG  SWG Planning  SWG Management │@incits Slide 7

8 JTC 1 System Integration Process │@incits Slide 8 JTC 1 Advisory Group JTC 1 Study Groups JTC 1 SCs JTC 1 National Bodies & LIaisons JTC 1 Systems Integration Entities SDO’s ISO, IEC, ITU Entities

9 JTC 1 System Integration Terminology  Systems Integration entity: a JTC 1 subgroup that has the authority to develop International Standards and that, in addition to the responsibilities as defined for the type of the subgroup in the Consolidated JTC 1 Supplement, has Systems Integration responsibilities.  Facilitator: a person or group that facilitates communication between a Systems Integration entity and the JTC 1 Advisory Group and external entities.  Foundational standards: standards that provide an essential basis for a topic and upon which other standards can build (Examples of foundational standards are reference architecture or vocabulary.) │@incits Slide 9

10 Systems Integration Entity Responsibilities  Serve as the focus of and proponent for JTC 1's Systems Integration topic standardization program.  Develop foundational standards for the Systems Integration topic ---including reference architecture and vocabulary standards---for guiding Systems Integration topic efforts throughout JTC 1 and upon which other standards can be developed.  Identify JTC 1, ISO, IEC and external organization entities that are developing standards and related material that contribute to the Systems Integration topic, and for each entity investigate ongoing and potential new work.  Identify gaps in the Systems Integration topic standardization for consideration in proposing potential new work to the relevant JTC 1 subgroup(s).  Develop in the Systems Integration topic other standards that build on the foundational standards when relevant JTC1 subgroups that could address these standards do not exist or are unable to develop them.  Develop and maintain liaisons with ISO, IEC, ITU-T and external organizations working on the Systems Integration topic as well as with any other JTC 1 subgroup that may propose work related to the Systems Integration topic in the future.  Engage the community outside of JTC 1 to grow the awareness of and encourage engagement in the  Systems Integration topic standardization efforts within JTC 1, forming liaisons as is needed.  Develop and maintain a list of existing Systems Integration topic standards produced and standards development projects underway in JTC 1. │@incits Slide 10

11 JTC 1 Advisory Group Responsibilities  Facilitate projects in the Systems Integration topic in JTC 1 by:  Noting approved NWIPs in the Systems Integration topic  Facilitating the initiation of NWIPs considering recommendations prepared by the JTC 1Systems Integration subgroup.  Advising JTC 1 on Systems Integration topic related projects that are ongoing and proposed within JTC 1 subgroups.  Address and coordinate the areas of possible conflict including such things as NWIPs and project splits relating to the Systems Integration topic when a concern is brought forward.  Collaborate with the JTC 1 Systems Integration entity efforts to grow the awareness and involvement of those outside JTC 1 in the Systems Integration topic within JTC 1 and especially interact in Systems Integration activities in SDOs such as ISO, IEC and ITU-T. │@incits Slide 11

12 JAG Paris Recommendation 7  Establishment: JAG establishes the JAG Subgroup on Systems Integration Facilitation (JAG-SIF)  Purpose: This JAG-SIF subgroup acts in the capacity of facilitator as described in the JTC 1 Systems Integration Guidelines.  Membership: Members of this JAG-SIF are appointed by the JAG.  Leadership: The JAG-SIF subgroup is led by a convenor, appointed by the JAG chair.  Operating Procedures:  The JAG-SIF subgroup appoints members to attend System Integration entities’ meetings as representatives of JAG-SIF.  Coordination among the JAG-SIF subgroup members is conducted via JAG-SIF regular meetings.  The JAG-SIF is responsible for advising the JAG on the evolution of the JTC1 Systems Integration Guidelines.  Iinitial members: Norbert Bensalem, SangBeom Ham, Francois Coallier, Toshihoiro Suzuki, Laura Lindsay, Gargi Keeni, Byoung Nam Lee, Kate Grant, Cong Wang, Janna Lingenfelder,  Convenor: Norbert Bensalem (France) │@incits Slide 12

13 JTC 1 Systems Integration Guidelines  ISO/IEC JTC 1/JAG N003  Document circulated for review and consideration per recommendation 15 of the March 2016 JAG meeting in Paris.  Deadline: Comments submitted by 20 June 2016 will be considered at the August 2016 JAG meeting in Dublin.  Seeking input from INCITS community:  US SC Chairs and Convenors  INCITS subgroup officers │@incits Slide 13

14 JTC 1 System Integration Entities  WG 9 Big Data  Convenor: Wo Chang (US)  WG 10 Internet of Things  Convenor: Sangkeun Yoo (KR)  WG 11 Smart Cities  Convenor: Yuan Yuan ----------------------  3D Scanning & Printing  Smart Machines  …..

15 JTC 1/WG 9 Big Data  20546: Overview and Vocabulary  20547-1: Framework and Application Process  20547-2: Use Cases and Derived Requirements  20547-3: Reference Architecture  20547-4: Security and Privacy (allocated to SC 27)  20547-5: Standards Roadmap  AHG on Awareness and Engagement  AHG on Big Data Reference Architecture  AHG on Big Data Governance  AHG on BDRA Interface

16 WG 9 Liasions  TC 1/SC 6/WG 7  JTC 1/SC 27  JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11  JTC 1/SC 32  JTC 1/SC 32/WG  JTC 1/SC 32/WG 2  JTC 1/SC 36  JTC 1/SC 38  JTC 1/SC 39  ISO/TC 69  ISO/TC 204  ITU-T SG13  Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) JTC 1/SC 39 IEC/TC 1 14 IEC/TC 91 15 IEC/TC 100 IEC/SyC IEC/SG 8 IEC/SG 9 ISO/TC 184 ISO/TC 211 ISO/TC 269 ISO/TC 282/SC 2 ISO SAG Industry4.0 /Smart Manufacturing

17 JTC 1/WG 10 IoT  30141: Internet of Things Reference Architecture  20924: Definition and Vocabulary  NWIP: IoT Interoperability  SRG 1: Standardization Gaps  SRG 2: Network level technologies for IoT  SRG 6: IoT Use Cases

18 WG 10 Liasions  JTC 1/WG 7  2 JTC 1/WG 9  JTC 1/SC 6  JTC 1/SC 25  JTC 1/SC 27  JTC 1/SC 28  JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11  JTC 1/SC 31  JTC 1/SC 35  JTC 1/SC 37  JTC 1/SC 38 JTC 1/SC 39 IEC/TC 1 14 IEC/TC 91 15 IEC/TC 100 IEC/SyC IEC/SG 8 IEC/SG 9 ISO/TC 184 ISO/TC 211 ISO/TC 269 ISO/TC 282/SC 2 ISO SAG Industry4.0 /Smart Manufacturing AIM Global AIOTI/WG 3 (Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation) ETSI IoT Group GS1 IEEE P2413 IIC (Industrial Internet Consortium) ITU-T JCA-IoT ITU-T SG 13 ITU-T SG 20 OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) OMA DM (Device Management) OMG (Object Management Group) oneM2M The Open Group UPnP Forum W3C

19 JTC 1/WG 11 Smart Cities  ISO/IEC 30145: Smart city ICT reference framework  ISO/IEC 30146: Smart city ICT indicators

20 Thank you │@incits

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