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Using IT for Effective Communication Promotion and Communication Strategies for CLCs.

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Presentation on theme: "Using IT for Effective Communication Promotion and Communication Strategies for CLCs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using IT for Effective Communication Promotion and Communication Strategies for CLCs

2 Contact Information Jacqui Swinburne, Chief Operations Officer, Redfern Legal Centre, Sophie Farrell, Communications & Volunteer Manager, Redfern Legal Centre Ned Cutcher, Policy Officer, Tenants Union of NSW

3 Why use online communications? Building communities Staying in touch with current events Accessibility Self-publication and reach Building relationships with key journalists

4 Laying the ground work Communications Strategy Integration of online and offline Media Policy Social Media Guidelines Risk management (Speaking Wisely)

5 Finding capacity Who will be responsible Finding time (tweet deck) Media monitoring (front desk)

6 Building a website DIY or consultants? User testing Architecture Be responsive to data Website as a hub

7 facebook Volunteers/239369679433369 Volunteers/239369679433369 Purpose/Audience? Insights Human interaction

8 twitter Utilise skills and inclination/enthusiasm in staff Social media is primarily about human interaction Real time reactivity Connecting with journalists

9 e-bulletins Regularity is important Offer something valuable Sign up through website Campaign monitor

10 What’s next for RLC? Youtube Video media releases Video annual report Online integration Building audiences

11 blogging Purpose – “a place where tenants can catch up on the latest news, be cheaply entertained, and commune with their fellow tenants” Talk more broadly about tenancy issues, outside of the advice and advocacy context Test run ideas; respond to media; publish news & views in real time; etc

12 …but how to blog? Plan content, but be responsive and reactive as well Be prolific, but don’t write rubbish for the sake of moving through content Publish regularly, but don’t restrict yourself to a rigid schedule Use pictures and write in plain English!!! Link your blog in to your other online spaces – especially social media

13 integrate… Twitface your blog posts Refer back to previous posts when the conversation warrants it Gives purpose to social media: drive traffic to your blog Example: 260+ page views in 18 hours with strategically posted blog article (even if it was a bit of a fluke…)

14 example

15 …but differentiate Not all social media is the same Twitter = notice board. Post and run Facebook = interactive space. Stop and chat Blog = your soap box. Waffle on because you can These are not hard and fast rules. Go with the flow They can all work well on their own, but each gives you a little something that the others don’t have

16 CLCs – an engaged online community? Connect with individuals, but also with other services Many CLCs already use social media Opportunity to create our own online space/s Broadened collective reach = stronger individual profiles Like, share, comment, follow, reply, retweet

17 Don’t just be in the conversation – be what everyone is talking about! Question for individuals who use social media – how much work related content are you prepared to push onto your own private networks??? The more we talk amongst ourselves, the more others will see/know what we are all about…

18 Questions and discussion

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